Chapter 281 Holy Light Covers the Sky! Devouring the God Tree!

In the lava plain.

Lin Feng dispatched three plant heroes.

He silently observes the situation from the distance of the volcano.

At the same time, I am waiting for the flight ability of the endless suit to recover.

Once you wait, it will destroy the mushroom and explode.

He must stay away as soon as possible.

The endless suits that have been enhanced are very powerful and fast.

Although it certainly cannot be compared with equipment that has been enhanced with top materials such as Endless Bloom and Neutron Ingots.

But rely on the speed of the endless suit now.

Enough to allow himself to escape the enveloped area of ​​the destruction station.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

High in the sky.

There are no clouds in the dry sky.

Now there is even a lack of water vapor.

Under the shroud of black plumes of smoke.

The entire lava plain and the volcano were filled with dim halos.

An ominous breath was revealed.

Lin Feng can clearly feel it.

The huge volcano in the distance is wriggling and awakening.

Is becoming more and more active.

This is an active volcano.

No wonder, when preparing the space, I didn’t see the monster that was too difficult to resist from the light curtain.

It turns out that in this trial, the real difficulty is the environment.

If it were not for the annotation system, it would be impossible for oneself to know where to solve the volcanic eruption.

after all.

Although 250 has Destroy Mushroom, and under the current circumstances, the speed of growing Destroy Mushroom is very fast.

But no matter how much destruction, it can’t directly confront the volcano directly.

The energy of a violent volcanic eruption is far beyond that of ordinary mushroom eggs.

In this situation.

Even if he has more destruction, he cannot suppress the volcanic eruption.

He is not a top guardian like Murong Xue, and can forcibly block the eruption of a volcano.

Fortunately, the annotation system pointed out the way forward.

Detonate the destruction mushroom in a special place and blow up the volcano.

Guide the shock wave to the direction you specify.

By regulating outside the volcano.

Thereby affecting the changes of the volcano.

Under such circumstances, he can complete the trial and control the eruption.

If it can’t be suppressed.

You can also directly summon the God Devouring Tree.

As a seventh-order powerhouse.

At the same time, it swallowed the soul of the twelve-winged angel far beyond the tenth order.

The ability to devour the tree of God is definitely far beyond the average high-level powerhouse.

I must be able to complete this trial.

After returning to his senses, Lin Feng looked forward.

The three plant heroes, Colonel Corn, Rose Mage, and Xiangbang Archer, took the destruction mushroom to the distant volcano.

At such a distance, I can only see a few small spots.

Lin Feng made a mental estimate.

He is more than a few kilometers away from the position of the three plant heroes.

But at such a distance, as long as you concentrate yourself, you can still see the details of the three plant heroes in the distance.

This is the advantage of professionals.

Reach the rank of Tier 5 gardener.

His own strength has far surpassed ordinary people.

Such changes are reflected in all aspects.

And with a variety of special plants, he can go further.

Next, is the sixth order.

When it comes to a level, laying the foundation for the next promotion to a high-level trial is the most important thing.

Lin Feng’s eyes became hot.

He knows very clearly.

What can I do at that critical level?

I can lay a foundation that surpasses everyone.

Get in your mood.

Lin Feng looked up.

The plant heroes have arrived at the designated location.

More than a dozen ruined mushrooms were buried in the soil.

Lin Feng directly held the War Garden pendant.

A yellow light flashed.

The three plant heroes all teleported back and entered the pendant.

The crystal wings on the back glowed, and he flew towards the direction of the God-Eating Tree at an extremely fast speed.

Behind him, continuous explosions rose.




At this moment, the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking, and the sky is falling apart!

Spherical rays of scarlet red rose up and quickly became bigger.

The hot radiation instantly enveloped the surrounding area for several kilometers.

Lin Feng escaped by chance.

In this area, there are no more shadows.

The terrifying light illuminates everything.

On the ground, the volcanic ash molecules that had melted due to the high temperature became more dispersed.

Lava flows everywhere!

All the stones and magma soften and flow quickly.


Cracks were torn open on the ground, and they were quickly filled with molten magma.

But the temperature around the volcano is still rising rapidly.

Because of the chain reaction, powerful energy rages around.

The hard ground quickly softened into magma, and then gasified at higher temperatures and pressures.

In the sky.

A huge orange ball of light lit up and then quickly went out.

Bring up huge spherical gas.

Soon, the gas below the waist of the huge balloon contracted and collapsed inward.

The air mass grew rapidly and rose.

A huge mushroom air mass covering thousands of meters is in the air!


The powerful explosion of the destruction mushroom exploded the ground on the side of the volcano.

The magma that had been together found a catharsis instantly.

Countless lava ejected and splashed in the air.

Trembling with the distance of the ground.

Lin Feng felt that the surrounding terrain had been changed.

The lava volcano erupted.

But it broke out in another form.

Rows of huge sky appeared on the ground.

The lava magma that was originally concentrated in one place and erupted into the air was scattered like this.

The power of volcanic eruption is greatly reduced!

Lin Feng has left the place where the mushroom eggs are.

He turned his head and looked at the exploding volcano.

After just bombing with destruction mushrooms.

The lava inside the volcano was vented.

Although there was still a lot of noise.

But the volcano will not erupt so badly anymore.

This trial is also half completed.

Next, I just waited for the lava to calm down slowly, it should be fine.

Just at this time.

Lin Feng found an anomaly.

Behind him, the holy light must have appeared.

That is the God Devouring Tree!

I don’t know when, the God Devouring Tree shrank together, and the main trunk appeared behind him with a whole forest.

“What’s wrong?”

Lin Feng frowned and asked.

Although Lingzhi was just born, his current intelligence is not high.

But general communication is definitely enough.

It’s a pity that Lin Feng didn’t understand the message from the God-Eating Tree this time.

Just when he was wondering.

The entire God-Eating Tree jungle flew up.

It flies towards the volcano in the distance!

Lin Feng was surprised!

What the hell?

What are you doing?

But he did not act rashly.

There are war garden pendants.

The God Devouring Tree will not die so easily.

Soon, it descended on the volcano.

The holy light soars into the sky!

Countless to the holy light to compare the power of destroying mushrooms before, covering this neighborhood!

Lin Feng was shocked to find out.

The God Devouring Tree is directly absorbing the energy of the volcano!

Holy light covers the sky!

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