Chapter 274 Lin Zhengde’s Approval!

“I didn’t expect that what you said was serious.”

“But it’s too dangerous.

“Even the number one person in the world before, Wang Jingtian of the 9th-order peak, failed.”

“If you choose to break through the tenth rank, the kind of strange and powerful person who suddenly appears, can you withstand it?”

Lin Zheng German asked anxiously.

He didn’t realize it.

He himself seems to agree with Lin Feng’s strength and potential.

He didn’t doubt that he was going to attack Tier Ten.

But worry about whether he can successfully break through the tenth order.

To know.

In this world, there is an insurmountable gap between high-level testers and other testers.

If you change someone else.

When he was Tier 5, if he dared to say that he would definitely reach Tier 9, he wanted to hit Tier 10.

That must make others think it is bragging.

Is it so easy to reach for high-level testers?

The ninth-tier powerhouse is even more unparalleled.

But experienced so many things.

Lin Zhengde had long been infected in a subtle way.

He also did not doubt Lin Feng’s strength and ability.

He only worried about his son’s safety.

After all, according to Murongxue’s statement before. 07

There are all kinds of weird changes in that trial space.

Once someone hits the tenth order.

There must be a mysterious master coming to attack.

Under the guard of so many powerhouses in the Dragon Kingdom.

The ninth-tier powerhouse like Wang Jingtian has become disabled and is still lying in the safety cabin.

Lin Feng, can he be better than him?

If the son also had an accident at that time.


Lin Zhengde dare not think.

At that time, both the son and his wife were gone.

He is afraid that he will collapse.

Lin Feng looked at his worried father, thought for a moment, and decided to reveal some secrets to give him some confidence.

Looking around, no abnormalities were seen.

Lin Feng held the War Garden pendant with his hands.

A strong breath quietly emerged.

The majestic momentum of the sacred tree burst out.

Lin Zhengde only felt cold for a while.

A horrible murderous aura lingered around.

He looked around in shock, but found nothing unusual.

A strong momentum pressed against him.

Lin Zhengde’s eyes widened suddenly.



Under the pressure of terror.

He felt his heart beating like crazy.

The blood flow all over the body accelerated.

Upon seeing this, Lin Feng not only did not revoke his momentum, but also continued to slowly increase his momentum.

This time, Lin Zhengde was even more uncomfortable.

He just felt that he had difficulty breathing.

At the same time, an aura of terror hovered all around.

He shook his hands unconsciously, only to realize that his hands were already covered with sweat.

A cold breath rushed straight into the forehead from the tail vertebrae.

At this moment, Lin Zhengde only felt that there was a hidden strong man staring at him in the dark.

The chill behind him made him feel cold and numb.

It was like a poisonous snake behind him.

Whirring whirring.

Lin Zhengde gasped unconsciously.

Seeing him sweating all over and looking horrified, Lin Feng let go.

“Dad, the one just now is a special plant that I cultivated, and its strength is as high as Tier 7. It is enough to crush my current trial.”

Hearing what he said, Lin Zhengde just breathed a sigh of relief from the murderous oppression, his eyes widened in shock immediately.

Lin Feng sent the terrifying murderous aura just now?

He actually cultivated such a terrifying plant?

What exactly is going on?

A Tier 5 gardener can actually own Tier 7 plants?

Is this really something that can happen in reality?

What about bullshit?

Seeing the change in his expression, Lin Feng only felt comfortable.

Now, Dad should be able to understand part of his strength.

This allows him to understand his potential, so he can’t worry too much.

It can also divert some attention and don’t keep thinking about mother’s things.

With “this special plant, I can’t be in any danger in the next trial.”

“Not only that, my true strength is far more than this special plant.”

Lin Feng raised his hand.

It was wearing the invisibility ring that was just taken out from the Trial Space Research Institute.

Signaling his father to look at the ring, Lin Feng activated the prop.

A mysterious wave enveloped his body.

He disappeared from here.

This wonderful change shocked Lin Zhengde.

My son just disappeared like this?

Disappeared without warning?

Is this the effect of the ring just now?

Where did he get this kind of props?

Suddenly, countless questions circulated in Lin Zhengde’s heart.

He stayed where he was, motionless, not knowing what to say.

This kid seems to be far beyond his imagination.

Until this time.

Lin Zhengde has an understanding of Lin Feng’s true strength.

After all, he is a member of the actual combat force.

They also fought with strange beasts in the Great Northwest Desert.

I have seen many high-level powerhouses.

In his impression.

Lin Feng’s current strength far surpassed the strong men he had seen in the army at that time.


Even Legion Commander Fan Guang can only drew with him?

Thinking of this, Lin Zhengde held his breath.

What the hell is this?

The little guy in front of him is already so strong?

Lin Feng knew that his plan had succeeded.

Father’s worries have been replaced by shock.

He reappeared in figure.

“My ability is more than just being invisible.

“In addition to these special props, my skills are also very powerful.”

“With some special props, I can do many things that other people can’t.”

Whether “is disappeared from 087 in situ.

“Or directly control the entire forest.”

In addition, “The special props I obtained during the trial are far beyond your imagination”

“However, there are some things that you still don’t know as well.”

“Next, I will participate in continuous trials, get a lot of SSS evaluations, accumulate enough points and many rewards.”

“At that time, it’s time for me to really take off.”

Thinking of my own comment system, thinking of all kinds of peculiar skills I have acquired after two transfers.

Lin Feng laughed.

He is sure that his strength will far exceed everyone’s imagination.

From his awakening to the present, he has seen many strong men.

Except for the fallen priest Haskar, everyone else has only one profession.

Directly, the people at Blue Star didn’t understand the mystery of the job change.

And I have successfully changed jobs.

Not only changed jobs, but also changed jobs twice.

The powerful skills of the cultivator, coupled with the special skills of the teacher.

His own strength is not only strong, but also omnipotent.

With so much preparation.

Lin Feng is sure that he can fight for any difficulty!

On this day, Lin Feng and Lin Zhengde and his son had a long talk.

In the evening, Lin Feng teleported into the trial space again.

From this moment on.

He will formally use the God Devouring Tree to earn trial points.

From this moment on, a miracle that could not be replicated appeared!

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