Chapter 279 But so! Volcano eruption!

On the lava plain.

Lin Feng looked at the shattered dragon corpse in front of him in a daze.

In front of him.

The God Devouring Tree stretched out dozens of huge black branches to penetrate the shattered dragon corpse.

There were dozens of large holes in that huge body.

Rows of yellow thick juice flowed out of the big hole and scattered all over the ground.

It quickly dissipated under the evaporation of the high temperature of the lava plain.

A fishy smell filled the air, accompanied by the smell of sulfur, causing Lin Feng to frown.


Boom boom boom!

There was a burst of explosions.

The green slime mold on the shattered dragon corpse shook violently under the bombardment of the black branches.

The green slime mold quickly turned red, glowed, and exploded.

Soon, the green slime mold on the whole shattered dragon corpse exploded.

The red flame quickly covered the body of the shattered dragon corpse.

Two huge flames rose into the sky.

The already hot air became even hotter.

But soon, huge black branches stretched out from the God-Eating Tree.

Under the white holy light.

The flame went out quickly.

The faint green shattered dragon corpse 07 has turned into charred black.

But their bodies are still rich in various nutrients.

Countless thick black tree roots were pulled out, covering the whole broken dragon corpse.

Lin Feng knew that these shattered dragon corpses had become the nourishment for the God-Eating Tree.

He was dragging a handful of sunshine balls in his hand, some of which didn’t come back to his senses.

He has prepared the prism tree.

The Sunshine Ball has also been held in his hand.

Once the sacred tree loses its hand.

He will help.

But he never expected it.

The huge shattered dragon corpse could not stop an attack from the God Devouring Tree!

Lin Feng was so surprised.

The three plant heroes were even more shocked.

Colonel Corn shivered.

Rose mage released his wand in his hand.

The wand fell on the tree canopy with a soft sound.

Xiang Bang Sagittarius was even more unbearable, he sat directly on the tree canopy.

The sight in front of me surpassed everyone’s imagination.

That powerful monster, which was like a hill and about tens of meters high, died just like that.

Not even a blow was blocked!

What is this concept?

That’s a Tier 5 monster!

At this moment, Lin Feng truly realized the strength of the seventh-tier powerhouse.

The mid-level powerhouse has no room to fight back in front of them.

God Devouring Tree is not an ordinary seventh-order powerhouse either.

It swallowed the soul of the twelve-winged angel zombies, and its strength and potential were incalculable.

Even the sacred tree is so powerful.

What about Murong Xue?

How strong is this ninth-tier powerhouse who has always been seeking himself?

What about those Tier 9 powerhouses who have enemies with themselves?

How strong will they be?

Su Yun was surprised when he thought of this.

It seems that I have always underestimated these people.

At the same time, a glimmer of expectation flashed in his heart.

Your future will definitely not stop at Tier Nine.

I will become stronger than those people.

How reverie is that?

Thought of this.

Lin Feng laughed.

See what he did.

Only then did the three plant heroes come back to their senses.

“Master, the strength of the God Devouring Tree is really too powerful!”

Colonel Corn kept shaking his head and exclaiming.

Master Rose issued an enviable exclamation.

“It would be great if my strength was so strong!”

The speaker had no intention, but he listened carefully.

Seeing the mighty strength of the God-Eater Tree, Lin Feng was shocked.

Since your own plants can evolve.

Plant heroes are also plants.

Can they evolve?

Although the Devourer Tree has the ability to swallow monsters and absorb nutrients.

Colonel Corn did not have such talents.

But they are also plants!

Maybe I can make them advanced!

Even if it can’t be done now.

What about later?

If you can successfully transfer to another profession, you will definitely be able to acquire more skills.

At that time, unlock new skills, the annotation system will become more powerful, you can reveal more information.

By the time.

It may not be impossible for the plant heroes to advance too!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng smiled.

“Do not envy.

“One day, your strength will be so strong.”

“In other words, your strength will far exceed the current God Devouring Tree!”

After all”, we all know now.

“Nineth-order powerhouses are not the end.”

“The fourteenth level of the Devourer of Gods.”

“In my perception, the level of the Demon God is probably even higher.”

“Under such circumstances, our potential is far more than Tier Nine!

“As long as we continue to practice, our level will definitely exceed the current level, don’t worry.”

Lin Feng’s tone is very gentle.

He is very patient with these friends who were born and died with him.

His words gave the plant heroes great courage and confidence.

They glanced at each other, looked at Lin Feng, and recalled the experience of the master.

He broke records time and time again.

Constantly cultivate special plants.

He also cultivated the God Devouring Tree.

In the realm of the sky.

The Devil Eater tree called Harold is nothing but an intermediate powerhouse.

And this tree of Devouring Gods, the level has reached a high level.


Swallowing the angel soul, its potential is far more than what it is now.

Its future is worth looking forward to.

The potential of the God-Eater Tree is very strong, thanks to the cultivation of Lin Feng.

Also the plant subordinate of this powerful gardener.

There is no need for oneself and others to worry about the future.

after all.

With the War Garden Pendant, you and others are immortal.

Just wait until this powerful gardener really grows up.

153 Thinking of this, the three plant heroes became excited.

You can also reach the strength of the God-Eating Tree!

It even surpassed the current strength of the God Devouring Tree!

Following the Lord, everyone can have a bright future!

They couldn’t help kneeling on one knee.

“Don’t dare not die for the Lord!”

Looking at the three plant heroes kneeling on one knee, Lin Feng smiled.

He knew very well that these companions helped him a lot in the trial process.

Once I get a way to advance them, I will definitely do it.

Nonsense “That’s it, let’s keep trying.

“This is just the beginning of our continuous participation in trials and non-stop bonus points.”

Lin Feng smiled and turned his head and looked at the earth in the distance.

The endless tide of corpses is still impacting the God-Eating Tree.

But all attacks are in vain.

They become the nourishment of this plant.

Lin Feng can clearly feel it.

The size of this plant is getting bigger and bigger.

The entire lava zone has been obscured by the God Devouring Tree.

Maybe you don’t need to do it directly, you can get through this trial just by eating the sacred tree!

Just when he was emotional.

The ground shakes!

A burst of hot magma rose up into the sky!

Lin Feng looked up.

In the distance, a huge volcano began to become active!

It is about to erupt!.

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