All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

510 Heshen’S Begging! Ancient Instrument!

Heshen's soul? After seeing this object, even Chen Bai was slightly stunned.

The life soul is the main soul, representing the last life of an extraordinary creature.

And He Shen actually left a hand in the coffin?

Don't think that the monsters in this secret dungeon are the kind of monsters that can be slaughtered like online games. They can be refreshed and exist forever, and they can be refreshed after death according to fixed offensive actions.

In almost every birth, they have their own original wisdom, and this kind of wisdom is definitely not inferior to that of any other people. Naturally, the names of people who can be remembered in history will not be like that. mediocre.

And it seems that in this history, He Shen and the richest man are people who love money as much as life, but are also extremely afraid of death.

It seems reasonable that such a hand is still left in this secret copy.

But looking at the life soul in front of him, Chen Bai really didn't know what to do for a moment.

What's the use of this thing? It doesn't have any combat power. Could it be that I can only follow others and shout for mercy?

Chen Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at He Shen Minghun who was kowtowing like garlic, and then said calmly:

"What value do you have in continuing to live?"

Such words made the illusory He Shen's body slightly stunned, and then he kowtowed even more desperately:

"This slave is willing to serve you all sincerely and just wants to find a way to survive!"

The rest of the people looked at the guy in front of them with great interest. After all, a living person from history appeared in front of them.

And it is obviously different from the monster just now.

At this moment, the soul of He Shen seems to be the corrupt official who truly stands above history.

This feeling of walking from history into reality is indeed wonderful.

However, Chen Bai didn't feel anything. He had seen too many similar situations in his previous life, and even in the illusory Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, the real emperor of the ages was resurrected.

Heshen is not even a figure on the stage, so naturally he is not worthy of his attention.

So for Chen Bai, what he thinks about is undoubtedly the benefits that Heshen can bring to him.

The boss monster contained in such a hell-level copy naturally has many hiding places and many secret existences.

So what kind of secret does He Shen hide?

If possible, Chen Bai would not hesitate to leave a way for him to survive, or even keep him by his side.

In his abyss, he actually lacks a special manager.

Although he is the master of the abyss, he cannot stay in the abyss forever.

There are endless mysteries and opportunities in the Gods and Demons Trial Ground, and even now he cannot ignore them all.

"Ancient relics?"

For example, the Gun of Longinus he gave to Leng Shuang.

But again, he needs the big corrupt official in history in front of him to show some value that satisfies him.

Chen Bai raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at everyone.

"Master, I wonder if you have heard of the cornucopia towel?"

Because he really knows what it means and what it means.

There is also one of the purposes of coming here this time, which is the fragment of the national jade seal that Zhen Xuzi said has a chance of falling from the secret copy.

However, what they didn't expect was that after Chen Bai circled around, he said disdainfully to the soul of Heshen kneeling on the ground:

The Blue Star is extremely weird. Chen Bai had previously speculated that the Blue Star was different from the rest of the planes in the universe, and this was one of them.

In a sense, these should be regarded as ancient relics from the Blue Star Dragon Kingdom.

Chen Bai's cold voice was in front of him, ringing in the ears of this void soul, like winter snow, like a cold wind, piercing his extremely thin life soul with wounds one by one.

Moreover, special ancient relics such as the Imperial Jade Seal and the Divine Whip and the Spear of Longinus are not that common after all. Such treasures are also extremely rare in history.

But what could this ancient relic be?

According to rumors, this is the ancient relic.

After hearing this term, Chen Bai was also slightly stunned.

It seems that Chen Bai in front of him is the leader among all these people, and he has directly cut open the coffin that sealed his last trump card with terrifying power. Naturally, He Shen also knows what to do.

What secret did this weird soul want to tell the White Emperor? Although they were very curious, there was no need for the White Emperor to be suspicious at this time.

He Shen was a little helpless, but since it was Chen Bai who spoke in person, he really had nothing to be embarrassed about. He immediately gritted his teeth and told the truth:

"Just say what you have to say. If you talk nonsense again, then there is no need to say it."

"This..." He Shen pondered for a moment, but he seemed to realize that the group of evolvers in front of him was unusual, and he quickly said:

"Reporting to the master, the slave has a small reputation in history. I think the master should also know some of the slave's abilities. In addition, the slave can tell the master a secret. I wonder if the master can listen to it alone?"

"What ancient relics? Can you tell me about it?"

"What can you do?"

So Heshen said quickly:

When others didn't tell me about my previous life, the magic whip that I pushed right away was an $S-level prop.

…please give me flowers…0

It’s just that the abyss is too special. Some people and some special circumstances cannot completely trust others, but the Heshen in front of him is a pretty good candidate.

So Chen Bai asked directly:

In addition to the Spear of Longinus in the Western Holy See, there is also something similar in the East.

"Master, I know the whereabouts of an ancient relic, but I don't know if it will change in the modern world after the current situation comes.

Previously, Chen Bai had always been thinking about whether he could find a suitable talent in the Gods and Demons Trial Field to help him manage some situations in the abyss.

There are some ancient artifacts that can exert great power. Even after the actual arrival of the Gods and Demons Trial Field, they can truly have extraordinary effects and magical abilities.

Baidi City has Song Ziqiong and many established management entities, so it naturally doesn't need to be taken care of, but some overall planning in this huge abyss also requires a person who can handle it.

As expected, everyone heard He Shen's words and turned their heads slightly, wanting to avoid suspicion.

Things can be obtained easily.

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