Chapter 269 Explosion! A terrifying breath!


A rapid and strange squeal suddenly resounded throughout the conference room.

Both Chen Huanian and General He Lao changed their expressions.

The strong man who caused this strange whistling sound is a seventh-order master!

Moreover, judging from this special aura, it is not an ordinary seventh-order powerhouse who is giving off the aura now!

Chen Huanian’s look is very cautious.

As an academician of Longguo, he presided over the development of various systems of professions.

He is very knowledgeable about the vibes of professionals.

The berserker’s aura will make people trance, it seems to be bloody.

The aura of the Ash Mage is very hot, as if he wants to make a formation, and some people will smell of sulfur.

Although this is a kind of deceit and suppression of the senses by the strong exuding momentum.

But in any case, the aura of a strong man has attributes.

Chen Huanian has studied the attributes of these auras very deeply.

In his current perception.

The aura that broke out on Lin Feng is very special.

Full of vitality, it seems to be some god bless pastor.

I can feel a breath of darkness and evil again.

It’s like a shadow mage, or a shadow hunter.

There is also a sacred vibe 07, which is somewhat similar to the priesthood.

Chen Huanian can’t imagine what kind of professional he is, and his aura will have so many flavors.

It feels different from him.

General He Lao didn’t have a deep research on the types of aura.

He only has the instinct of being a soldier.

In his perception.

The momentum that wanders the entire conference room now is very complicated, but it looks very long and powerful.

This kind of aura is not something that a Tier 5 professional can have.

Looking at Lin Feng in front of him, General He’s expression became more serious.

This kid, why are there so many weird things on his body?

How could this powerful aura that can only be possessed by at least a seventh-order powerhouse, radiate from him?

The two looked at Lin Feng quietly, without speaking.

Their expressions have changed from the previous doubts and shocks to the current cautious and vigilant.

The aura of unknown origin in Lin Feng gave them a strong sense of threat.

A Tier 5 intermediate professional can actually make two high-level powerhouses feel threatened.

This is simply a fantasy!

The expressions of General Chen Huanian and He Lao had changed.

How can this be?

The two looked at each other, and both saw extremely shocked expressions in their eyes.

This is not the aura that an intermediate powerhouse can possess!

It is not the aura that a middle school student can have!

The person in front of me is a gardener!

Recognized auxiliary occupation!

Still a young man under twenty!

How can he have such a strong power?

For a long time, Chen Huanian couldn’t help being the first.

“Lin Feng, what’s the matter?”

“How can you have such a strong aura?”

“Is it possible that you have a special reward that can give you a stronger aura?”

Next to him, although General He did not speak, he could see that he was also full of doubts.

Lin Feng did not sell Guanzi anymore.

He released his hand and raised the pendant he held in his hand.

“This is the reward I got before. The War Garden Pendant can summon a special plant hero as a helper.”

Chen Huanian and General He looked at each other, and both nodded.

They have an impression of this matter.

When Lin Feng obtained the War Garden Pendant, he reported it in the entire trial space.

Although no one understands what the War Garden Pendant is.

Now it seems.

This is also an incredible piece of equipment.

“So, did you get a divine weapon like this? Can you give out an aura that exceeds your own level? Do you want to rely on this to suppress the zombies and pass the trial?”

Chen Huanian frowned and asked.

If Lin Feng’s reliance is this, he would definitely not agree.

Lin Feng shook his head.

“This pendant can summon plant heroes. And I obtained special seeds in the trial space and cultivated special plants.”

“His rank reaches the seventh rank. And he is completely under my control.

“Under such circumstances, I actually have the ability to sweep the current level trials.”

Hearing what he said, the two heroes of the Long Kingdom looked at Lin Feng in shock.

There was a noun in their minds.

Guard the giant tree.

It is also the old tree of war now.

“Lin Feng, you, have you successfully cultivated a top plant?”

“Lin Feng, did you cultivate a special plant?”

The two can’t wait to inquire.

Without any special expression, Lin Feng nodded lightly.

It’s as if it’s not worth boasting.

After all, he has seen so many god-level powerhouses, although he values ​​the tree of the gods, but he won’t be complacent because of this.

But the other two people in this room didn’t think so.

The guardian giant tree of Murong’s family has become the pillar of the Dragon Kingdom and one of the cards of the Dragon Kingdom.

The Murong family back then relied on the strong family and this special plant to make great achievements.

In the end, they have a firm foothold and are also a top family in the Dragon Kingdom.

As a gardener who has repeatedly performed miracles, Lin Feng also cultivated special plants at this time.

After so long of understanding.

In the hearts of General He and Chen Huanian.

The special plants cultivated by Lin Feng are certainly not inferior to guarding giant trees.

After all, even the guarding giant tree that was recovering from illness was cured by him.

At the beginning, even the ninth-order God Bless Pastor had no choice but to protect the giant tree’s condition.

Lin Feng not only cured it, but also allowed it to evolve into an ancient tree of war.

It can be said that in the whole world, Lin Feng is the person who knows special plants best.

Then, what kind of strength does the special plant that he cultivated himself possesses?

Maybe, its potential will be higher than guarding giant trees.

In this case.

Lin Feng may be able to create an aristocratic family comparable to the Murong family.

The overall strength of the Dragon Kingdom has also been greatly improved.

For a long time, the two old men looked at each other, and they all laughed!



The sound and heroic whistle rushed straight into the sky and came out of the conference room.

The generals, who were waiting for the news outside, faced each other and didn’t know what was going on.

But they could hear that the two old men were very happy.

In the meeting room.

Chen Huanian smiled and shook his head.

“Since you already have a seventh-order plant guardian, as long as you don’t venture into it, you can definitely get SSS-level evaluations continuously.”

“I’m afraid the whole world will be shocked because of you.

General He looked at Lin Feng curiously.

“Can you show me that special plant?

Faced with the old man’s request, Lin Feng smiled and refused.

“It’s too big to fit in the Peking Barracks.”

Hearing this answer, General He not only didn’t get angry, but his eyes brightened!

too big?

Can’t put down the Peking Barracks?

Wouldn’t it be bigger than the guardian giant tree?

How strong is such a large plant to support its huge body?

Thinking of this, General He laughed even louder!

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