Chapter 266 What? Do you want to practice continuously?

“You said you got a new medicine formula?

“What’s the potion?”

“Can increase the physical strength of the sixth-order strong, so that when they are promoted to the seventh-order, they can accommodate more magic power?”

“Change the dragon blood potion? It means that in your opinion, the formula of that potion is worth the dragon blood potion?”

Lin Feng just finished introducing the role of Phoenix Elixir.

The whole meeting room was in an uproar.

Whether it was the generals, or the top generals Chen Huanian and He Lao, they all felt their scalp numb.

They have only one thought in their minds.

Does this young man know what he is talking about?

It can increase the upper limit of the magic power that the body can hold after the advanced high-end powerhouse!

What is this concept?

This means that the strength of the seventh-order powerhouse has been improved!

Level 6 is advanced to level 7, and the difficulty of all trials is rising straight!

The newly promoted high-level powerhouses face a series of problems.

They are not used to the difficulty of advanced trials.

It is difficult for them to control their own strength.

Their new trial skills are difficult to fully utilize.

It is difficult for their own strength to be displayed, but the difficulty of the trials they have to face has increased rapidly.

Faced with this situation, many trialists have failed in their trials.

-713 Once they can take the medicine Lin Feng just said, their strength will be improved.

Such medicines will definitely be difficult to refine in large quantities because of the cherishment of the medicinal materials.

But it is also enough to enhance the strength of many testers.

In this way, the final result is still to enhance the overall strength of the Dragon Kingdom.

They can’t believe there is such a good thing.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng, shocked and speechless.

I heard the uncontrollable exclamations and questions from the generals.

Lin Feng smiled confidently.

“I will try the Space Research Institute later, and I will hand that recipe to you.”

“I need the research institute to negotiate with the Plushenko family in Xiong Country and exchange dragon blood potions on my behalf. The more the better.”

Lin Feng Kaijian had that dragon blood potion for a long time.

Take a bottle of dragon blood potion, you can get dragon skin technique, improve defense power and magic resistance.

Consecutively take twelve bottles of dragon blood medicine to obtain advanced dragon skin technique.

The increased defense and magic resistance will be even more terrifying.

Lin Feng knows how precious the dragon blood medicine is.

The average person simply cannot drink twelve bottles continuously.

Perhaps even the members of the Plushenko family are not qualified to take so many dragon blood medicines continuously.

Therefore, perhaps only oneself knows the secret of advanced dragon skin technique.

Such a secret can be kept for as long as possible.

Although he has now established a cooperation with the Plushenko family.

But all kinds of accidents are inevitable.

If you can get more dragon blood potions through the country and the Trial Space Institute, it will be more beneficial for you to gather 12 bottles of potions as soon as possible.

Lin Feng had already planned everything.

He is now a Tier 5 gardener.

Once promoted to the sixth rank next, it is to lay the foundation for entering the higher ranks.

At this stage, the more solid one’s foundation, the higher one’s future achievements.

Before entering the seventh level, Lin Feng must lay the strongest foundation for himself.

He needs to get more resources and take more medicines.

Dragon blood potion and phoenix potion are just one part of it.

To this end, you need to expand your influence, prove your own strength, and get the support of the Long Kingdom military and the Trial Space Research Institute.

Use the Phoenix Elixir formula to exchange for the Dragon Blood Elixir.

Use the Devil Fruit to exchange resources for upgrading the endless suit.

And I can participate in more trials and get more resources.

Lin Feng is very confident with the Tier 7 plant hero, the God-Eating Tree.

The next period of time is when I violently collect points and trial rewards.

Others have no such plans.

I must cherish it.

Seeing him so confident.

Everyone took a deep breath.

Every once in a while, he will give everyone new surprises.

What is the future prospect of this young man?

Although the people in this conference room are all powerful generals, they all have great strength and terrifying records.

But when compared with Lin Feng in the same age group, they are too far apart.

Everyone (ahcc) knows very well that Lin Feng’s future is unlimited.

“Lin Feng, I’m very curious, where did you get such a formula?”

“This is simply not something someone of your level can get.”

Could it be that “You have dealt with a certain demon god before?”

“Or, have you discovered some secrets of the trial space? A treasure map found in a trial site or some formula derived from it?

Lieutenant General Ge Yun was really curious, so he couldn’t help asking this question.

When he blurted out, he realized that he asked an inappropriate question.

Forget it”, this should be related to your secret, you don’t want to tell it, just forget it, when I didn’t ask.

Lin Feng was a little funny and moved when he saw his expression.

Lieutenant General Ge Yun, as the actual person in charge of the Peking Military Camp, was still so cautious, which surprised him.

And such a person, being able to respect himself and not having the meaning of exploring his own secrets, made him very touched.

The Dragon Kingdom is a country that can be relied on.

At this moment, Lin Feng developed a deeper sense of belonging to this country.

“There is nothing to hide, this phoenix potion is exactly the reward I got from the trial space.”

Major General Hong Peng opened his eyes wide.

“Trial reward?”

“I have participated in so many trials, why have I never received such a reward?”

“You just said that you need a Tier 8 alchemist to help you?”

“Then your level of Phoenix Potion is definitely not low!”

“The one you participated in was obviously a Tier 3 trial. Why did you get this level of potion formula?”

“This is not simply a step beyond the level!”

Could it be that “You are the son of Trial Space?”


His voice just fell.

General He next to him slapped him on the head.

“Guess what is here.”

“Although they participated in the Tier 3 trial, his evaluation was SSS level!”

“What is this concept?”

“Don’t say it’s the Dragon Kingdom, the entire Blue Star has been evaluated by him at this level.

“How do you compare with others?”

Hong Peng touched his head, it seemed that he had just remembered.

He almost forgot this before.

The little monster in front of me is someone who has been consistently rated by SSS!

The trials he participated in basically broke records.

For him, it seems that SSS-level evaluation is justified.

It is natural to have completed such a trial and received such a high evaluation.

Seeing their shocked expressions, Lin Feng smiled.

I may start from here to improve my status and allow them to give more support and resources.

“General He, afterwards, I will continue to participate in trials.

“I bred a plant and kept it secret for the time being, but it made it easy for me to participate in the trial.

“At that time, I will have more SSS-level evaluation rewards. I hope that the Trial Space Institute will be ready as soon as possible and prepare some good things for me.”

Seeing his careful smile, everyone felt their scalp numb!

“What? Are you going to have continuous trials?”

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