Chapter 276 Lava Zombie: Who is the monster?


Accompanied by the earth-shattering sound.

A holy white beam of light hits the heavenly palace.


A huge shadow enveloped the entire ground.

Countless black branches crossed out, covering the sky and the sun.

Under the light of the holy light.

The God Devouring Tree is here!

The green canopy reflects the holy light, bringing a greenery to this lava plain.

In this piece of land shrouded in volcanic ash all year round.

For the first time, the green meaning of life appeared.

While releasing the God-Eating Tree.

Lin Feng also promoted the flight function of the endless suit.

Driven by the faint green crystal wings behind.

He flew to the canopy of the God-Eating Tree, overlooking the surroundings.

The level of Devouring God has reached the seventh rank.

As a high-level powerhouse.

Its body is very tough and its defenses are amazing.

Although this is a volcanic zone, burning lava is everywhere.

But under the protection of the Holy Light.

The Devourer Tree was unscathed.

on the contrary.

Those volcanic mud rich in nutrients have become its best nutrients.

Lack of moisture on the ground.

But there is enough water vapor at high altitude.

But the density is not high.

But this is not a problem.

Lin Feng has frozen mushrooms, enough to freeze the surrounding water vapor and let them fall down.

And the magic power of the sacred tree is enough to capture the water vapor in the sky.





Just when Lin Feng was observing the surrounding situation.

A series of terrifying roars came over.

This sound is everywhere.

Lin Feng frowned.

He seems to be surrounded.

He clenched the war garden pendant tightly.

Under the shining of orange light.

Three plant heroes appeared in front of him.

“Master! Please give an order!”

The three plant heroes, Colonel Corn, Rose Mage, and Xiang Meng Shooter, were all ready to go, waiting for Lin Feng’s order.

Lead the “plant soldiers on guard on the canopy of the sacred tree.

“Pay attention to the changes around you.”

For other “places”, leave it to the Tree of God to solve it by itself.

The three plant heroes looked at each other.

This means…

They just need to wait here, and leave the other things to the tree of God to do it?


Accompanied Lin Feng to participate in so many trials.

They fight in blood every time,

did not expect.

The task now will be so easy.

After so long together.

Lin Feng can already understand the expressions of these plant heroes.

Feeling their surprise and confusion, he laughed.

It seems that it’s not just myself.

Even these plant heroes are not used to it.


“I feel uncomfortable just like you guys.”

“After all, in the previous trials, we all had to go through a bloody fight.”

“But now everything is not a problem.”

“The God Devouring Tree has reached the seventh rank, enough to crush the current trial. So, rest assured, nothing will happen.”

A word of comfort to the three plant heroes.

Lin Feng waved his hand.

Thousands of plant soldiers fell on the canopy together.

At the same time, he began to place flower pots on the canopy.

Lin Feng wants to grow frozen mushrooms here to lower the temperature of the volcano.

Maybe it will be used later.

After all, one of the optional tasks for this trial is to prevent the eruption of the volcano.


He is still growing sunflowers.

Lin Feng needs to collect sunlight.

In the previous trial.

As long as the sunlight is enough for him to expand his formation, it is enough to arrange a plant defense position.

In the Emerald Palace and Tourmaline Palace, he planted many sunflowers.

The sunshine he harvested each time was enough for him to squander.

But now, sunlight has other functions.

In his pastoral space.

A huge prismatic mirror is floating in mid-air.

The frame of the mirror is entwined with peculiar vines.

This is the reward he received from the Trial Space Institute.

Prism tree.

This is a powerful plant.

Lin Feng used the annotation system to investigate.

As long as one’s own sunshine is enough.

Prism trees can emit powerful beams.

If you consume tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of sunlight at one time.

The attack it exploded was comparable to a blow from a high-level magician.

the most important is.

If you consume all the sunlight currently stored at one time.

The prism tree can explode a blow from the ninth-order strong (ahcd)!

This surprised Lin Feng!

Ninth-order strong, what is that concept?

With this plant.

His combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

In the third-order trial.

Basically it is impossible to encounter a monster that makes himself burst into such an attack.

this means.

If there are some special trials, let yourself kill some special monsters that cannot be killed.

You can still complete the task by yourself!

As long as that monster is not the kind of monster that the God Devourer is absolutely invincible.

What I can do is better than before.

The prism tree, plus the God-Eater tree.

He can almost walk sideways in the third-order trial.

With this in mind, Lin Feng planted sunflowers and frozen tea while observing the surroundings.

The movement of the God Devouring Tree was too loud.

An endless wave of corpses has appeared all around.

Under the influence of the high temperature of the volcano.

The bodies of those zombies are rigid.

The epidermis is wrinkled.

But their ability to act is still very strong.

The boundless tide of corpses hit the defensive line of the sacred tree.

But to no avail.

These zombies couldn’t even stop a beating of the God-Eating Tree.

When every black branch is pulled out, it can sweep down a large area of ​​zombies.

Under the absorption of the God Devouring Tree.

The already dry bodies of these zombies shrank further.

In Lin Feng’s view.

Those corpse tides are not so much attacking the God-eating Tree.

It is better to commit suicide.

The God Devouring Tree is like an abyss.

All the zombies that impacted have only one end.

Falling into its mouth in the blood basin.

Thought of this.

Lin Feng’s expression relaxed.


“This sacred tree is too strong!”

“I feel he is much better than the average seventh-order powerhouse!”

Saw the sacred tree slaughter those zombies.

The three plant heroes couldn’t help but say.

The scene in front of them impressed them too deeply.

To know.

From the first time I participated in the trial with Lin Feng to the present.

They have experienced risks.

At the beginning of the trial, was there a time when you were not chased by zombies?

Is there another trial that wasn’t hard work?

But this time the trial was actually slaughtering zombies.

Moreover, they don’t even need to do it themselves.

Everyone just needs to wait quietly on the canopy.

The Devourer Tree will slaughter the zombies by itself.

And all the zombies will become his nourishment and enhance his strength.

This is an unforeseen situation in the previous trial.

Just when Lin Feng and others were waiting for the results of the trial.

On the highest volcano.

Two huge zombies lurking.

They are exactly lava zombies.

Zombies with wisdom.

At this time, the mutilated eyes of the two zombies were full of fear.

“What kind of weird tree is this? This is too strong!”

“Yes! I feel that if we rush over, we will only become food for each other!”

“Who the hell is me? How do I feel it is preying?”

Looking at the cruel God Devouring Tree in the distance.

The two lava zombies were shocked!

This is so special.

After all, who is the monster?

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