Chapter 257 Who is Lin Feng? The genius of top civilization?

Mars, Utopia plain underground.

The sudden sound of the system interrupted the conversation of the underground testers.

Each of them opened their eyes wide.

“Come again!”

“It’s this Lin Feng again!

“Who is he? The genius of the Milo civilization?”

“Perhaps a disciple of the gods? Someone like the saint son?”

These testers couldn’t conceal their inner shock and kept guessing.

Even this kind of thing has been done many times.

They have also heard such prompts many times.

But every time they heard this prompt, it was difficult for them to calm down.

Different from the people on Blue Star.

These trialists of Qianlong Great World have already had enough communication with other trial worlds.

Because of this, these people have a broader vision, see farther, and know more secrets.

They are very clear about what it means to continuously obtain SSS ratings.

The posture of the gods!

From ancient times to today.

Everyone who can obtain multiple SSS evaluations has the potential to become a god-level powerhouse.

In the past, only the top genius among the powerful world civilizations could achieve such an achievement.

Everyone who has obtained the SSS-level evaluation, the trial space will be advertised.

From the perspective of powerful trial member worlds such as Qianlong Great World and Miluo Civilization.

This is an unattainable glory.

Generally, people who can achieve this kind of achievement have unlimited prospects.

And these people who came to Mars to participate in the trial have heard Lin Feng’s name several times.

Moreover, Lin Feng has won the SSS grade evaluation more than once.

How this does not shock them.

This “Lin Feng, what kind of profession is it? Priest? Summoner?”

“It’s hard to say, but he has been evaluated by SSS many times. I suspect that he has been successfully transferred. So it is unlikely to be such a basic profession.”

“Isn’t it possible? In the announcement just now, isn’t he only Level 3? A low-level tester, how can he have enough resources to meet the requirements for a job transfer?”

“But if it weren’t for a successful job transfer and powerful skills, coupled with the original professional skills, how could he continuously get SSS evaluations?”

After a period of silence, these testers recovered from their shock just now.

They began to discuss Lin Feng’s career.

This is a commonplace question.

“I suspect that he is some kind of hidden profession, and perhaps has some kind of hidden profession whose strength surpasses the powerful professions of priests and ashes mage.

“Is it impossible? If there is such a profession, why have we never heard of it?”

“I don’t believe in this kind of speculation either. After all, after so many years in the trial space, we have never heard of hidden occupations.”

“If the information channels of ordinary people are unreliable, there is no such rumors about the top civilization of the Milo civilization. Their civilization has the power of gods!

The four testers kept exchanging views.

Only the Scarlet Witch was motionless and seemed to think of something.

Her abnormal behavior was quickly discovered by her companions.

“Kadina, what’s wrong with you? Did you find any danger? Why didn’t you say a word?”

The summoner named Akasha was investigating the abnormality of his companions, while vigilantly checking the surroundings.

Hearing this, the Orc also used the Void Eye skill again, checking the situation in the cave.

Everything is business as usual.

Under the influence of Tianshihua.

Countless are still attacking the line of defense.

They are tireless and without slack.

The zombies rushing to the front of the trainer’s defense line not only face the bombardment of summons and various skills.

And withstand the attack of the enemy behind.

In this situation.

The progress of the trial was firmly grasped by the trial team, and there was nothing unusual.

Since this is the case.

Why is Scarlet Witch Cardina motionless?

Everyone turned their eyes to her.

“Kadina, what’s the matter with you?”

The Scarlet Witch, who had been questioned for several sentences in a row, came back to her senses.

“I suddenly remembered something. When we were in Qianlong World, or in some specific trial spaces, we never heard this Lin Feng’s trial report, right?”

Her companions nodded.

“We came to this deserted planet to participate in the trial before we could hear these prompts.”

0……Look for flowers…

“In our original world, although we can hear notifications of S-level or even SS-level evaluations during the trial, there is absolutely no SSS-level.”

Having said that, she said nothing.

But the other fellow testers already understood what the Scarlet Witch meant.

“You mean, the top genius who has been evaluated by SSS is a nearby civilized person, so we can only hear this reminder on this barren star?”

The Orc asked incredulously.

As soon as the voice fell, the other companions immediately shook their heads to deny this guess.

“Impossible, impossible! The strongest person in the Blue Star civilization is only at the ninth level, and cannot break through the tenth to the tenth level on his own. How can such a civilized person have such a powerful genius?”


“Yes, generally such a genius needs to be taught from an early age by at least a tenth-level strong person, to warm up the body, and to sense the waste force, in order to obtain a hidden occupation, and then it is possible to overcome the obstacles in the subsequent trials.”

“Yes, right, that kind of low-level civilization is impossible to have such talents.”

“I think you are confused.

The half-orc himself was puzzled, touching his head and muttering: “Am I really mistaken?”

The Scarlet Witch also shook her head.

We “just checked the situation in this star system, but we have no ability to check the situation of this galaxy. Maybe there are other star systems nearby, and the trial space is also connected.”

Hearing her words, everyone calmed down a bit, and diverted the topic from the genius who received the SSS grade evaluation.

“We don’t have the ability to manage this kind of thing now. Although it’s a pity that such a genius can’t make a good relationship as soon as possible, the trial is important.”

“In addition, after completing this trial, I suggest to report the matter here to the senior Qianlong, so that they can make their own decisions.”

After the discussion, the trial is still going on.

These practitioners of Qianlong Great World did not know how much disturbance they made this decision will bring to their own world.

And the top genius they are concerned about, a promising figure, Lin Feng, has come to the Longguo Trial Space Institute at this time.

Here, the reward of the Dragon Kingdom is waiting for him!

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