Chapter 296 The Obedient Devil’s Vine

Then they went back to their respective rooms to rest. Soaking in that hot spring on this day was simply uncomfortable.

So that none of them wanted to leave. Lin Feng has sent Colonel Corn to visit the Tourmaline Palace to take a look.

If there are any people over there, you can borrow a few. They only have a few humans here, and no one cooks.

You can’t always go out to buy and eat, after all, it is very troublesome.

So when the tourmaline palace heard that Lin Feng was back, they immediately sent a large number of people here to help.

He was stopped by Colonel Corn and said, “The master only needs the chef, and nothing else.”

So he only brought it back, one to clean the room and one to cook.

Because Colonel Corn really knew that his master was a quiet person.

If his two friends hadn’t followed, his master would never let others come to his emerald palace.

So the colonel led two people back when they came to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is sitting there, waiting to see Colonel Maize bring people back.

757 After looking at the two people very happily.

Colonel Corn said, “Master, these two were brought back from Tourmaline Palace. One is a cook and the other is a miscellaneous.”

“Let them give us here, cook and clean up the house.

Lin Feng nodded and said, “Okay, I’m sorry to trouble you, Colonel Maize, go back and rest soon.”

So Colonel Corn returned, and his position was gone. Lin Feng looked at the two people, very loyal and honest.

So he said to the two of them: “So you hurry up and cook for the kitchen, we are all hungry.

“I hope I can eat some, just simple meals.”

The two chefs nodded and bowed, and went to the kitchen to work after they went down.

Lin Feng and the others were there waiting to eat. Lin Feng from my side led them to his plantation.

Lin Feng took out his sunshine crystal and collected the sunshine there.

He has collected a lot of sunlight in the past few days. If there is too much sunlight, he will collect it and use it for other purposes.

In this case, there is no need to worry about the lack of sunlight. This time, Lin Feng intends to reserve all of these energy for emergencies.

I saw these new plants that they brought back recently, and they are growing very well.

Lin Feng came to the devil vine, and the vine seemed to be very friendly to Lin Feng.

Stretching out his long vine, he came to Lin Feng and nodded, as if he was very respectful to Lin Feng there.

Where Lin Feng is directing, he is performing his own stunts there, and he sees Devil Vine.

Very quickly, he began to perform his stunts there, continuously extending and thickening.

And the powerful appearance made Murong Xue and Hong Peng amazed.

They have never seen this devil vine there.

Surprised: “When did you Lin Feng get such a good baby, and with such a strong combat power, you have the ability (ahcf) of a Tier 5 master?”

Lin Feng smiled and said: “This is also a blessing in disguise for me. Good people are rewarded. I have led these plant heroes to return to the Emerald Palace.

“There was a fire on the road, and the fire was destroyed by my frozen mushrooms and frozen watermelon.”

“It turned out to be caused by some fire-breathing zombies there, so I asked them to kill all the fire-breathing zombies.

“Rescued these devil vines, if we hadn’t killed these devil vines’ natural enemies, fire-breathing dragon zombies, these devil vines might have been burned alive.”

“So these devil vines willingly surrendered to me, and I brought them back.

After Lin Feng said this, Hong Peng widened his eyes and said, “Lin Feng, you are not here to tell me the story, are you telling the truth?”

“I really have such an adventure, I really don’t know?”

These “devil vines can still be obtained like this, so happy you.”

Murongxue said enviously: “People Lin Feng, this is a blessing in disguise, and it can be regarded as a good person with good rewards, Lin Feng congratulations.”

Lin Feng smiled and said: “In fact, these obedient people are not as scary as the legend, although they are full of power.”

“But under my training, it won’t hurt other humans easily, but will become a powerful assistant to me.

After the devil vines performed, they retired respectfully.

Lin Feng nodded to him so that he could take a good rest.

So Lin Feng looked at him there again, and the other plant heroes said there: “My plant heroes and I were born and died for so long, for I can be said to have gone through water and fire, and will not hesitate.”

“I won’t let them. I will make any sacrifices for me in vain. I will definitely upgrade their ranks.”

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