Chapter 252: Powerful Tears of Ice! Frozen Plants Evolve!

In Lin Feng’s inventory.

A blue crystal was lying quietly.

Lin Feng took it in his hands.

A refreshing breath came out instantly.

There was a sharp hanging sound.

The cold air diffused towards the outside at an extremely fast speed.

It didn’t take long for Lin Feng to just take out the tears of ice.

A thin layer of frost hung on his body.

What surprised him even more was.

The chill did not decay in any way.

It is still dispersing rapidly.

The ground was exposed to a layer of frost.

After the moisture freezes, the whole ground appears white.

Lin Feng saw clearly.

The area about ten meters near him was completely covered by frost.

Even the hot pot and grill in front of him were covered with ice.

This delicacy is just like that.

Lin Feng did not feel sorry for these foods.

After all, he has a lot to eat now.

He cared more about the tears of ice.


The wind giant wolf Sanye howled angrily at the ice and the like.

In his cry.

Lin Feng disregarded the inspection and proceeded with this special reward.

Frost [Tears: Tier 6 magic items, containing terrifying cold air, cast magic: One of the main materials for Frost Fury. At the same time, it is also a precious alchemy material, which can greatly enhance the effect of ice-type potions.

[Note: After use, it can improve the freezing ability of all ice plants! The slowing effect is doubled, the attack power is doubled, and the cold air diffusion speed is doubled! It is an extremely precious treasure for the host! It is recommended to use it immediately!)

Lin Feng looked at this comment and got up directly from his chair excitedly!

Damn it!

What a heaven-defying effect!

Can it actually increase the freezing ability of all ice plants?

Not only can it increase the freezing effect of those plants.

And it can also increase their offensive capabilities!

What concept is this?

Lin Feng was shocked!

There are so many plants in his own ice system.

Whether it is the frozen mushrooms used to control the field, or the ice currant used to slow down monsters, they are extremely powerful plants!

And the frozen watermelon, which is also an ice plant, is its main combat plant!

Now this comment actually tells myself.

Once I have used Tears of Ice.

All ice plants can be upgraded!

It’s not just to improve their attack ability!

It can also improve their slowing effect!

The most terrifying thing is that even the range of influence of the freezing effect has been doubled!

This ability is too terrifying.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng held the special reward in his hands with his eyes shining!

This is really an extremely precious treasure to myself.

Looking at the tears of ice, another confusion rose in Feng’s heart.

Now that I have obtained such a treasure.

How can I use it myself?

Summon all the ice plants, and then put the tears of ice on it?

[Note: Just eat it straight away!”

Lin Feng looked at the comment that popped up suddenly and was taken aback.

What the hell?

Just eat it?

He subconsciously looked at the underground ice around him.

Just holding this tear of ice in his hand, he could feel an extremely strong chill.

It has formed a layer of frost on the outside of its clothes.

The ground all around has been frozen.

Lin Feng glanced at the stove in front of him again.

The hot pot and barbecue have frozen.

This kind of cold air has such a terrifying freezing effect.

Just eat like this?

Nothing will happen?

Will the internal organs be frozen?

Lin Feng looked at the ice tears seriously again.

The comment remains unchanged.

This confuses Lin Feng.

In his understanding.

If you want to eat the tears of ice, you should refine it into some kind of medicine and drink it.

Who knows that the annotation system now has to eat it by itself.

Is this really okay?

Lin Feng unconsciously resisted.

However, I went all the way, thanks to this magical annotation system.

Past experience has also proved that this annotation system will not go wrong.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng was heartbroken and directly put the tears of ice in his mouth.

Not waiting for him to swallow it.

A feeling of numbness spread to the mouth immediately.

The suppression is so cold that it hurts!

In a very short time, he couldn’t perceive his tongue and teeth!

Lin Feng’s heart was cruel, not only did not spit out the tears of ice, but swallowed it violently.

If you don’t swallow it again.

I’m afraid my throat will be numb from the cold after a while and I can’t swallow it anymore.

A terrifying cold air flowed down the throat into the esophagus, and finally into the stomach.

In an instant, Lin Feng felt his stomach churning.

0……Look for flowers……

The horrible cold air filled his whole body in an instant.

The whole body was cold and could not feel any warmth.

A wave of frost hung on his hair and eyelashes.

Lin Feng’s body trembled uncontrollably.

Found his anomaly.

The hurricane wolf howling nearby immediately ran over and circled Lin Feng.

But it can only do it in a hurry, without any means.

Lin Feng shuddered even harder.

The Great Wind Wolf gritted his teeth and rushed to Lin Feng’s body, seeming to want to warm it with his body.

In front of Lin Feng’s eyes.

[Information] The panel popped up suddenly.

Under his personal attributes.

Below the two special effects of Charm of the opposite sex and the weakening of murderous aura, a new special effect appeared.

The Soul of Winter (Remnant).

When this special effect appears.

The coldness on Lin Feng’s body began to fade away slowly.

With a sigh of relief, he stood up straight and stopped shaking.

Touching Sanye, he smiled and said, “Not bad, very loyal.”

“Go play first, I’ll eat meat for you later!

A few words to soothe the hurricane wolf,

Lin Feng moved his gaze to the effect panel again.

[Soul of Winter (Remnant): “Seasons” also have souls! Under the shelter of the Soul of Winter, the effects of all ice plants and ice abilities are improved!”

[Note: Can be upgraded! Need to obtain ice treasures, or contact with the spirit of winter!)

[The Spirit of Winter: The elves of “Winter” only live in special locations, in the freezing cracks of time and space!”

Lin Feng can’t understand the next few notes.

What exactly is the Winter Spirit?

What is this frozen space-time crack?

But the comment system did not give more explanation.

After Lin Feng wrote down these key terms, he stopped paying attention.

Anyway, with the improvement of the trial level, sooner or later you will be able to come into contact with these things.

There is no doubt that the special effect of Soul of Winter can strengthen his ice plant.

Lin Feng thought of this, looking forward to it.

He directly summoned two frozen watermelon soldiers.

“Fire forward!”

Pointing to the flat ground in the distance, Lin Feng gave the order!

Bang bang bang!


Under his watch.

Two huge blue frozen watermelons appeared suddenly!

The terrifying cold air spread to the surroundings instantly! Knife.

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