Chapter 272 The rapid increase in strength, the final preparation!

[Prism tree seeds: super plants cultivated by high-tech civilization. Attacks need to consume sunlight. The strength is very strong. The more sunlight consumed, the higher the attack power. ”

[Note: The host can grow sunflowers to accumulate sunlight. Use the prism tree to kill difficult enemies at critical moments. ”

[Shadow Ring: A peculiar jewelry forged by a ninth-tier alchemist. It can use the power of shadow to help the user become invisible for a certain period of time. ”

[Note: Used in conjunction with the jungle invisibility technique, it can greatly enhance the host’s life-saving ability!”

Looking at this note, Lin Feng could not restrain his excitement.

With a variety of plants, he has almost no shortcomings.

Both the offensive power and the defensive abilities are far beyond the average tester of the same level.

But he is extremely lack of long-term sailing ability.

The endless suit can fly though.

But his flight time is too short.

Fortunately, in the previous improvement, the capabilities of this equipment have also been greatly improved.

This also led to the appearance of the twelve-winged skyspeed zombies that can continue to chase the enemy.

You must frequently stop and rest, and after the clothes are recharged, you can find a way to continue on your way.

But now with that Nether Energy Chariot, everything becomes different.

You can use the Nether Energy Chariot to drive on your way during the trial.

Coupled with the energy prepared by the Trial Space Research Institute, I have a driving tool that can continue to move.

It perfectly makes up for the shortcomings of the endless suit.

As for the prism tree, Lin Feng felt a little strange.

The attack of this plant requires the use of sunlight.

The Trial Space Institute probably hasn’t discovered the secret that sunflowers can produce sunlight.

That is in this case.

Why does the Trial Space Institute consider such plants as a reward for itself?

With such doubts.

Lin Feng looked at Chen Huanian and waited for the following text.

“The four things here are the rewards we prepared for you.”

“Three of them are items for which the purpose is already known, and one is a seed. No one knows its purpose.”

“That seed is a reward that a Tier 9 tester received when he participated in the trial.

The energy fluctuation it emits is very special, and after all, it is a reward for the 9th-level trial. Many people have studied it.

“Because no one has known its purpose, we have all collected this plant.”

“Since you know so much about plants, give this seed to you. I hope you can research its use and give me some answers.”

Chen Huanian seemed to know Lin Feng’s question, he explained with a smile.

After that, several members of the institute began to introduce three other awards to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded and did not refuse.

Although he already knew the purpose of these rewards through the annotation system.

But in order not to expose his biggest dependence, Lin Feng will not reveal the abnormality at this time.

“This is the Nether Energy Chariot, a trophy obtained by a Tier Nine Mechanic.

“In the beginning, the mechanic wanted to use this tank as his main station equipment, but he found that the equipment made according to the blueprint was difficult to enhance the combat capability.”

Having said this, Chen Huanian turned his head to look at Lin Feng and shrugged.

“You know, professions like mechanics that pursue firepower basically have a phobia of insufficient firepower, so this piece of equipment was abandoned by him.”

“But in any case, this tank is still extremely valuable and can provide the ability to travel long distances. However, most people cannot provide such a huge amount of psychic energy to drive this tank.”

Having said that, Lin Feng probably understood what Chen Huanian meant.

Other people who can use this tank are unwilling to use it because it doesn’t have enough firepower.

Others who need such long-distance ability cannot provide enough phantom energy.

So the people who tried the Space Research Institute found the Nether Energy Crystal, which was specifically used to power this tank.

Now, it has become its own trophy.

Next, Chen Huanian introduced these rewards to Lin Feng one by one.

“Although we still don’t know exactly what your fighting style is like, we still know very well that your strength is very strong and you shouldn’t need to worry about your firepower.”

“Moreover, as a gardener, there are so many methods you can use yourself, and your life-saving ability is also very strong. The upper limit will be very high in the future.”

“Our biggest worry is that when you are fully grown up, there will be an accident and the sky will be broken.”

0…Seeking flowers….

“So, everything we do now is to improve your safety.”

Chen Huanian faced Lin Feng and warned with a serious expression.

“Young man, you have great potential and many secrets, but for our Dragon Kingdom, you have also made a lot of contributions.”

We “are not the kind of country that requires you to share all the secrets, we are all about mutual benefit.

“Only by tying the interests of every citizen with the interests of the country, where we will prosper and lose everything, can we have sustainable development.”

“Therefore, if Long Guoguo gives you enough support, it will be able to afford your contribution.

“But you also have to take care of yourself. Only by living can you have a future, and your future potential is endless, understand?”


Lin Feng looked at the old man in front of him, looked at General He and Murong Xue next to him, and nodded.

Perhaps, for these old people.

Your own life safety is more important than other things.

Even if you don’t upgrade your level now, as long as you live, the value you can create is stronger than halfway through.

They are not aware of the fact that they have an annotation system.

This makes it difficult for them to understand many of their own behaviors,

But as Chen Huanian said.

They chose to believe in themselves.

Only by tying the interests of the collective with the interests of the individual can we unite and exert the greatest strength.

Lin Feng smiled and did not refute.

Don’t worry, “Although I am very adventurous many times, I have actually made sufficient preparations.”

These are not words of comfort.

In the trial space, he has been taking risks in pursuit of SSS-level evaluation.

But every time he will give priority to completing the basic tasks of the trial space.

As long as he can ensure that he can send back in advance and give himself a sufficient back, he will take the risk to challenge the SSS evaluation.

After a few simple chats, he collected all the rewards.

Next, hand over the Demon God Fruit to the Research Institute, and then go to say hello to Lin Zhengde.

The rest is continuous trial!

A chance to earn points frantically!

Must cherish!

This will be a key step for oneself to surpass the limit!

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