Chapter 254 Phoenix Potion Formula, New Plan!

“Congratulations on completing this trial and breaking the record.

Reward “Sunshine +12400.”

“Reward trial points +1000”

“A prize can be selected from the following prizes.

“Unicorn potion formula.

B Lei Kirin pharmacy formula.

“C mad dragon potion formula.”

“D Phoenix Elixir formula.”

In front of Lin Feng, a new reward panel appeared.

This is the reward for completing the trial.

Although it cannot be compared with the previous SSS-level evaluation rewards.

But the rewards from this trial are also very useful.

At this stage, any accumulation is very important.

Lin Feng didn’t underestimate the meaning of these rewards.

He looked at those options carefully, hoping to get hints from the annotation system.

【Unicorn Potion Formula: Records the refining method of unicorn potion. ”

【Unicorn Medicine: A medicine made with the blood of a unicorn as the main medicine. It is full of sacred aura and can increase the power of the priest’s skills. At the same time, it can increase women’s favorability. ”

[Note: You need to use the blood of Warcraft Unicorn, Bitter Bamboo Flower, White Snow Mushroom, Lanzhi Mushroom, Fire Beast Eyeballs. Refining requirements: Tier 8 alchemist. ”

[Note: Unless the host hopes to capture the hearts of women 07 through the use of medicine, it is not recommended to choose this reward. ”

[Note: With the host’s powerful charm value and the special effect of the charm of the opposite sex, it can greatly increase the attractiveness to women! Coupled with the effect of the unicorn potion, the host will become a man favored by women!]

“What kind of ghost potion is this?

Seeing this prompt, Lin Feng had a strange expression on his face.

The effect of this unicorn potion is really weird.

The first effect can increase the power of priests’ skills.

This is a very strong potion effect.

If you publish the effect of this potion yourself.

I believe there will be an endless stream of people who come to buy medicines for themselves.

After all, those who can transfer to the priesthood have money and strength.

And enhancing the power of skills can make this group of people who are already at the top of the professional category stronger.

It’s just that the power of the skill increases, so the required magic power will increase.

I am afraid that the burden on the meridians will also increase.

Lin Feng will not forget the prompts given by the comment system when he first chose a career.

The skills of priests put a heavy burden on meridians.

Once there is no way to increase the strength of the meridians, the consequences of waiting for them will not be good.

For ordinary priests, it is unclear whether this potion is a poison or a panacea.

But what surprised Lin Feng the most was that this had to remember the second effect.

Enhance women’s favorability.

What kind of ghost potion effect is this.

It is the first time that Lin Feng has seen a medicine with this effect.

The rewards he received before were basically props that enhanced the power of skills, or enhanced defense capabilities, recovery capabilities and other combat attributes.

This is the first time I have obtained props that can increase my favorability.

Is there any tester who needs this kind of thing?

Unless it is the kind of celebrities and other professions that rely on charisma to feed on, it is almost the same.

But in the trial space.

The rewards given will basically be useful in certain situations.

Although he would not choose this potion.

But this special potion effect reminded Lin Feng.

Maybe there will be trial content related to favorability and charm value in the future.

Otherwise, why would there be such a reward in the trial space?

He knows one thing very clearly.

The trial space is very mysterious and very vast.

It connects multiple worlds.

The Blue Star world he was in was nothing more than an ordinary world among the many spaces connected by the trial space.

In the trial space.

It is possible to see everything.

Anything can happen.

I can’t be careless.

Keep this in mind.

Lin Feng continued to check the reward panel.

【Lei Qilin Potion Formula: Records the refining method of Lei Qilin Potion. ”

【Lei Qilin Potion: A potion made with Lei Qilin’s blood as the main material. It can enhance the damage of thunder attribute skills, increase the aura of the eater, and exude the power of the unicorn. ”

[Note: Qilin Power: It can intimidate the enemy, make it difficult for the enemy to move, and even give up fighting. Especially effective against beast enemies. ”

[Note: Need to use the blood of Warcraft Thunder Kirin, flying snowflakes, sacred flowers, three leaves winking. Refining requirements: Tier 8 alchemist. ”

[Note: The vast majority of necromantic creatures are not afraid of the power of unicorns, and the host does not have thunder attribute skills. It is not recommended to choose this reward!”

【Crazy Dragon Potion Formula: Records the refining method of Crazy Dragon Potion. ”

【Crazy Dragon Potion: The blood of the mutant dragon is used as the main material, which can greatly enhance the power of the blood gas skills of the eater and increase the magic resistance. ”

[Note: Need to use the blood of the monster mutant dragon, purple sweet potato heart, spirit fox king, Wansheng bamboo forest, silver snow beast’s unicorn. Refining requirements: Tier 8 alchemist. ”

[Note: It is incomparable with Dragon Blood Medicine, so it is not recommended. ”

I watched the two medicines in succession, but they were all the same.

On the one hand, they can enhance the power of skills.

On the other hand, they can allow consumers to obtain a special effect.

Basically, it is related to auxiliary effects such as deterrence, charm, and resistance.

There is no noteworthy information, Lin Feng moved his attention to the last reward option.

【Formula of Pheasant Potion: It records the refining method of Pheasant Potion. ”

[Pheasant Potion: Potion that can greatly enhance mana and recovery ability. At the same time, it transforms the bones and enhances the body’s toughness. ”

[Note: The effect is best when taken before the seventh level, which can greatly improve the physique, and then enter the seventh level and formally become a seventh-level professional, so as to accommodate more magic power. ”

703 (Note: The blood of the phoenix of Warcraft, the fruit of Morohua, the white snow mushroom, the bitter bone insect, and the ancient dragon crystal are required. Refining requirements: an eighth-level alchemist.”

[Note: Since the host is about to quickly upgrade his career level, it is recommended that the host choose this reward to improve his physical fitness before reaching the seventh level, so as to prepare for the advanced high-level power!”

Finally came a reward that I needed!

Seeing this comment, Lin Feng was truly delighted.

Elixir of phoenix.

This name is enough to explain how terrifying the recovery and defense capabilities provided by this potion.

He mainly relies on a variety of powerful plants to fight.

For itself.

The most important thing is not attack power.

It’s all kinds of endurance, recovery, defense, and magic resistance.

This medicine is undoubtedly what he really needs.

And the comment system also mentions one.

If you use the potion yourself, it can be of great help to the promotion to the seventh-tier powerhouse.

And that is one of my goals.

Through the Devil-Eater Tree, he scored crazy in the trials below the seventh level.

Then use points and reward advanced high-level experts.

This phoenix medicine, it’s really time to come.

Put away the potion formula.

Lin Feng did not leave the trial space immediately.

He intends to set his next plan carefully!

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