All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

507 Weird Weapons: Gold And Silver Ingots!

The strength and skills displayed by these two, the Evolver and the Dungeon Boss, are not many, but just these moves displayed have already made everyone present feel the true strength of Zhenxunzi.

And at the end, he directly called out the Zixiao Divine Thunder rumored by Taoists. After powerfully killing this level 40 boss in one fell swoop,

Only then did everyone understand that this well-hidden old Niubi seemed to have a low reputation in the 001 group, but his true strength was definitely not inferior to anyone else.

Along with the light of improvement in everyone's body that once again lit up, Zhen Xuzi smiled slightly:

"I'm sorry, I made all my friends laugh, and it took a little longer to resolve!"

Everyone rolled their eyes, wondering whether this old man was sincere or in Versailles.

The ones they had dealt with before were just miscellaneous fish and monsters. How could it be so powerful that Overlord Xiang Yang could directly stab a bunch of them with one spear and kill a large area with one sword?

At this moment, He Shen is a genuine level 40 boss, but the battle lasted no more than 5 minutes. Is this the same as the others?

But at this moment, this old ghost's strength has indeed been recognized by everyone.

Of course, Zhen Xuzi still looked modest and low-key, and even felt that he was a bit Versailles. He also added a little bit later:

"My Purple Sky Divine Thunder and many skills have a great restraint effect and ability on monsters such as ghosts and souls, so I can achieve great success in one fell swoop. If it were other types, it might not be that simple."

The others rolled their eyes again. His explanation was better than not explaining. What kind of restraint skill can go beyond level 10 and kill a boss at such a high level?

The strength of this old ghost becomes more and more mysterious the more he talks about it.

But at this time, Zhen Xuzi obviously saw it, and the others didn't say anything more about the disbelief in his words. They just laughed and walked towards He Shen's body.

The best thing to do when killing a boss is undoubtedly to touch the corpse, especially a dungeon of this level and difficulty.

What kind of precious items can be dropped from a copy of this level? Undoubtedly, everyone also has expectations,

And I have to say that Heshen's strength was just there. I can't say how powerful the various skills he displayed were, but they were quite interesting and naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Even Chen Bai followed and looked over. Every hell-level dungeon is worthy of careful attention, and any gains undoubtedly need to be taken lightly.

What everyone didn't expect was that the one left and right that Zhen Xuzi took out turned out to be two ingots.

He himself was not good at fighting, so he gave most of the items previously auctioned from Group 001 to the family, allowing the Fang family to completely gain a foothold in the Dragon City.

【Gold ingot】

This equipment has two ingots, one gold and one silver. The silver ingot is obviously slightly smaller, while the golden ingot is about the size of an adult's fist.

Of course, the flaw of this thing is also very obvious. To activate any skill, any effect and power, you need to permanently consume your own gold coins.

It goes without saying what this concept is, and it goes without saying that there is also the gain of money experience and even drop rate in the attribute bonus of this gold and silver ingot.

Except for one person.

[Silver Mountain: It can consume one's own wealth and create a silver mountain to suppress it. The power of the silver mountain depends on how much one's own wealth is consumed. 】

[Gold and Silver Mountain (Set 1/2): When holding and using Silver Ingot and Gold Ingot at the same time, the additional attributes of the equipment are doubled. After the battle, 50% of the money consumed can be recovered]

This thing is a real hard currency at any time, even in the universe. Needless to say, the preciousness of gold coins is needless to say, and the need to permanently consume money as the basis of combat strength is undoubtedly not something ordinary people can afford.

[Equipment requirements: level 35, own wealth greater than 50,000 gold coins!]

[Equipment requirements: level 35, own wealth greater than 50,000 gold coins!]

[ps: Wealth is the root of evil, throw all your wealth at your enemies!]

After all, they have a fighting method that they are already good at. These two gold and silver ingots can only be used to throw them out to hit people. This naked fighting method is not in line with most people.

It was no one else, but Fang Zhong, whose eyes were already red at this moment.

Zhen Xuzi couldn’t wait to post the attributes of these two pieces of equipment:

Therefore, although this thing seems extremely precious, in fact it is obviously very useless to most people present.

[Raining money all over the sky:: You can consume your own wealth and sprinkle money as a rain. The power of the money rain depends on how much your own wealth is consumed]

[All attributes +250, gold coin acquisition +15%, experience acquisition rate +5%, drop rate +20%]

The properties of this silver ingot are interesting, and it is indeed quite interesting. Chen Bai nodded slightly when he saw it. Such weapons are extremely rare.

[ps: Wealth is the root of evil, throw all your wealth at your enemies!]

The appearance of these two ingots is extremely full, and it can be said that they are made as fakes, but the flashing light on them shows that not only are these two items not fakes, but they are also two very good pieces of equipment and props.

[All attributes +250, gold coin acquisition amount +15%, experience acquisition rate +5%, drop explosion rate +20%]

[Gold Body: Can consume one's own wealth and temporarily increase one's own attributes. The amount of increased attributes is determined by the amount of wealth consumed. 】


[Jinshan Yinshan (Set 1/2): When holding and using silver ingot and gold ingot at the same time, the additional attributes of the equipment are doubled. After the battle, the money consumed can be reduced by 50%]

This gold and silver ingot is actually a set, and can be used together. The attributes added by these two weapons alone, when combined with the set effect of 833, can provide the evolver with a full 1,000-point attribute bonus.

These are not just two pieces of equipment, but also a very special weapon among the pieces of equipment.

But now that he saw this gold and silver ingot, Fang Zhong finally felt that he had found his destiny treasure. .

That's right, these two things are actually equipment. Even Zhen Xuzi didn't react to this at the first time.

[Buy people's hearts: You can consume your own wealth to buy the enemy's people's hearts. The control effect and time are determined based on your own mental power and the amount of wealth consumed. 】

Chen Bai was fine when he saw the silver ingot, but after seeing the gold ingot, not only Chen Bai, but all the members of Group 001 were slightly startled at this moment. What a powerful weapon, and it is also very powerful. Two-handed weapons.

[Level A——Weapon throwing objects]

[Level A——Weapon throwing objects]

At the same time, he also gave the extremely precious demon blood directly to his sister.

【Silver Yuan Bao】

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