Chapter 297 The Rare Human Smell of Fireworks

“In the future, they will have a stronger presence among these plants.

Those plants seem to understand, and all Lin Feng said and bowed his head to Lin Feng.

After watching there for a while, the few of them turned and left when they returned to the room.

The hot food over there has already been brought up, and the newly invited chef and clerk by Lin Feng have already started to serve them there.

Unexpectedly, the chef’s craftsmanship is really good. Hong Peng and Murong Xue are already hungry there.

After taking a bath, I felt that my body lacked some energy, and I wanted to eat.

Seeing the sumptuous food on this table, I felt my index finger moved, and a few of them sat around the table.

No one is polite. They are all such familiar friends anyway, and they sit there and start eating.

While eating, he was full of praise for the chef’s craftsmanship. The chef was respectful and was very satisfied when he stood and saw them.

They were all there too, wiping the sweat from his forehead. The chef had always thought that Lin Feng was a god-like figure.

In this jade palace, I did not expect Lin Feng to be so approachable and kind to him.

After coming here, he has been terrified, for fear that something is wrong will cause the master to be dissatisfied, if he is straightforward, what should I do if it is eliminated?

Seeing Lin Feng, they were very satisfied with the food they cooked, and he was relieved.

After all, he didn’t know Lin Feng at all, that is excusable.

Lin Feng looked at him and the miscellaneous man and said, “You two should also go down for dinner. It will be nice to keep a portion for yourself when you cook next time.”

“You can eat whatever we eat. You don’t need to do anything alone. If I’m not here, you two will help me take care of these flowers and plants.”

“It is enough to water regularly. I will arrange some things for you. In the future, you two can live here with confidence.

“As long as I am loyal to Lin Feng, I will not treat you two wrongly.”

After hearing what Lin Feng said, the two nodded there, thanking Lin Feng for being so kind to them.

So the two retired happily, thinking about whether they would suffer unfair treatment when they got here.

I didn’t expect that the host here would be so kind to them. They were overjoyed and felt that Lin Feng was really good.

Let the hearts of the two of them rest. Lin Feng and Hong Peng Murongxue and the three of them felt particularly comfortable after drinking and eating.

I didn’t expect that in this jade palace, there was also the smell of fireworks on earth, which really made Lin Feng very happy.

Had it not been for Murongxue and the two of them, he had never thought about it before, and would have to get a cook to cook for him.

He is very casual, he can eat anything. He made some snacks before and just took a bite.

But now with the enjoyment of these delicacies, he never wants to eat those dry things anymore.

Think about it as his home. Wouldn’t it be better to make more human fireworks here in the future?

So Lin Feng at this time said to Murongxue and the others: “If this is the case, let’s go shopping tomorrow, so that these two chefs can also follow the things that the family needs.”

0.……Look for flowers………

“Let’s buy some back. Although it is very luxurious and has everything to use, some things are actually flashy and not practical at all.”

“I think it’s still like ordinary people’s homes, and the things they use are more practical, don’t they?”

Murongxue nodded and said with a smile: “Actually, I have already thought of this. It is true. It is not practical at all, but it lacks the taste of home.

At this moment, when they said this, a small bright spot flew from a distance, a little closer.

They knew it. Grandpa Murongxue’s reply came back, and Murongxue stretched out her hand.

After receiving the little bright spot in his hand, he put it in the ring, and then put the ring into his ear.

He listened there for a while, and said with a smile: “My grandfather has heard my message, and then he will leave tomorrow.”

“When we get here, we still have to welcome the arrival of his old man.

It is estimated that “in the future, our place will be even more lively, Lin Feng, will you be annoying?”

Lin Feng smiled and said: “Then how could it be like you talk about the lack of the human breath.

“If his old man came here, it would be more homely here.”

“It’s just that I don’t know what to do. Getting along with the old man is afraid of offending him? You have to tell me more then.”

Murongxue shook her head there and said, “I didn’t expect that Lin Feng, you still have something to be afraid of. Don’t worry, my grandpa is very kind.”

“He is a very amiable old man. He usually loves me so much. You will know when the time comes.”

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