Chapter 258: Lin Feng returns, everyone is looking forward to it!

When the white transmission light slowly disappeared.

Lin Feng finally teleported out from the trial space.

This is his long-lost return.

In each trial, in order to pursue the SSS-level evaluation.

He needs to provoke the big boss in that trial place.

Regardless of whether he will eventually become an enemy.

But all this takes a lot of time.

Return from the trial space every time.

All have gone through life and death.

Of course, the rewards for challenging the limit are also very generous.

The good things about Lin Feng are not understandable to other outsiders.

He just came out of the trial space and hasn’t taken a break yet.

The phone kept ringing.

The vibration of various notifications kept coming from the phone.

Lin Feng frowned.

Why are so many people contacting themselves?

Is there something urgent?

However, no one sent a video contact request during the “7.10” trial space.

With doubts, Lin Feng turned on the phone.

What caught your eye was the number of messages on the SMS icon.


Lin Feng opened the text message.

He glanced slightly, and he was taken aback.

There are more than 10,000 text messages!

What is this concept!

Where are so many people looking for themselves?

Is it possible that this number was targeted by some fraud company, or was mistaken by some debt collection company, and sent text messages frantically?

Lin Feng checked the contents of those short messages again.

The vast majority of numbers are unfamiliar numbers.

But these people who contacted him said the same thing.

I hope you can get the fruits of the Devil God from him.

Just seeing the first text message, Lin Feng suddenly realized.

No wonder there are so many people contacting themselves.

I was outside of the Trial Space Institute before.

The ability to burn fruits has been verified.

As a powerful fruit of the Demon God, it is also the fruit of the elemental system.

Its ability will definitely be sought after by everyone.

After all, whether it is an avatar element or a powerful flame attack, it is a rare and powerful ability.

the most important is.

The ability of these fruits can be improved as the eater’s strength increases.

For those professions with infinite potential but lack of strength in the early stage, the Devil Fruit can change their destiny.

It must be that the burning fruit test was too shocking.

This has caused so many people to contact themselves.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng suddenly lost interest in these contacts.

These people who contact themselves include big companies, big families, and all major testers.

These mermaid and dragon are mixed, good and bad are mixed, it is too troublesome to choose a partner by yourself.

There are totally better partners.

Lin Feng glanced at the Phoenix formula in his inventory again.

The rewards that the Devil Fruit wants are the medicinal materials of these phoenix potions, and the materials that enhance the endless suit.

Putting this matter into his mind for the time being, Lin Feng went out directly.

He is going to say hello to his father first,

Leaving the barracks, Lin Feng walked directly to Lin Zhengde’s door.

Walking on the road to the barracks.

Many soldiers saw him.

Everyone was shocked.

Lin Feng noticed that many people hurriedly left the place after confirming his appearance.

Don’t think about it, they are going to inform some people.

Unexpectedly, there are representatives of various forces in the Peking Barracks now.

Shaking his head, Lin Feng continued to be busy with his own affairs.

As he thought.

His status is no longer the same.

This has led to countless people wishing to establish a cooperative relationship with him.

When the people in Beiping found Lin Feng’s trace.

The entire Peking Barracks became active in an instant.

Countless people transmitted the news of his return from the trial space.

Some people passed the news back to their family.

Some people communicated the news to their own trial organization.

There are no small forces that can establish contact with the Peking Military Camp.

These well-prepared forces quickly prepared gifts and driving tools, hoping to meet Lin Feng as quickly as possible.

Everyone knows that even if Lin Feng can continue to produce Devil Fruits, the total number cannot be too much.

This kind of cherished resources must be contested.

After just a few tens of minutes.

There were busy traffic at the entrance of the entire Beiping military camp.

People from all major forces carried gifts, hoping to meet Lin Feng.

The soldiers on duty at the gate of the barracks faced the country.

At the entrance of the barracks, one after another luxury cars appeared one after another.

The people who got out of the car were powerful and noble…

So many powerful people gathered here, and their powerful auras gathered together and turned into a fierce aura.

The soldier on duty squeezed the weapon in his hand and felt a little anxious.

Although they did not believe that the other party had the guts to attack the Peking Barracks.

But the aura of so many powerful people brought together, after all, they felt a strong threat.

Fortunately, the representatives of the big powers who came to see Lin Feng also knew where it was.

They came to the gate of the barracks kindly, reported with the guard, and then planned to go in.

“Hello, I am Kong Shishi from the Southeast Kong family. This is our admission permit. We hope to meet with Mr. Lin Feng.

“Hello, I am the agent of Nanke Huxu Company. This is our entry permit. We also hope to meet with Mr. Lin Feng.

Before the guard soldiers could react, more and more people poured in.

They all have permission to enter the camp.

Although these admission permits were issued at different times.

But they are indeed still within the expiration date.

But how can the barracks allow so many outsiders to enter the barracks at the same time?

What surprised these fighters the most was.

Everyone who comes here has the same goal.

They all came to find Lin Feng.

After deliberation, no one was put in easily.

Several soldiers hurried to inform the upper level of the barracks.

Fortunately, the people who came to find Lin Feng were all well-known characters.

They also know exactly where it is.

2.2 Everyone is waiting anxiously.

During the time they were waiting.

There are still cars coming from a distance.

The soldiers on duty were shocked as they watched the longer and longer trains and more and more people.

This is Lin Feng’s current appeal?

He just came back from the trial space, and immediately attracted so many people to come here to find him?

And these people don’t seem to want to wait for a moment.

Just by looking at their eagerness, you know how much these people want to see Lin Feng.

Is this the calling ability of the first person in the young generation of Long Country?

The soldiers looked at each other.

It’s not just that they feel the pressure.

Some high-level officials in the Peking Military Camp were also shocked!

In the meeting room of the Peking Barracks.

An emergency meeting began immediately!

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