Chapter 242 The layout is successful! The angel is out of trouble!


Amid the sharp screams, Lin Feng flew out again quickly.

When taking off, he slightly adjusted his direction.

After doing this a few more times, he was able to return to the place where he left the mushroom for the first time.

In order to attract the necromancer’s attention and to prevent him from noticing the abnormality, Lin Feng once again dropped a few mushrooms.

Similarly, he still didn’t let the destruction mushroom explode, but let them hide.

This action has been repeated a dozen times.

Every time the mushrooms were thrown, the zombies of the angels would suddenly separate to prevent attack by nuclear eggs.

But every time he didn’t let the Destruction Mushroom erupt.

The purpose of this is to reduce the vigilance of the other party.

It is also to give myself time to escape.

Because the twelve-winged angel zombies are chasing faster and faster.

In order to prevent the opponent from chasing, he can only use this method all the time to delay the opponent’s pursuit speed.

This is also for layout.

Lin Feng hopes to fly around a circle by himself, fly to the place where the destruction mushroom is in ambush, and then let the destruction mushroom explode.

At that time, this twelve-winged angel zombie would definitely be bombed again.

That necromancer will face a choice.

To chase or not to chase.

If chasing, he will face the thorny road, always news of the attack of destroying mushrooms.

If you don’t chase, wait until you have accumulated enough power to allow the Devil-Eater Tree to grow successfully, then he will undoubtedly die.

Thinking of this, the corners of Lin Feng’s mouth cocked slightly.

He did not hesitate any more, but flew at a faster speed.

In this way, he repeated the same routine many times.

Every time the Destroyer Mushroom is dropped, the Necromancer will control the angel zombie clone to make two shifts, bypassing the Destroyer Mushroom from left to right.

This prevented Lin Feng from hearing the zombies again.

He couldn’t help sighing that the Necromancer was so calm.

But he didn’t worry about the next situation at all.

Because Lin Feng knew very well that he had already circled a circle during the many escapes.

The sight of the plants told him that he was about to ambush the place where the mushroom was destroyed for the first time.

When you got there, it was just as if the necromancer remembered that he once threw destruction.

If you don’t remember…

Waiting for it to look forward to, Lin Feng gradually approached the place where Destroyed Mushroom was buried for the first time.

In order to attract the attention of the necromancer, he also specially threw two destruction mushrooms to the ground.

Sure enough, those angel zombie clones were still divided into two groups, bypassing the position of Destroying Mushroom left and right, and continued to chase them.

And the distance is getting closer.

Lin Feng hesitated, in order to attract the other party to the bait, he took the initiative to slow down a bit.

Those angel zombies clones got closer.

Endless black air hovered around the angels and zombies.

A cold breath struck Lin Feng’s back through the endless suit.

He could clearly perceive a chill behind him.

The angel zombies are getting closer and closer!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng suddenly increased his speed as he approached the top of the destruction mushroom.

The speed is too fast, and the scenery on the ground quickly draws out his vision.

But the angel zombies behind it seemed to have accelerated!

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at it lightly.

Those zombies clones did not separate!

They are still huddled together, chasing towards themselves!

Lin Feng was overjoyed.

He sensed the location of the Destroyer Mushroom soldiers and gave them orders.



Several bright rays of light ignited from the ground!

It illuminates the surrounding area for thousands of meters in a very short time!

The brightness of the light is extremely high, it looks like the sun at noon falling on the earth!

Unprepared, the violent explosion instantly swallowed all the twelve-winged angel zombies!

No clone escaped!

Everything on the ground is melting, rolling, splashing, and shattering.

When the light enveloped the world, the extreme high temperature and violent shock wave also came.

The twelve-winged angel zombies, who had consumed a lot of origin, were once again shrouded by the explosion of this destruction mushroom.

The entire sky became extremely bright.

The angel’s black feathers were once again burned to ashes by the blazing heat.

The flesh and blood on the wings melted rapidly, exposing the bones underneath.

But because the source has dissipated many times, and this time the explosion was caught off guard.

Those bones have also melted a lot!

This really hurt the body of the angel zombie!

The twelve huge wings only left bones.

His body was even more seriously injured.

The black air current and fog surrounding the body dissipated like ice and snow.

Under the control of the remaining will, the angel zombies instinctively opened their mouths and screamed.

But the explosion sound was too loud.

The screams of those angels and zombies were covered.

Two periods of dim white light flashed on the angel’s wings with only bones left.

Driven by magic, those wings waved vigorously.

It took a lot of effort for the twelve-winged angel zombies to escape from the explosion of the destruction mushroom.

Necromancer Mark’s anxious voice came from the mouth of the angel zombie.

“Damn it!”

“Damn gardener!”

0………Look for flowers…

He was about to curse Lin Feng madly, but found that his angel clones were missing three.

“My clone!”

A heartbroken exclamation sounded from her mouth.

Necromancer Mark really felt the blood dripping from his heart this time

The disappearance of the angel clone is a more serious loss than the depletion of the spirit stone.

A strong anger and hatred filled the mind of the Necromancer.

He has only one thought now, to kill that gardener!

What a shame!

Actually caused such a serious loss to myself!

Damn it!

Damn that gardener!

Under the influence of anger and necromantic magic, he crazily consumes his own source of magic power, and also consumes the source of angels.

A wave of magic power spread out on the body of the angel zombie.

The wound on her body is healing rapidly.

But Mark can’t wait for the angel zombies to recover.


He just wants to catch up with Lin Feng!

With the remaining angel clones, he chased behind the gardener as quickly as possible.

The wounds on the angel zombies have not even healed completely.

The wings on the back are still growing feathers.

But Mark can no longer take care of that much.

Just when he saw Lin Feng’s back again.

He suddenly found that the surrounding scenes were somewhat familiar.

Although there are only a few crystal pillars on the ground in most places of the Azura Star, it is difficult to distinguish the terrain.

But he confirmed that he had been there.

A sense of crisis surged into his heart.

Before he had other reactions, several destruction mushrooms broke out in a row.

Mark then realized

This is where the gardener dropped the mushrooms!

Yes, it was the same in that place before!

I was fooled!

A feeling of regret and anger intertwined in his heart.

But he knows that the situation is not good now.

No longer acting recklessly, he used all his power to control the angel zombies to fly out of the explosion range of the destruction mushroom.

Just when he wants to consume the power of the source to control the angel zombies and heal the body of the angel zombies.

He suddenly found that his magic power could not be transmitted.

At the same time, a sharp pain hit his brain along the magical connection.

He wrapped his head in pain.

At the same time, a crack appeared in the crystal ball in front of him.

What frightened him the most was that the angelic clone he felt had disappeared, leaving only one angelic body.


With a muffled sound, the crystal ball in front of Necromancer Mark burst.

At the same time, he felt that he was completely disconnected from the angel zombies! Knife.

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