Chapter 278 Broken Dragon Corpse? Tier 6? Dead!




Lin Feng is planting plants on the canopy of the God-Eating Tree.

Two huge roars came over.

The call seemed to be made by some kind of huge creature.

The volume is very high.

With a scorching breath, two sound waves blasted towards Lin Feng.


Accompanied by two soft sounds.

The sound wave was blocked by the endless suit and did not cause any harm to Lin Feng.

But he was still surprised.


Across such a long distance, you can’t see anything, but you can attack yourself, what is that?

Lin Feng’s heart tightened, and he immediately looked at the place where the sound wave had just struck.

There, there is only an endless tide of corpses.


“Master, are you okay?”

“What was it just now? What happened?”

Only then did the three plant heroes react.

His “Zero Eight Three” rushed to Lin Feng’s front and surrounded him.

Lin Feng frowned.

He has not seen the attacker just now.

This surprised him a little.

The other party launched an attack but hid it.Is this some kind of assassin profession?

But soon, he denied his idea.

When preparing the space.

He has seen all the monsters once.

In this lava plain.

There should be no zombies that hide sneak attacks.

The other zombies have been seen by themselves.

Two kinds of strange zombies, one is lava zombies, the other is shattered dragon corpses.

They are not monsters who are good at sneak attacks from behind.

What is that attacking itself?

Lin Feng did not neglect.

He carefully observed the surrounding environment.

He was attacked.

The Devourer Tree seemed to be irritated.

Its attack frequency is rapidly increasing.

Bang bang bang!


A series of intensive whipping sounds resounded throughout the God-Eating Tree jungle.

Huge black branches stretched out and attacked the zombies in the distance.



Accompanied by a sharp detonation sound.

All the zombies were turned into a pile of mud.

On the ground, countless zombies fell to the ground, covered by branches, and became the nutrient of the God-Eating Tree.

One big hole after another appeared on the ground.

The flowing lava and volcanic mud that had melted due to the high temperature opened up under the bombardment of the shock wave, forming large holes.

Bang bang bang!

A series of bombing sounds echoed all around.

Although the surrounding attacks were so intense.

But Lin Feng, Colonel Corn, Rose Mage, and Xiangbang shooter standing on the canopy still stood firm.

There was no vibration in the canopy.

Feeling the mighty power of the God-Eating Tree, Lin Feng exclaimed.

“It’s worthy of being a seventh-tier powerhouse, and it’s a special plant, whose strength far exceeds that of a master at the same level.”

After touching the branches of the sacred tree, Lin Feng carefully observed the surroundings again.

He is looking for the source of the previous attack.



There were two huge roars again.

Accompanied by a deafening howl, two sound waves came with the attack of air waves.


After two soft sounds.

Lin Feng is still unscathed.

He frowned.

This does not seem to be an attack.

The opponent seemed to be just yelling and demonstrating.

It’s just that the sound of the monster’s body is too huge and the roar is too strong, which forms this kind of sound wave.

Thinking of this, his nerves tensed immediately.

What monster can make such a powerful howl?

The sonic boom alone has such power.

How strong are they attacking on their own?

With such thoughts, Lin Feng heightened his vigilance.

at this time.

On the eastern horizon, two mottled bumps appeared.

Their size slowly grows larger.

In the beginning, outside of Lin Feng, it was terrain changes caused by volcanoes.

Soon, he realized that he was wrong.

What came over from the eastern horizon was not a bulge on the ground.

But some powerful creatures are gradually approaching.

As the distance decreases.

The huge creature also appeared in his vision.

Those are two huge monsters!

They are green all over and have various stains on their bodies.

Strips of green moss-like things grow on them. But it exploded from time to time.

The two monsters were dissatisfied with the tough leather armor.

The mouth protrudes forward, looking like a cone.

With both feet on the ground, a sturdy tail struck the ground, and a burst of flame emerged.

The two hands stretched forward, a bit shorter than the feet, but very thick.

There were green slime molds attached to it, making a popping explosion.

Lin Feng felt awe-inspiring.

He knew what it was.

Broken dragon corpse.

It is also an optional trial task for this trial.

It is the target that he must kill.

When I read the notes before.

There is no threat to these two monsters O…

Facing himself with the frozen plants with enhanced power.

They are hard to cause harm.

However, Lin Feng did not expect that their size would be so huge.

Approaching from the horizon, it looks like two hills.



When two shattered dragon corpses approached.

The impact of the corpse tide seemed to be more turbulent.

Facing the ferocious beating of the God-Eating Tree.

All the zombies are not afraid.

Waves of corpses continued to impact.

It hit a bunch of branches head-on, leaving a pool of fleshy mud and huge cracks on the ground.

No corpse tide can pass through the outermost jungle defense line!

Not to mention the impact to the inside of the God-Eating Tree Jungle.

at this moment.

Even if the tide of corpses is getting more and more turbulent.

Even though the corpse of the Broken Dragon is huge, it feels full of oppression.

But the sacred tree did not panic.


See this sight.

The two shattered dragon corpses seemed to be provoked.

They have only the most basic wisdom.

The attack of the Devourer Tree not only did not make them afraid, but angered them.

Bang bang bang!


Accompanied by the vibration of the ground.

The two shattered dragon corpses began to run.

It is unclear whether it is the vibration caused by their huge size or the active vibration of the volcano itself.

The ground trembled violently.

Lin Feng frowned when he saw this scene.

With a big wave of his hand, he summoned the prism tree.

At the same time, a lot of sunshine balls appeared in his hands.

He was waiting for the confrontation between the 2.4 Sacred Tree and the Broken Dragon Corpse.

Once the Devourer Tree fell into a bitter battle. ,

He will immediately activate the Prism Tree to help devour the God Tree.

Facing the two shattered dragon corpses.

He had to get serious.

After all, their size is too huge.

The oppression is too much.

When they get close.

Even the sunlight in the sky was blocked.

The entire sky dimmed.

It’s near!


Accompanied by a huge sonic boom.

The two shattered dragon corpses launched an assault on the God Devouring Tree.

Lin Feng also increased his vigilance.

Just when he paid close attention to the two dragon corpses.

More than a dozen huge branches rushed out!

In the blink of an eye, those branches penetrated the body of the dragon corpse!

Surrounded by sacred light, the branches of the sacred tree are extremely hard.

The two shattered dragon corpses were instantly cut into muddy flesh!

Shatter the dragon corpse, die!

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