Chapter 295 The Filial Child

Murongxue smiled and said to Lin Feng: “Then discuss something with you. My grandpa’s legs always hurt when it’s cold. Can you let him come to this hot spring too?”

“If I can, I’ll have him pick him up.

Lin Feng smiled and said, “Of course he can. If you want your grandpa to come, then you can let him sigh quickly.

Anyway, “We are all here now, we will stay for a few days.”

Murongxue smiled and said, “That’s great, thank you Lin Feng, my grandpa’s legs worry me very much.

“It has been for so many years. Grandpa and I depended on each other for life, but he suffered from the pain every day when he was old.”

“I am also very sad. If he can reduce his illness, then I feel so happy.”

Lin Feng said with a smile: You are really a filial child, in that case, you should hurry up and find someone to send a letter to your grandfather. ”

Murongxue smiled and said, “Thank you so much. When my grandfather’s illness is cured, I will definitely thank you well.”

Lin Feng glared at him there and said, “What do our brothers have to say those polite remarks? It’s not someone else, your grandfather is my grandfather.”

“Your family is my family, why do you still tell me so clearly?”

“After your grandpa arrives, we will definitely entertain his old man and let him enjoy it here.”

“In the future, I will say hello to my plants. Even if I am not here, let your grandfather and old man come here to take a bath alone, isn’t it okay?”

“Furthermore, is there anyone around him helping him? I believe that at an old man’s age, it is safer for someone to take care of him all the time.

Murongxue nodded and said, “Don’t worry, there is a particularly obedient uncle beside my grandfather. He has been under my grandfather since he was a child.”

“Always follow him, so he is my grandfather’s subordinate and bodyguard, he will follow him all the time.”

“But his illness has not been relieved, which makes us all very worried.”

Lin Feng nodded and said, “Well, then you can let your grandfather come as soon as possible, and heal the disease earlier so that his old man will be less guilty.”

At this moment, Murong Xue took out one of his own rings, and saw that a small shiny thing appeared in his ring in an instant.

It was like a little bee with wings, so he was there and said a few words to the little bee.

The little bee was on his head and flew away after a few laps

Lin Feng both looked dumbfounded and stared at the ring in Murong Xue’s hand.

Asked: “Murongxue what are you doing? You just let something out of the ring. Do you have any advanced weapons?”

Murongxue smiled and said, “Don’t guess there. This is just a communicator of mine. I will let this communicator go to my house and pass my message to Grandpa.”

“Let my grandfather take his hand down, and it’s all right here.

Lin Feng and the others took a look, and Murong Xue said, “I didn’t expect that you have such advanced things in your house? Can you let me see it?”

Lin Feng took the ring in Murongxue’s hand and looked at it carefully, and found that there was a small switch on the ring.

After one press, the top of the ring is opened, and the small flying machine can fly out from the inside.

It turned out to be such an advanced thing, Lin Feng and the two of them were very envious after seeing it.

Murongxue on the side said, “Don’t worry, Lin Feng, after waiting for you to come to my house for a while, I will also give you a ring like this.”

“This is my elder brother. He will study these things when he is fine in the unit. After the study, he tells me to spare one.”

“I didn’t expect this to be useful today, so grandpa would soon know that I am in this place.

So a few of them were there, and they began to soak in the hot spring next to the hot spring, drinking tea, and eating a variety of fresh fruits.

Lin Feng looked at this place and thought to himself how happy it would be to be here every day in the future.

Sometimes he feels bored with the days when he fights and fights outside, although he is comfortable with food and clothing here, and it is very quiet.

But I think it’s a bit too luxurious (Zhao Li’s), and he and his plants live here quietly, which is actually quite good.

But his primary goal now is to make this Dragon Nation the country with the strongest defense capabilities.

He can live here peacefully, if his country is already occupied.

Or is he in the chaos of war all the year round, where did he come from such a quiet life?

Especially his place, it is likely to be occupied by those bad guys.

So when a few of them were soaking in the comfortable hot spring, they felt drowsy.

Lin Feng and the others were reluctant to give up. Several people came out of the hot spring and changed into a set of dry clothes.

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