Chapter 259 Shocked the military! Increase cooperation!

In the meeting room of the Peking Military Camp.

Major General Hong Peng sat on the seat with a blue face and patted the table.

“Why don’t I know that there are so many admission permits for the Peking Military Camp?”

“Why don’t I know that the validity periods of these admission permits are all linked together?”

“Where are we here? Barracks! When can the barracks allow so many outsiders to enter at the same time?”

“Where did earthquakes and other disasters happen, so do we need to open the barracks and let those people come in for refuge?”

He was serious and had a big temper.

The audit team that issued the barracks admission permit was sweating, but they were afraid to wipe the sweat from their foreheads.

“Hong Peng, calm down.

Lieutenant General Ge Yun, who was in charge of the barracks, persuaded him.

“The camp admission permit team must re-examine the admission permit previously issued.”

“In addition, you must conduct self-examination internally. Fortunately, there have been no accidents yet, but I don’t want another time.

“Finally, the review team must change the conditions for the issuance of the admission permit and redesign a set of rules. This situation cannot happen again.”

Lieutenant General Ge Yun’s national character face, with friendly facial features, looked kind and calm. 07

But being able to take the position of the head of the Peking Military Camp, his record is tangible.

Not only in the trial space, lead the team to complete trials for many times and get rewards.

Even the people who led the barracks participated in the exercise, undefeated for five years.

The medal of merit he won can be covered on the left chest of the military uniform.

To achieve such results, his strength cannot be underestimated.

He is a ninth-tier powerhouse himself, and he is also good at team combat.


Although he just arranged the task lightly.

But everyone in the camp permit team looked nervous and didn’t dare to relax in the slightest.

Ge Yun waved his hand, motioning them to leave the meeting room.

In the silence, everyone knew that the audit team for admission permission was afraid that it would experience a major change in blood.

The high-ranking generals in the conference room shook their heads.

Hong Peng frowned and asked: “There are still so many people waiting outside the barracks. Many of them are not in a low status. The most important thing is that the admission permit has been issued and they are in compliance with the formalities.”

“What do you do now? How do you deal with that group of people?”

This question is brought up.

It’s not just Ge Yun.

The other generals also frowned.

In the Dragon Kingdom.

Everything is a rule.

Especially places like Peking Military Camp.

Look at the military rules and regulations.

Since there is a problem inside the Peking Barracks.

The admission permits obtained by people outside are all in compliance with the formalities.

Then the other party is eligible to enter the camp.

But with so many people, how can they be allowed to come in?

What’s more, they all want to meet Lin Feng.

The other party is now the key protection object of the entire Dragon Kingdom.

How could it be possible for him to meet so many people whose identities are difficult to distinguish?

What if something is dangerous?

If there is an accident, then…

Although the vast majority of people here are representatives of major forces.

But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Thinking of this, Ge Yun frowned even deeper.

In Peking barracks, they have absolute control.

But the various professionals have special skills too much.

Plus some weird reward Trials space given.

No one has confidence foolproof.

And Lin Feng security is now a top priority, there can be no accidents.

“We let them in batches into?”

“That’s impossible, too many people now, ten minutes before statistics a bit, has come hundreds of people, representing more than two hundred forces group, but there are many more people here, if batches that to see what time? ”

Otherwise, “or direct refused it. Anyway, let Lin Feng adventure this thing is impossible.”

“Not very good, after all licenses have been issued into the camp. What’s more, who knows Lin Feng in the end want to see? He is now different identities, devil fruits are so many people waiting, we can not replace him make a decision.”

Several options are being continuously denied.

Ge Yun, who is also a sudden negotiate an arrangement not to.

Otherwise, “this matter is handed over to people Space Research Institute of Trial running a bar?”

HONG Peng said with a frown.

Geyun Li engraved looked in the past.

“This is our camp Peking things, and they all Space Research Trials What is the relationship? How can they control this thing?”

Hung Li Peng seems clear context of things, brow gradually unfold.

“Why the big powers came to see Lin Feng? Ultimately, it is because the devil fruit, right?”

Everyone nodded.

As a high-order their generals, is to know the effect of the natural fruit of the devil.

That powerful fruit, can greatly enhance the strength of the Trial of persons.

Once the forces which won a strong enough devil fruit, it is very likely to breed a high-level aid professionals.

A high order who supported employment, the role can get very large.

Those forces can therefore breed a lot of high-order attacks professionals.

For a team it is.

The role of high order who supported employment is much larger than fighting professionals.

They can not give up this advantage.

Devil fruit became something everyone must struggle.

Also taking into account the energy of these large forces together, and they are eager for the fruit of the devil.

Peking barracks attitude was not so tough.

“You in the end there is any way to say so.”

Ge Hong Peng cloud watching.

Major General Peng Hong also no guessing.

“Those forces representing the hopes and Lin Feng 10 take on relationships, but Lin Feng only one person, it is difficult met so many people.

“The number of devil fruit is limited, even if Lin Feng met representatives of all the forces, he is difficult to assign those fruits, but also difficult to achieve maximum benefits.”

“This matter will be better to throw Trials Space Research Institute, they are certainly more aware of this fruit in the end to the devil who is more appropriate.

“Likewise, they also come forward, instead of Lin Feng and the big powers to negotiate.”

“All harvest obtained, Lin Feng first pick. He cultivated itself, the dragon country can not ill-treat him.”

“Lin Feng do not come into contact with so many people at the same time, he did not in any danger.

Other people in the conference room nodded.

This proposal is currently the only viable plan.

The only concern is that Lin Feng own whether to agree to this arrangement.

“Come to Lin Feng shout, devil fruit at stake, even if we are not eligible to replace him make a decision.”

GE gave the order given was clear, while some emotion shook his head.

A large college entrance examination candidates to participate in only a few months, reached this position now, so that people like them are not at liberty to arrange.

This young man, very, very ah.

Even the record of decisions based on their positions for GE cloud had to sigh, hero of youth.

And because of his command.

I was going to find Lin Feng Lin Zhengde’s father, and it was shouted barracks Conference Hall. ,

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