Chapter 273: Shocked Lin Zhengde! Crazy scoring!

From the Trial Space Research Institute, Lin Feng patted the dust on his body and looked at the brilliant sunshine.

The weather is just right.

Just as he feels now.

Lin Feng knew that he had reached a critical point now.

Owning the God Devouring Tree, oneself can sweep all enemies in the next trial.

SSS level trial evaluation can also be easily obtained.

Although the current trial level is not high, only the third level.

But the rewards of SSS evaluation are very generous. ,

The previous phoenix potions, as well as the endless suit, are far more rewards than the current level.

This is also the key to his ability to rapidly improve his strength.

And now, with the God-Eating Tree, you can get more SSS-level evaluations and get more rewards.

The future is bright.

He touched the ring on his body and checked the equipment in the inventory.

He is confident about the next plan.

“Nine Three Three”

Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng walked towards the barracks.

He is going to find Lin Zhengde.

On the building behind him.

Murong Xue looked at his back, unable to hide his shock.

See you in a day, like three autumns.

I haven’t seen it for three days, so I’ll look at it with admiration.

Lin Feng just went to participate in a trial.

Actually obtained a plant with seventh-order strength.

This is something she never thought of.

Use items across major levels.

Even a mechanic cannot do this.

Machinist is the profession with the lowest level restriction among all professions.

In theory,

The mechanical creations they make can be effective as long as they have enough energy.

Even Tier 1 testers can use Tier 9 equipment with enough energy.

But in fact, such an operation can be carried out.

The energy, power and radiation of higher-order energy substances are very strong.

A first-level professional, let alone the use of high-level energy.

Even just near, there is a possibility of continuous radiation damage, causing irreversible damage.

Although all mechanical creations can be used by everyone.

But the energy that can be provided will limit the performance of the machine.

And Lin Feng, as a gardener, successfully surpassed a large level and obtained super combat ability.

He actually cultivated plants of the seventh order when he was in the fifth order.

This is a miracle!

As a gardener.

Lin Feng can exert all his strengths in cultivating plants.

under these circumstances.

He already has the strength to crush the current level trials.

This means that he can accumulate resources crazy at this stage and lay a solid foundation.

Once he reaches the key level of sixth-order foundation.

He may be able to lay an unparalleled foundation and accommodate the magic capacity far beyond ordinary people.

At that time, what kind of strong will he become?

Murongxue was unpredictable.

Something she didn’t know.

In other worlds.

Such people occasionally appear.

Such a strong man, without exception, has the resources to become a god.

Let’s talk about Lin Feng’s side.

He rushed to the barracks and came to the teleportation hall.

Lin Zhengde is now on duty in the teleportation hall.

Seeing Lin Feng, he was surprised.

The soldier on duty next to Lin Feng was also shocked.

The young man with the richest potential in Long Country is actually the son of his colleague.

Immediately, he asked Lin Zhengde and Lin Feng to go to the side hall to chat, and the task of the transmission hall was temporarily assigned to him.

Thanks to each other’s kindness, Lin Feng and his son came to the next hall.

Lin Zhengde looked at his son, shaking in his heart.

This kid’s breath is getting stronger and stronger.

He didn’t expect that in just a few months, his son’s strength would surpass himself.

How long did it take to reach Tier 5?

Five years?

ten years?

By now, he couldn’t help it anymore.

“Lin Feng, what is your current strength?”

Looking at the shocked dad, Lin Feng’s mouth cocked.

There is nothing better than showing off in front of being a father.

“I am a Tier 5 gardener, a Tier 3 trainer.

“But my actual strength, even the strongest of Tier 6 can’t beat me.”

In fact, Lin Feng originally wanted to say that his true strength surpassed Tier 6, and was the combat effectiveness of Tier 7.

But after thinking about it, the existence of the God-Eating Tree is still a secret.

I won’t talk to my dad first.

Even so, Lin Zhengde found it hard to breathe.

What the hell is this upgrade speed?

Just a few months.

Not only did he upgrade so quickly.

And the actual combat ability is so against the sky?

The strong of the sixth-order peak are not his opponents?

Why doesn’t he directly say that he is a seventh-order powerhouse?

How long is this?

Has the combat ability been raised to the level of a high-level trialer?

Lin Zhengde looked at Lin Feng, who was triumphant in front of him, and couldn’t say a word…

In his impression.

It took more than ten years for those strong men in the army to reach the seventh rank.

And for a person like him, maybe in a lifetime there is no way to get enough points, promote to the seventh rank, and reach the level of a high-ranking powerhouse.

What is the level of Lin Feng’s strength and potential?

Several figures suddenly appeared in his heart.

Murong Xue, the shield of thorns.

The wisdom lighthouse Casa.

One punch breaks the heavenly king Sedum.

Seraphim John Kraft.

These people, without exception, are powerful men with great reputations.

They are also geniuses.

Many people have become ninth-tier powerhouses in about ten years.

Powerful makes people desperate.

But if you compare with your own son.

Their upgrade speed is far behind.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhengde could no longer conceal his inner shock.

His son is very likely to become a powerhouse at the peak of Tier Nine!

Even a peerless genius like Murongxue can’t compare with Lin Feng.

After appreciating the shocking performance of his father, Lin Feng waited for him to recover before he said his intention.

“Dad, I’m going to take part in consecutive trials next. Maybe I won’t be back for a long time. You have to take care of yourself.

Lin Zhengde was startled.

Participate in the trial continuously? What do you mean?”

“It means literally. I have gained extremely strong strength now, at least I can crush the current trial.”

Lin Feng did not do too much to hide.

“This is an opportunity, I want to quickly upgrade the level at this time, and even reach it as soon as possible…”

Having said that, he paused.

After thinking about it, he still decided to say what he really thought.

“I want to lay a solid foundation here and prepare for the next level of ninth peak.”

It’s been more than two months since my mother disappeared, and I have run out of time.

“I have come into contact with a lot of secrets, and I am sure that when I am at the peak of Tier Nine, I will gain enough strength to improve that legendary Tier Ten!”

Lin Zhengde held his breath again.

He suddenly remembered what Lin Feng said when his wife just disappeared.

He said that he would bring his mother back.

At that time, his mission was just to comfort himself.

Now it seems that the son seems to be serious?

Tenth order!

What is that concept?.

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