Chapter 268 I need a reason! New support!

“You mean, you want to participate in the third-tier trial in a row while sprinting for the SSS-level evaluation?

“Are you sure you are not joking?”

Someone couldn’t help but asked Lin Feng in shock.

Is this kid crazy?

Does he know what he is talking about?

Participate in the third-order trial in a row.

Also get SSS grade evaluation.

There is only one thought in everyone’s mind.

Fantastic Nights.

Lin Feng, this kid is familiar

“Lin Feng, we know that you are very strong, and your current achievements have also proven your ability, but it is too exaggerated to participate in Tier 3 trials continuously and want to get top ratings continuously?”

The entire conference room was stunned.

If an ordinary person said this on “July 13”, everyone would just think he was farting.

But the person speaking now is Lin Feng.

A guy who has repeatedly performed miracles.

The biggest problem is that participating in the trial is a very dangerous thing.

If you continue to participate in the trial, the risk will increase geometrically.

General He Lao and Chen Huanian looked at each other, and both saw shock and confusion in each other’s eyes.

Lin Feng, this guy, has always been very calm, why is he suddenly so impulsive?

What on earth is he anxious?

Why are you so adventurous?


When everyone was silent and questioning, Ge Yunzhong suddenly let out a burst of laughter.

Everyone turned to look at him again, wondering why he was laughing.

Lieutenant General Ge Yun kept shaking his head, pointed at Lin Feng and said, “I think this kid is really against the sky.

“Think about it. Ordinary people say they want to practice continuously and obtain SSS evaluation at the same time. What do we think?”

“No one will take care of it at all, because most people don’t even have the qualifications to be evaluated.

“And this kid has now received so many SSS evaluations, and now everyone seems to take him to get the top rating as a matter of course.”

“I have to say that we have all been changed our minds by this kid’s miracle under the subtle influence.”

“If this is the case, can we trust him?”

Lin Feng was startled.

He didn’t expect that when he didn’t say much.

Lieutenant General Ge Yun unexpectedly supported his decision suddenly.

Long Guo spent a lot of resources on himself.

Moreover, precious plants such as Devil Fruit and Dawn’s Radiance can only be cultivated by themselves.

In any case, Long Guo didn’t want his safety to be threatened.

Lin Feng can also understand this concern.

He is very clear.

The importance of myself is very high now.

But this is also why he dared to start revealing some secrets.

The higher the importance of oneself, the higher the resources and authority that can be requested.

“First of all, I participated in a continuous trial before, from Tier 2 to Tier 3, and then went to the Sky Realm to complete the trial. Both trials were evaluated by SSS.”

“Secondly, in the previous trials, I have truly obtained a plant of combat power that can crush the current trial.

“Of course, what kind of plant it is, I can’t say yet under the current circumstances. This is related to a lot of secrets.

“But I can be sure that my actual combat ability far exceeds the current Tier 3 trial.”

He has a quiet tone, but full of confidence.

General Chen Huanian and He Lao frowned, shaking in their hearts.

This kid actually admitted to his face that he has a secret backing?

People in the whole world are concerned about Lin Feng’s combat ability most recently.

He has completed so many trials and received so many rewards at the same time.

Even, he resisted many ambushes by Eagle Country.

But until now, no one knew his fighting ability and fighting style.

But what is certain is that Lin Feng’s combat ability far exceeds that of his peers.

Long Guo has never planned to explore.

But everyone is curious about it after all.

But listening to Lin Feng’s current meaning, it seems that his hidden strength is far beyond everyone’s imagination…

Can even support him to crush the current trial?

Chen Huanian pondered for a while and suddenly spoke.

“Lin Feng, give me a reason. I need you to prove that you can really participate in the trial continuously and can crush the trial.”

“If you really do it, we can give you enough support from the Trial Space Research Institute, and discuss everything you need.”

“Even if you mentioned the neutron state prime, endless bloom and other props, we can’t pay you some in advance.”

As soon as this was said, the whole meeting room was in an uproar.

Everyone looked at the academician in shock, not knowing what happened to him.

Can you believe what Lin Feng said?

And, what did he just say?

Willing to support Lin Feng?

Also, can the high-end material of endless bloom be advanced in advance?

That is what countless high-level testers are staring at!

Is it possible for a small Tier 5 gardener to jump in the queue?

Did not care about other people’s thoughts.

Lin Feng fell into contemplation.

Can you verify it yourself?

Endless suits are really important.

Once you have enough improved materials, even if you don’t have matching weapons, 2.2 is the defensive ability will be greatly improved.

At that time, the growth rate will be further accelerated.

He took a deep breath and nodded to Chen Huanian.

“Old Chen, I can show you my support later, but I hope that the least people will know about it.”

Chen Huanian and General He looked at each other again.

Actually there is really a backing!

I really want to show it!

General He immediately issued an order to make everyone leave the meeting room.

Soon, only Lin Feng, General He and Chen Huanian were left in the entire conference room.

Lin Feng didn’t wait for them to inquire, and directly held the War Garden Pendant.

He communicated with the God-Eating Tree.

A powerful breath suddenly broke out in the meeting room!,

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