Chapter 256: The Trial of Qianlong World!

When Lin Feng got the SSS-level trial evaluation again.

The countless intelligence organizations on the Blue Star once again sent his evaluation information to their respective organizations.

Although this SSS-level evaluation is still a remarkable feat.

After all, people in the past have never been evaluated by SSS.

But these intelligence collectors just gave a wry smile and passed the intelligence back.

No analysis was even added.

It’s not that they are knowledgeable and calm.

It has become accustomed to it.

What an incredible miracle.

Seeing more, it won’t be surprising.

If one of Lin Feng’s trials did not get the SSS evaluation, that would be a rare thing.

Maybe at that time, people will be truly shocked.

The people who received this information were not just the testers and intelligence agencies on the Blue Star.

On Mars.

Utopia plains, underground.

Five testers in strange costumes are killing various zombies in the ground.

Under the layers of scarlet red Martian caves, there is a dense tide of zombies.

Fortunately, the terrain here is complex enough, with twists and turns, so that the zombies cannot attack at the same time.

This allows the defense of the five-man team to prevent the impact of these zombies.

A half-orc with a human body and hooves pulled his 707 feet out of the mud.

In front of him, there was a golden eye floating.

This is his special skill, Void Eye.

A skill unique to halflings of special professions.

Able to separate some of his own organs.

What this tester chose was the part of the body that attached his eye skills and made it independent.

Through this one eye, the tester saw a lot of things.

In the cave in the distance.

The black and heavy zombies ran across the underground plains and caves.

Several entrances to this cave were blocked by giant zombies.

The zombies seemed to be attracted by something. They followed suit, no matter what the impact was on the line of defense formed by the Trial Team.

Even in order to rush to the line of defense faster, these zombies will attack other zombies that stand in front of them.

A great battle broke out between the zombies.

This is a scene that Blue Star testers have never seen before.

Cannibalism among zombies.

It stands to reason that after they are transformed into zombies, unless they become special zombies, they have spiritual wisdom.

Otherwise, all actions rely on the instinct of the zombie virus.

Under such circumstances, the zombies will not attack each other.

But a large-scale zombie battle broke out here.

All this is because of another person among the testers.

Special profession: Scarlet Witch.

Use skills to lure zombies into battle.

Even the zombie virus has the instinct that belongs to the zombie virus.

The Scarlet Witch uses all the biological instincts to control the enemy’s profession.

This is a career that has never appeared in Blue Star.

Boom boom boom!

The hole trembled.

More and more zombies rushed over.

Because of the cave topography.

Only a certain number of corpses can be poured in at a time.

This caused the corpses of zombies piled up at the intersection to become a barrier for these testers.

Even if some zombies will clear those holes, I hope that the trial team that is guarding them will be killed soon.

At the same time, the zombies behind will also attack these companions who are impacting in the front.

Those who were already crazy zombies seemed even more crazy.

In order to rush to the tester team as soon as possible, they even attack the zombies in front of them.

The zombies impacting in front of the trainer will face both the skill of the trainer and the attack from the zombies behind.

Their fallen corpses will become a barrier for the trialists.

And if the zombies behind want to come over, they need to clear the corpse barrier in front.

But even if they quickly cleared the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, it won’t be long before this passage will be blocked again.

So the zombies at the rear repeated the previous process again, trying to attack those corpses.

The whole process repeats endlessly.

The corpse tide hit the tester’s defense round after round.

But they have not broken through the first defense, they have already created a (ahcc) scene of blood and blood in the defensive front.

The Orc professional once again used his void pupils to find a way to see farther scenes.

The caves in the distance stretched endlessly.

Countless special zombies walked through it.

The muscles and claws strengthened by the zombie virus can easily dig out the rocks and sand in front of them.

However, the trial team seems to carry a lot of special items, which is extremely attractive to the zombies.

Because of this, these zombies did not choose to take a detour and dig passages from other intersections, but madly rushed other zombies in front of them to block them.

The entire underground cave reflects a violent atmosphere.

Large meat grinder.

This title is perhaps the most appropriate term for this battle of Mars.

“Akasha, your eclipse ability has once again improved, and now it can drive so many zombies crazy.”

“Yeah, if it weren’t for you, we would be a lot sadder now. Fortunately, you have teamed up with us.”

Akasha, praised by the Orcs and the Scarlet Witch, is a green-haired woman who manipulates strange plants.

Her profession is a summoner.

But it is different from the general beast master.

Her summons are all kinds of magical plants.

These plants possess extremely special abilities.

The eclipse flower that lures the tide of corpses and makes them frantic is her special plant.

Facing the compliments from her teammates, she was about to say a few words of humility.

“The trial in this world is fairly easy, and drink, Oersted, your strength is also very strong, even without me, it is not a problem to complete the trial in this world.”

Because the trial is fairly easy, the situation has stabilized.

Now these testers began to communicate calmly.

“This is my second time to participate in a space mission. Fortunately, I made preparations early and put on space armor. Otherwise, I would suddenly appear in space.

“That’s not necessarily true. I have explored the surrounding situation. This star system has civilization. They have developed space technology. We may be able to get help from them.”

“That won’t work. You value the abilities of this civilization too much. I have observed their technical abilities and can at best give us the most basic interstellar support.

“One more thing, the level of trial in this world is very low. The highest is the 9th-level powerhouse, unlike our Qianlong world, there are already 12th-level powerhouses, and they are attacking the 13th-level god level!”

“The most important thing is that they have not yet connected to other worlds, and it is not clear that people in the trial space can also enter them. They have not signed mutual assistance agreements with civilizations in other worlds, so they may not help people like us. .

These people are very tolerant of trials.

Between words, it showed contempt for the Blue Star civilization, but also revealed some unusual information.

at this time.

A prompt sound suddenly sounded in their ears.

“Ding! Tester Lin Feng, completed the second trial of the third-tier trial, and got the evaluation: SSS.

The five testers suddenly stopped, and their eyes widened suddenly!

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