The 270th chapter is shocked again! The magical effect of the dragon blood potion!

“Lin Feng, I really admire you now, you will definitely be able to become the top powerhouse of the younger generation!

“Me too. In my impression, the gardeners who have cultivated various special plants have not achieved your current achievements. The miracles they have caused are only accidental, and your road will be longer than them.”

Both General He and Chen Huanian were so excited that they couldn’t help themselves.

They are all people who have experienced strong winds and waves, and they are now in high positions.

Both of them have neglected personal honor and disgrace and common vulgarity.

They only care about the national fortune of the Dragon Kingdom, and only care about the strength of the Dragon Kingdom.

The sudden emergence of Lin Feng gave them a big surprise.

The two of them laughed uncontrollably.

They are happy for the Dragon Kingdom.

Also happy for Lin Feng.

With such a powerful plant, it is entirely possible for him to build a big family like the Murong family.

Such a family can also enhance the strength of the Dragon Kingdom.

Moreover, the life span of plants is very long.

Even if Lin Feng’s lifespan expires in the future, the plant can still be used by his descendants.

It’s like guarding a giant tree.

In the next many years, the Dragon Kingdom will have one more heritage.

How can this not make the two old people excited!

Seeing their performance, Lin Feng smiled.

Even in another world.

But this dragon country is the same as his previous life.

People here also believe in loving their country so much.

When the laughter of the two gradually stopped, Lin Feng continued to speak.

“I now have enough ability to sweep the current level of trials. During this period, I need support.”

“Just say, as long as we don’t exceed the limit, we can mention it.

Chen Huanian waved his hand boldly.

As a senior of the Longguo Trial Space Research Institute, he has abundant resources at his disposal.

He can basically mobilize everything that a Tier 3 tester needs.

Thinking of something, he suddenly said: “But the level of the neutron state element ingot is too high, and there are too many people waiting. Even if we can provide it to you, it will take a long time.”

“After all, the output is limited, and the amount of high-end materials you need is too much, and it will be difficult to mobilize it for a while.

Lin Feng nodded to express understanding.

After all, he didn’t expect that he could get so many high-level resources at once.

The higher the level, the more he knows how powerful the endless suit is.

And at this stage, he didn’t expect that he could directly complete the evolution of the endless suit.

Among Lin Feng’s guesses.

The endless suit in the complete state can at least fight against the ninth-tier powerhouse.

But the stronger the power, the more difficult it is to obtain.

What he needs is something that can be used immediately at this stage.

For example, the formula of the Phoenix Potion and the Dragon Blood Potion.

There are also materials for growing plants.

By now, some hidden secrets can also be shown down.

First of all, “I now need to obtain a sufficient number of elixir, and at the same time ask a high-level alchemist to help me refine the Phoenix Elixir.

“Secondly, I hope the military can help me negotiate with the Plushenko family so that I can get more dragon blood potions, at least 12 bottles.

This is the most important thing for him to improve his current strength.

For oneself who has mastered a large number of special plants, it is entirely possible to rely on plants to kill zombies.

What he lacks most is his defensive ability.

As the trial level increases.

The protective ability of the endless suit is somewhat insufficient.

The short-distance flight capability it can improve is still very important.

Except for this.

Lin Feng checked the plant illustration and planned many kinds of plants.

As long as he unlocks all these plants in the future, he can obtain plants that can float in the air.

The short-range flight capability with the endless suit.

The time he can move in the air has increased significantly.

Therefore, all kinds of plants, as well as potions to enhance strength, are what he lacks most now.

After all, he only has one God-Eating Tree.

Although during the trial, it is basically impossible for him to leave his range.

However, accidents may occur in any trial.

Chen Huanian nodded, and then asked questioningly: “This is not a problem. Based on our relationship with Xiong Country, as long as we offer a starting price, the dragon blood medicine will definitely sell us.

“But, Lin Feng, what do you want so many dragon blood potions for?”

Lin Feng thought for a moment.

Drinking twelve bottles of dragon blood potions in a row can obtain advanced dragon skin surgery, and only oneself knows for the time being.

In other words, telling the news to the Dragon Kingdom by yourself can enhance the national heritage.

Now I am tied to the fate of this country

Therefore, if you help Dragon Kingdom improve its strength, you will not lose.

After thinking about this, Lin Feng no longer hides it.

“I can see the special features of some dragon blood potions.”

“Take a bottle of dragon blood potion, you can get the dragon skin technique. If you drink 12 bottles of dragon blood potion in a row, you can get the advanced dragon skin technique, and the magic resistance and defense ability will be greatly improved.”

“According to my calculations, the increased magic resistance is at least twice as high as before.”

Hearing this, Chen Huanian and General He looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other’s eyes.

What does it mean?

Has he been exposed to dragon blood potions?

Can you discover some of the effects of these medicines just by looking at them?

Is this a special skill of the gardener?

In today’s society, there is only one gardener, Lin Feng.

Others (Zhao Dezhao) did not know his skills.

In addition, another thing also shocked them.

They all know dragon skin art.

After taking the dragon blood potion, you can acquire powerful skills and greatly increase magic resistance.

This resistance can be superimposed with the special skills of many professions.

For example, those berserkers who have polished their bodies are very powerful, or those mechanics who have upgraded special equipment.

If they can take 12 bottles of dragon blood potions, coupled with the original magic resistance skills, I am afraid that magic resistance will reach an extremely terrifying point.

If a wizard of the same level does not have special skills, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to be an enemy!

They all know what this means!

Magician, but the strongest class!

Lin Feng, actually mastered such information?

They looked at each other in shock.

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