Chapter 282 turned out to be a misunderstanding

In Lin Feng’s cognition, this tree is of course afraid of fire, so he understands the previous performance of the God Eater Tree.

But he didn’t even think that this God Devouring Tree could actually absorb the energy from the volcanic eruption here?

And this volcanic explosion does not mean that it really erupted.

But because Lin Feng used it, so many destruction mushrooms exploded and completely destroyed the volcano.

So the lava in this volcano, the energy emitted by it, has begun to radiate endlessly.

And at this time, these god-devouring trees were actually absorbing the energy caused by these explosions?

It made Lin Feng amazed, what is going on? Lin Feng didn’t figure it out for a while.

He discovered that these god-eating trees had already begun to slowly change, and the whole body was emitting golden holy light.

And as far as the energy of these God-Eating Trees is concerned, it has already been completely upgraded there, and it will become a more powerful existence.

Unexpectedly, the God-Eating Tree before, shrank and dared not move forward.

There is no other three plant heroes, so courageously forward.

But I didn’t expect that at the last moment, the God Devouring Tree would come forward and absorb energy.

This will be a major discovery, and Lin Feng hasn’t really thought about it.

These three plant heroes stood beside Lin Feng and saw this shocking scene.

Colonel Maize said questioningly there, “Lord, this sacred tree. It is really unpredictable. It has such a great ability. Why didn’t it appear just now?”

“On the contrary, it is there now, to absorb energy?”

Lin Feng was also puzzled looking there, so he shook his head and said, “I didn’t want to understand this matter. The usual god-eating tree is extremely brave.

“And today, it is exceptionally abnormal. I will use it as a War Garden Pendant in a while, and I will ask it after I call it back.”

The Mage Rose on the side was also there, marveling at the tree of Devouring God, still having such a great ability?

When he saw this scene, he was thinking of them there. People in this plant system are generally very afraid of fire.

But when the God Eater Tree started, I thought it was there, and I was afraid of the fire caused by this volcanic eruption.

But I didn’t expect it to go and absorb energy?”

When they were there watching the wonders in front of them, the whole body of the God-Eating Tree was exuding golden holy light.

When it returned to Lin Feng’s side, it stood respectfully there.

And the whole bush of trees behind it also stood in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at it there and said, “Can you explain to me what happened today?”

The God Devouring Tree thought for a while and said: “In fact, we had always wanted to devour the energy of the volcano’s eruption before.

“But the broken dragon corpses that we swallowed before have not been completely absorbed yet.”

“So we plan to absorb all this energy after it has been absorbed.”

“Go to absorb the energy of these volcanoes, so that you can ensure safety.”

Lin Feng thought for a while, indeed at this time he really shouldn’t complain about eating the sacred tree.

If the behavior just now, as he imagined, the Tree of God Eater rushed forward regardless, it was likely to go directly to death.

But now he saw these God Devouring Trees, he had already succeeded, and he was promoted to a rank eight powerhouse.

Compared with before, they swallowed the lost soul of the twelve-winged angels and the energy caused by those volcanic eruptions.

0……Look for flowers…

In this way, these powerful God Devouring Trees are even more powerful.

Lin Feng nodded and said, “Next time there is something like this, I have to explain it to me, don’t let us get it wrong.”

“We are all wondering in our hearts.

“We are partners from birth to death, you know?”

The God Devouring Tree replied there: “Lord, don’t worry, we have become stronger, and we have the ability to fight against those Damn it zombies.”

We “will definitely follow your orders from the Lord.”

After speaking, all these plant heroes were there, kneeling on one knee towards Lin Feng.

Said: “We are willing to go through fire and water for the Lord, and we are willing to serve the Lord.”

Lin Feng smiled and looked at them and said, “Well, let’s talk about success this time. It is everyone’s hard work.”

“In the future, we must make persistent efforts to treat these Damn it zombies, and we must not let them succeed.

So Lin Feng led a few of them and went to the nearby lava volcano to take a look at the lava volcano.

Everything over there has been completely destroyed, and the flames over there have all been extinguished, and some places are still there, and Yan Yan is bubbling with white smoke.

It was after the burning of the previous, the remaining God Devouring Tree was seen there.

All this said there: “Master, after I have destroyed these lava zombies this time, I will devour some of their energy, and I will take their energy as my own.

“I feel that all this energy in the body has been greatly improved, and now I have become an eighth level strong.” Yu,

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