Chapter 267 Do you know what you are talking about?

Chapter 267 Do you know what you are talking about?


In the meeting room.

The sound of the pendulum came out softly.

In the entire conference room, apart from the swinging sound of this second, no other sounds could be heard.


Everyone was shocked by what Lin Feng just said.

They stared at the young man in front of him in amazement, in-situ.

What did he just say?

Want to participate in the trial continuously?

what does that mean?

He is a five gardener, is he going to keep trying?

No rest?

Some people are clueless.

They still don’t know what Lin Feng’s words mean.

Although it is difficult to participate in the trial continuously, it is not that no one has done it.

More people were shocked.

They are very clear about the results that Lin Feng has achieved every time he tries.

At least an S rating!

Then his continuous test…

Wouldn’t it have to continuously get SSS-level evaluations, right?

Can this be done?

Is this something that people can do?

General He Lao, Chen Huanian, Lieutenant General Ge Yun, Major General Hong Peng, who knew more clearly about the trial space, remained silent.

Among them, some have personally obtained S grade evaluation.

They know very clearly.

In the trial space, it is difficult to pursue high-level evaluation.

The number and types of zombies must be killed far exceeding the requirements of the trial to improve the evaluation.

For many people, just completing the trial is already very difficult.

Not to mention that under the impact of the corpse tide, the number of kills far exceeded several times the target.

What’s more, Lin Feng generally impacts SSS-level evaluations!

What kind of terrifying difficulty will the enemy he wants to kill and the trial he wants to complete?

Under such circumstances, he still wants to participate in the trial continuously?

is it possible?


Deathly silence.

For a long time, Major General Hong Peng first expressed his opposition.

“Naughty! Participate in the trial continuously?

“Do you know how difficult this is?”

“The most important thing is that there will be unexpected situations when participating in the trial. If there are enemies hidden in the depths, such as the devourers of the gods before then, what should you do?”

His face was full of anxiety.

As the person most familiar with Lin Feng in the Peking Military Camp.

He knows one thing very well.

The young man in front of him was so bold!

In the trial space, so many people hope to team up with Lin Feng, and countless outstanding young people hope to become his teammates.

Obviously having teammates makes trials more stable and can complete trials faster.

But he just relied on himself and forcibly participated in the trial.

Even under the circumstances that he clearly gave, he still dared to participate in the trial on his own many times.

The most important thing is that every time he participated in the trial, he succeeded and received an SSS evaluation!

Also received a powerful reward!

But such things are all exchanged for life!

Hong Peng did not understand.

Why is Lin Feng, an excellent young man, so anxious and so anxious?

He is adventurous!

It was as if he couldn’t wait to improve his strength.

But in Hong Peng’s view, Lin Feng’s current speed of improvement is already one of the best in the entire world!

How can ordinary people do such a thing?

In just a few months, the professional rank reached the fifth rank!

At the trial level, he has reached the third level!

It’s horrible!

It broke all the records of the entire Blue Star for nearly a thousand years!

In this case, he still seemed dissatisfied.

Why on earth?

Hong Peng feels that Lin Feng has a goal and seems to be eager to complete it.

This makes him inclined to take risks.

But for such an outstanding young man, Hong Peng didn’t want him to be so reckless.

Some people broke the silence, and more people began to express their opinions.

“Lin Feng, I admit that your strength is far beyond the same, but you have to know that the danger of the trial space increases with the level! Continuous trial is too dangerous!”

“Lin Feng, you are a gardener! Although no one knows where your combat ability comes from, everyone knows that the auxiliary ability of the gardener is greater than the attack ability! Continuous trial is too dangerous for you !”

Someone can’t wait to raise objections.

“Why are you so anxious to oppose? I think it’s good.”

Someone put forward different opinions.

“As long as Lin Feng doesn’t pursue high-level evaluation in every trial, he only requires to complete the trial and then earn points, then he can practice continuously.”

“The most important thing is that this kind of trial method can earn points secretly.”

The talking general smiled and looked at Lin Feng, as if he had seen something through.

Although “every time you get an evaluation, it is spread in the entire trial space, which is a very glorious thing.”

“But this is too high-profile. At the point of Lin Feng, what he needs is more to hide his strength.”

Thinking of this, the general smiled confidently.

0.……Look for flowers…

Lin Feng has gone through many hunts and ambushes, and I think I also understand the importance of hiding. This way of continuously gaining points, quietly trialing, and one-time breakthrough is the best choice!”

This is a very reasonable explanation.

Only complete the trial, and there is no broadcast announcement of the entire trial space, which is more conducive to Lin Feng’s hiding.

This may be the most appropriate choice.

Others looked at Lin Feng suspiciously.

“Is that right?”

“This is very reasonable, Lin Feng can completely complete the trial continuously under this situation, and then get enough points to break through the sixth rank in one fell swoop!”

“Yes! At that time, he will be quietly breaking through to the fourth-tier tester, and then accumulating resources, waiting to the sixth-tier peak, and steadily improving the foundation!”

Thinking of this, many people in the conference room breathed a sigh of relief.

They all relax.

Only General Chen Huanian and He Lao looked at each other and did not agree with this statement.

The previous guess is very good.

But it has a fatal flaw.

That is, through ordinary trials, the rewards obtained are very ordinary.

Only after obtaining the SSS-level evaluation, the prizes obtained have far-super-grade rewards.

Whether it is Lin Feng’s mysterious black armor.

It’s the medicine formula he just provided.

They are all rewards that can’t be obtained in ordinary trials.

If you just get points, you can hide it naturally and complete the trial continuously.

But Lin Feng has now reached the fifth level.

Once he successfully advanced to the sixth level, it was the most important moment of accumulation.

Long Guo can give him a lot of support.

But can such support be comparable to the leapfrog rewards he received from the trial?

more importantly.

After such a long time.

Chen Huanian had long known that Lin Feng possessed a certain secret.

That secret, coupled with his own abilities, has long been a miracle.

Lin Feng suddenly made this decision because he has a huge hole card?

Or is it just because they are familiar and reckless?

Chen Huanian needs to know the truth.

Only by confirming Lin Feng’s true reliance can they decide on the follow-up course of action for the next trial of the Space Research Institute!

In any case, everything is based on Lin Feng’s safety!

Such a young man can’t be frustrated!

He stared directly at Lin Feng with scorching eyes.

The whole meeting room was quiet again.

Everyone realized that Chen Huanian had something to say.

And what Lin Feng wants to do may be different from what they just thought!

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