Chapter 253 Can this frozen watermelon be eaten?


Call the world!

Two crisp sounds sounded like broken porcelain.

In front of Lin Feng’s eyes.

Two huge blue watermelons crossed an elegant parabola in the air, exuding a strong chill in the air.

Dragging a white icy road in the air.

When the frozen watermelon hits the ground.

The blue melon skin and the red ripe melon splashed around at a very fast speed.

The water vapor in the air quickly freezes and becomes blue ice particles.

On the ground, a thick layer of frost radiated to the surroundings.

Lin Feng calculated it carefully.

The frost on the ground covered more than ten square meters.

The power of this frozen watermelon is no longer the same.

If I return to the capital of death or the place like dawn icefield to deal with those corpse tides.

Maybe you don’t need corn cannons, just these frozen watermelons are enough to make yourself “six nines seven” sweeping trial.

But now his strength has been improved, and the difficulty of the trials he faced has also been improved.

The zombies facing him are no longer ordinary zombies.

It’s a rank six powerhouse like the corpse-changing mage.

Fortunately, the Demon Devouring Tree successfully evolved into the God Devouring Tree, and it also possessed such a powerful devouring ability, and the rank reached the seventh rank.

At least until the trial level reaches the sixth level, don’t worry about encountering too much difficulty.

Slightly relieved.

Lin Feng summoned other frozen plants.

Frozen Mushroom, Frozen Shooter, Frozen Gooseberry

He carefully tested every plant.

It’s not just their power.

There are also specific deceleration effects.

The lowest temperature that can be reached.

The speed of the cold spreading.

Lin Feng carefully checked every influencing factor.

He must carefully understand the capabilities of his own plants.

Only in this way, when the real battle comes, can you give full play to your strength.

after testing.

The abilities of these plants have been greatly improved.

Especially the scope of influence.

Frozen gooseberry, Frozen Sagittarius and other plants that have almost been replaced by frozen watermelon are not mentioned.

The power of those frozen mushrooms far exceeds Lin Feng’s resemblance.

After the range of influence they promote doubled, they can almost cover the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of square meters.

Under the terrifying chill.

Almost all plants and animals are sealed by ice.

Fortunately, the severe cold of this frozen mushroom comes quickly, and goes quickly when it melts.

Animals and plants frozen by them will not be harmed.

And these plants can be to a certain extent in themselves.

Otherwise, once the frozen mushroom is used, not only will the enemy be frozen and unable to move, but even the own plants may also be frozen.

All frozen plants have been tested.

The attack ability of these plants has been greatly improved.

But for Lin Feng.

The benefits of increased plant attack power are not large.

Because at this stage there is a seventh-order plant of the God-Eating Tree.

He does not lack offensive ability.

Moreover, this tree is still a dark plant, and with the increase in the skill of the cultivator, it does not rely on sunlight.

It can completely devour other zombies to draw nutrients for itself.

Therefore, the environment’s ability to restrict itself is also very small.

But among all the plants of the ice system, there is a miraculous plant called Frozen Mushroom.

It can bring extremely strong control ability by itself.

With the promotion of professional level and tester level.

I am less and less dependent on aggressive plants.

The dependence on auxiliary plants is getting higher and higher.

Only the close cooperation between various types of plants can bring the strongest improvement to oneself.

After finishing all the test results, Lin Feng looked at the frozen watermelon soldier next to him.

A huge watermelon is hanging from their stems and leaves.

The giant wind wolf Sanye is constantly surrounding these frozen watermelons, trying to sniff and call them.

Lin Feng felt very funny.

“Get out, don’t make trouble.”

“This is not for food, be careful that your tongue is stuck…

Halfway through the conversation, Lin Feng was suddenly stunned.

He moved his eyes to the frozen watermelon.

Can this watermelon be eaten?

Before this, he had always regarded these plants as combat plants.

But don’t forget.

The profession of gardener was originally an auxiliary profession.

In the previous trial.

To replenish physical strength.

I grow a lot of corn, watermelon, and potato plants to replenish my energy.

Except for corn soldiers and corn pitchers, he can grow ordinary corn.

After improvement.

Is there a way to make a frozen watermelon that can be used?

Lin Feng has been staring at the frozen watermelon…

[Frozen watermelon; Throwing ice-type watermelon shells can cause area damage and slow down the enemy, freezing the enemy!”

[Note: The watermelon pitcher successfully advanced to frozen watermelon with the help of plant essences under the stimulation of the extremely low temperature of the ice sheet at dawn!)

In front of him, two notes appeared.

These are all notes that have ever been seen.

There is nothing new.

Lin Feng shook his head.

It seems that it is not feasible to check whether this frozen watermelon can be eaten through the annotation system.

Still have to experiment with actual actions.

Lin Feng looked at the re-thawed stove and nodded.

Just to make a new meal.

These frozen watermelons, just to test whether these frozen watermelons can be eaten.

Lin Feng didn’t hesitate, just picked a frozen watermelon and put it on the table.

After that, he cleaned up the hot pot and barbecue, and went to the farm again to get some.

Light the fire again and cook the soup base.

He picked up many Mingqi stations as MSG.

Then collect the peppers, ginger, green onions and other plants that you grow yourself, and make a big bowl of seasoning.

After doing all this, Lin Feng tried to cut the frozen watermelon while eating barbecue.

The frozen watermelon has been picked and left for a while.

The magic on it is slowly passing away.

Lin Feng took out the sword of dawn and slashed it on the watermelon.

No sound came out.

The blade has chopped the frozen watermelon into two pieces.

2.2 Worthy of being an artifact, it is really sharp.

Lin Feng looked at the blade of the Dawn Sword in admiration, and then continued to swing the sword.

After a few consecutive swords, the frozen watermelon on the table was divided into many pieces.

Lin Feng tried to pick up a piece of watermelon and took a fine bite.

An icy breath exploded in his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the sweetness spread quickly.

This frozen watermelon can actually be eaten!

Not only can it be eaten, but it also tastes very good!

It can be called a good product for cooling off the heat!

Looked at the wind giant wolf Sanye who looked at him expectantly next to him.

Lin Feng shook his head and threw a few pieces of watermelon and barbecue in front of it.

In such a relaxed atmosphere, Lin Feng clicked on the reward panel.

There is no choice for the last reward!

Reward for completing the trial!

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