Chapter 275: Miracle, start! Crazy trial!

After Lin Feng bid farewell to his father Lin Zhengde.

Teleported directly to the trial space.

Prepare all kinds of food for the Hurrying Giant Wolf Sanye.

Lin Feng directly opened the [Task Panel].

Without any hesitation, he directly started the trial.

A cyan light gate appeared in front of him.

Step across the light gate.

Four days and Mondays were blurred.

Wait until the vision is restored.

Lin Feng has come to a purple preparation space.

Seeing this weird wall color, Lin Feng was shocked.

Previously, the preparation space of the Death City was the main color.

Could it be that he has come to a compound trial space again?

Frowning his brows, he quickly used the annotation system to observe the situation.

Four portals in the room.

In the middle is a light curtain, displaying mission information.

Everything is normal.

This seems to be an ordinary trial preparation space.

Lin Feng didn’t care, and carefully observed the environment with the annotation system.

Nothing unusual came out.

Slightly relieved, he looked at the task light curtain.

“Trial trial.”

“Trial level: Tier 3.

“The content of the trial is transmitted to the lava basin to complete the trial.

The kill list is as follows:

Kill the ghost zombies: 1700.

Kill lava gnome zombies: 700.

Kill the Golem zombies: 40.

Kill special zombies: Broken Dragon Corpse: 2 pieces.

Kill lava monsters: 40.

Optional trial goals:

Stop the lava volcano that is about to erupt.

Look for flame crystals.

“The number of trials is limited: 4.”

Whether to “invite teammates: no.”

“Whether to start the trial: No.

Already familiar with the road, Lin Feng quickly scanned the information with the annotation system.

What surprised him was that there was no abnormality in the location of the trial.

It is a basin near an ordinary active volcano.

【Lava Basin: A basin formed by magma and volcanic ash. Surrounded by once active volcanoes. The temperature is extremely high, which is not conducive to the growth of ordinary plants. 】

[Note: The main danger comes from the extremely high temperature and dangerous terrain. There is almost no threat to the host that has the god-eating tree and the frozen plant has been strengthened. 】

So ordinary?

Although it is a volcanic basin.

There is a renewed active volcano nearby, which seems very dangerous.

But for Lin Feng, who has experienced countless storms.

Such a trial venue is too simple.

“Just this “long?”

Lin Feng frowned.

He didn’t believe that this trial was so simple.

If you let other Tier 3 trialers and Tier 5 professionals see his attitude, I’m afraid they will vomit blood on the spot.

An active volcano that is about to resume its eruption.

In such a place, Lin Feng felt that it was not dangerous.

I even worried that this trial venue was too ordinary.

Active volcano, is it an ordinary trial place?

But for Lin Feng.

This is really a very ordinary place for trials.

Whether it is the capital of death or the ice field at dawn, there are big secrets hidden.

The actual degree of danger is not comparable to this active volcano.

With a sigh of relief, Lin Feng checked the kill target again.

There are basically no difficult targets.

The only two new enemies are two special zombies.

Fragmentation【Dragon Corpse: The zombies that the fragmentation dragon turns into after its death. Lava bacteria are attached to his body, and he lives on the energy stored in the fragmented dragon corpse. ”

[Note: The lava monarch on his body will explode if it is hit strongly, and it can burn plants, which is very dangerous to ordinary plants. ”

[Note: After the evolution of frozen plants, frozen mushrooms, frozen watermelons and other plants threatened them greatly. ”

【Lava dwarf: In the lava basin, there used to be countless lava dwarfs. They are underground residents and are good at planting special crops in volcanic rocks. After his death, he was infected by a zombie virus, and the entire genocide was turned into a lava dwarf zombie. ”

(Note: The size is short and the action is quick. After the zombie virus is strengthened, the mobility has been even more improved.”

[Note: The body of the lava dwarf lacks moisture, the body is very brittle, and lacks toughness. Rich in nutrients, it can successfully dark crystal orchid and the nutrient of the god-eating tree, without threat to the host. )

Two comments appeared in a row, making Lin Feng’s brows frowned.

Why… the task seems so easy?

This is too easy.

The terrain is not too special.

The monster is not too threatening.

The only thing to worry about is that the eruption of the volcano cannot be prevented and the SSS evaluation cannot be obtained.

Other things are not difficult for oneself.

Such an easy trial, but something that has never been experienced before.

Lin Feng frowned.

If something is abnormal, there must be a demon.

Although because of the sacred tree, Lin Feng feels that he can completely sweep the trial.

But he never thought that one day he could participate in such an easy trial.

It’s difficult, because he owns the God-Eating Tree, which is enough to pass the trial stably.

The trial space is aware of this.

So the trial space automatically matches a less difficult one, so that you can pass the trial smoothly and upgrade to the level as soon as possible?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Lin Feng’s mind.

But he couldn’t talk to the trial space, so naturally he didn’t know the correct answer.

But this is the end of the matter, so I don’t need to worry anymore.

He sighed and opened the portal directly.

A red light flashed.

Lin Feng appeared on the lava plain.

A stream of heat hits the endless suit.

Look around.

Muddy smoke was floating in the air everywhere.

The plumes of black volcanic ash gathered together flew into the air under the heat.

The dark brown ground exudes the passion of love.

Even with endless suits to isolate the temperature.

Lin Feng still felt a scent of heat spread to his skin.

The volcano seems to be resuming eruption.

Lin Feng can clearly feel it.

There was a fierce vibration on the ground.

【Lava and volcanic ash: Nutrient-rich volcanic ash lava, with a variety of minerals, can become the nutrients for the God-Eating Tree and Dark Crystal Orchid. )

【Note: The lack of water makes it difficult for ordinary plants to survive. (Okay okay)

Seeing this comment, Lin Feng shook his head.


I almost forgot this fatal factor.

In places like lava plains.

Plants lack water.

But I have frozen mushrooms, so I can lower the temperature.

It can also condense water vapor in the air.

Even if the ground lacks moisture due to volcanoes.

But at high altitude, there will always be.

Moreover, the level of the God Devouring Tree has reached the seventh level.

There are war garden pendants.

It basically won’t die.

The temperature here is not a threat to it either.

So it seems West.

Maybe by directly releasing the God Devouring Tree, you can complete half of the trial?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng took a deep breath and directly held the War Garden pendant.

A bright light appeared.

Accompanied by loud noises.

A holy white light shrouded the lava plain.

Devour the tree, come!

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