All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

508 Heshen’S Greatest Wealth?

A special weapon that can hit people with money!?

Even everyone present in the chat group No. 001 is considered a well-informed person, but when they looked at this thing at the moment, they were still a little unable to react for a moment.

It's really weird to think about the embarrassing situation of throwing this gold ingot out, but it is obviously different for Fang Zhong.

Fang Zhong's combat effectiveness is indeed not strong. Even if he joins the 001 chat group and has many resources in the 001 chat group, his own talents, abilities and even fighting awareness are not very strong. .

After all, there are too few objects that can bring out his fighting style and his own temperament.

What he didn't expect was that what he wanted in his heart actually appeared in front of him.

Isn't this what is best for him?

So this guy didn't care at all that the battle at this moment was being broadcast live by everyone in Dragon City outside and even his sister. He directly stepped forward, knelt down, and hugged Zhen Xuzi's thigh.

"Master Dao, please take pity on me, Master Dao!"

Everyone present put their hands on their foreheads, and at this moment, outside the secret realm, Fang Fang was also speechless.

But if he could become stronger, it would be nothing in this doomsday. Besides, Fang Zhong himself has this kind of virtue, so no one would care.

Even Zhen Xuzi smiled slightly and said:

"Okay, I guess no one except you will want to wait until the dungeon is over to talk about this!"

After getting a positive reply from Zhen Xuzi, Fang Zhongxin was overjoyed.

Looking at the two gold and silver ingots with pleasure.

However, what was produced next undoubtedly made Fang Zhong's eyes red again.

Obviously, He Shen is definitely the most suitable boss for Fang Zhong.

If this was not a boss, but an NPC, I'm afraid Fang Zhong would have knelt down and called him foster father.

Because everything produced by Heshen, whether it is equipment or skills, is undoubtedly related to money.

As the largest treasury in Dragon City, it is obvious that Fang Zhong is not short of money no matter what.

At this moment, the prop that Zhen Xuzi took out from under He Shen again was obviously something related to money.

This is a skills book.

On the cover of the skill book, there is a golden copper coin painted.

However, at this moment, Chen Bai on the side obviously didn't care about these things.

The omniscient eye was once again activated by Chen Ping, and the strange runes above his eyes appeared so eerie and terrifying.

There are two passages in the underground palace of the tomb after Heshen, which made everyone frown slightly, because they all already know what the rules of this underground palace are. Once the exploration time is too long, it is really life-threatening, no Just kidding.

Of course, that is for the vast majority of evolvers. In chat group 001, everyone's fighting style already has their own direction, and there is no need to make any changes because of this.

Especially Fang Zhong, but for Chen Bai, he was not satisfied with how much this dropped thing was.

Everyone has only one life.

The two passages undoubtedly give some hesitation to everyone who does not have this copy of the guide.

That burning incinerator.

The kind of skills that rush up to fight zombies, secret realm copies, or other evolved people are too dangerous, while the summoning skills only need to summon the creatures out and watch the battle.

And this skill book is even very familiar to everyone.

It is an extremely precious S-level detection skill.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping no longer hesitated, and slowly took steps amidst everyone's surprise, arriving at the huge coffin behind He Shen's body in the center of the underground palace.

The countless little ghosts summoned by the scattered copper coins are a true reflection of this skill.

[Money can make ghosts grind (A-level skill): Throw a large amount of gold coins and summon countless money-greedy ghosts to help you fight. The strength of the money-greedy ghosts is determined by the gold coins thrown and their own mental strength. 】

At the same time, this huge dark coffin also showed some clues:

But Chen Bai ignored this little thing. His eyes slowly moved around the underground palace, and finally focused on one thing.

In the incinerator, he obtained an unimaginably terrifying prop, the so-called treasure left over from the previous era, the Gluttonous Noodle.

[The huge black coffin: the wood is mainly made of golden nanmu, supplemented by pure gold and gold paint, and dark ink is added. It is extremely precious and is used to store Heshen's greatest wealth!]

So is there such an inconspicuous little mechanism hidden in this underground palace?

Good guy, this boss seems to be beaten not for myself, but for this guy.

Summoning skills are quite popular abilities in this huge evolutionary field of gods and demons.

Only he knows his luck value and his drop rate bonus best, but unless Heshen really only has this little thing, otherwise it is impossible. This is the only thing missing.

His all-seeing eye was given to him by Winifred.

But obviously, everyone present did not feel this way and had already looked towards the passage behind them.

He has already seen that He Shen was a level 40 boss before, and as for some other things, he can also see it very clearly.

After all, the Evolution Field of Gods and Demons is not a game, nor is it a character in the game. You can be resurrected after death.

He Shen’s greatest wealth?

After completing his second transformation after his breakthrough in strength, the skill of the Omniscient Eye has also been further improved.

Since it is a level 40 boss, it is not only a leapfrog kill, but also although Chen Bai did not take action personally, it also has a lucky bonus. Such a drop is for many people, such as all the people in the chat group No. 001. People are already very satisfied,

Zhen Xuzi did not catch all the items that fell out, but gave them all to Fang Zhong.

Because just now He Shen used this special and unique skill.

He once again remembered that more than half a year ago, after entering the doomsday, the first dungeon he experienced was a nightmare-level terrifying dungeon. Li Zhao)

So in Zhen Xuzi's helpless eyes, he could only continue to give Fang Zhong a guarantee.

No matter that, the gold and silver ingots or the skills that can make money work, they are all insignificant to him. At this moment, he was looking at another thing but fell into deep thought.

Chen Bai raised his eyebrows slightly. .

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