Chapter 280 The nuclear bomb flattened the volcano?


A loud noise echoed across the lava plain.

A violent vibration came from the ground.

Lin Feng frowned and looked at the place where the volcano erupted.

Clouds of black smoke rose and hovered in the air.

Lin Feng concentrated and looked at the smoke column in the distance.

[Volcanic ash: In an explosive volcanic activity, solid rocks and lava are broken down into fine particles and formed)

[Note: Pozzolanic activity, that is, it can react with lime (Cao) at room temperature and in the presence of water to form a hydrate with hydraulic gelling ability)

Lin Feng, who was still having a headache because of the upcoming eruption of the volcano, was stunned when he saw this comment.

This annotation system:

Why did you reveal a sense of inconsistency again?

What the hell is this inexplicable science?


Just when Lin Feng was a little distracted.

A violent tremor spread from the ground.

Even standing on the canopy of the God-Eating Tree.

That strong shock also spread through the trunk of the God-Eating Tree.

Lin Feng smiled suddenly.

The situation is urgent now.

The optional trial is about to fail.

After all, the volcano is about to erupt, and I need to stop it.

But even so.

I can still laugh.

I lost my mind before.

This is a change of mentality.

Lin Feng was keenly aware of his changes at this moment.

After so long of trial.

His strength is no longer what it used to be.

The perspective on the real object is also different.

As long as I have maintained the current momentum of advancement.

With the help of annotation system and many special plants.

I can fully grow and become a top powerhouse.

He couldn’t get the SSS grade evaluation after one or two trials, and he didn’t care so much anymore.

Withdrawing his mind, Lin Feng completed his self-analysis and began to concentrate on the trial before him.

“Corn Colonel, you lead the plant soldiers to take a look ahead with me.

Let’s “check out the situation of the volcano.”

“Leave the tree of God Devouring here, let it continue to devour it.”

Talk about it.

Lin Feng urged the faint green crystal light wing behind him.

Strips of green fluorescence flashed from behind.

Driven by the endless suit, his figure flew forward.

Colonel Maize just wanted to discuss the mission order with him, but found out that he had already set off.

There was no way, Colonel Corn could only bring many plant soldiers, Rose Mage, and Xiangyuan Archer down from the canopy and rushed outside.

“Why didn’t the Lord bring the tree of Devouring God? Do you want to take this risk?”

Colonel Corn frowned.

Lin Feng clearly had a more secure way, but it was a bit risky to rush out like this.

The Rose Mage guessed: “Perhaps it is because the current War Garden Pendant has become stronger.

“After all, in the last trial, we have verified that its effective distance exceeds tens of kilometers.

“Even if you are in danger, you can only return the God-Eater Tree directly to the War Garden Pendant, and then release it.

Although Colonel Maize didn’t know Lin Feng’s specific plan.

But Master Rose’s guess is reasonable.

He can only believe so.

Things the plant heroes don’t know.

After what happened just now.

Lin Feng has changed his mind.

The Devourer Tree is certainly powerful.

When he is the most powerful place, there are all kinds of weird plants, and the annotation system.

The God-Eating Tree is just a kind of plant that he cultivated.

I use the God-Eating Tree myself to achieve a trial.

It’s not to tie yourself around it.

Now let it stand the bombardment of the tide of corpses and absorb nutrients to your heart’s content.

General dangers can be withstood by just relying on plant defenses.

Don’t become cringe because of the God Eater Tree.

Under the rapid advance of Colonel Corn and others.

These plant soldiers soon arrived around Lin Feng.

They crossed the defensive line of the Devouring Tree and headed towards the volcanic zone.

They appeared and attracted the attention of many zombies.

One by one, zombies with pus on their bodies rushed forward.


Bang bang bang!


Accompanied by a crisp sound.

Frozen watermelon soldiers and machine gun peas opened fire one after another.

A blue arc-shaped trajectory appeared in the air.

Under the high temperature evaporation, the water of the watermelon bullet quickly dissipated, leaving a white light in the air.



The frozen watermelon exploded in the crowd of zombies, and the blue and white crumbs and red flesh splashed in all directions.

And the zombies that were hit by the frozen watermelon at first have become a pool of fleshy flesh.

The scattered watermelon meat was extremely low in temperature, hard as iron, cutting the body of the zombie.

Even the temperature of the lava ice field is so high.

Still can’t reduce the power of frozen watermelon much.

Enhancement after the last trial.

All frozen plants have been enhanced.

The temperature of frozen watermelon is lower, and the strength is stronger.

These zombies on the lava plain are not opponents at all.

If Wangwang smashed a frozen watermelon, he could kill a piece of zombie.

Large pits appeared on the ground that was originally in a soft mud state due to the high temperature.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng showed a slight smile.

In this kind of place.

This frozen watermelon has become a weapon of total destruction.

The zombies fell down in pieces.

No monster can block the path in front of him, can block their direction.

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the volcano ahead.

The plume of smoke is even greater.

Driven by the hot air, a cloud of smoke flew into the air while spinning.

At this point, Lin Feng has been able to perceive the state of the lava volcano.

The comment system clearly describes the situation of the volcano.

【Lava volcano: Highly active inside, about to erupt.

[Note: It is recommended that the host use the destruction mushroom to detonate the volcano from the side, and use the shock wave to guide the underground lava vibration to the side. ”

Checked the situation of the volcano (Denohao), Lin Feng did not have any cover.

With a big wave of his hand, rows of destruction mushrooms appeared in front of him.

Lin Feng stretched out his hand, pointed at the tipping point said by the comment system, and looked at the three plant heroes.

“Go over there, put all these destruction mushrooms over, and detonate them. I will receive you directly into the War Garden Pendant.”

The three plant heroes looked bitter.

Although they will not die.

But no one wants to die once by himself.

But there is no way.

They can only obediently pick up the destruction mushroom and rush towards the volcano.

Only Colonel Corn asked: “Lord, are you sure that detonating the volcano can suppress the volcanic eruption? Will it not achieve the effect of the idea?”

Lin Feng said nothing, nodded calmly.

Although I am still very curious.

But Colonel Corn could only suppress the doubts in his heart, and rushed to the volcano with many destruction mushrooms.

They will use nuclear bombs to suppress the eruption of this volcano!

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