Chapter 241 Weakening Control? Crazy Bombing!

[Twelve Winged Angel Zombie: The angel after death was infected with a zombie virus and turned into a zombie, and was controlled by a necromancer. Current level: Tier 6 pinnacle. ”

(Note: The will of the Twelve Winged Angels is fighting against the Necromancer, because Destroy Mushroom consumes the origin of the angel and the Necromancer many times, and the will of the Angel is gradually gaining the upper hand.”

Lin Feng looked at these notes in front of him, and his heart moved.

He has been chased by the twelve-winged angel zombies controlled by the Necromancer for several days.

In the first few days, there is still enough time to rest.

Once the distance is opened, oneself can let the Demon Devouring Tree devour the zombies and cultivate strength.

But as the Necromancer consumed the source and summoned the clone of the twelve-winged angel zombie, his life was not so easy.

Faced with multiple zombies, even Lin Feng had to be careful.

There is less and less time to rest, and more and more time to fly.

This also caused the growth rate of the Devil-Eater Tree to slow down.

The enemy is getting closer and closer.

That is, under such circumstances, Lin Feng feels that he is under increasing pressure.

He had to use Destruction Mushroom many times to inflict damage on the zombies of the Twelve Wing Angels, and at the same time strive to get some breathing time.

But after so long of 687 dealings, he finally got a safe way to defeat the opponent.

Since that Necromancer is battling the will of the twelve-winged angel, as long as he continues to consume the opponent’s origin with the destruction mushroom, he can make the Necromancer’s control more weaker.

And this will also weaken the power of the necromancer and the angel at the same time.

Although the angel and himself have the same enemy, the enemy’s enemy is not necessarily a friend.

If the Necromancer’s will control is lifted, will the angels also become enemies of themselves?

Lin Feng knows that all these are uncertain things, but he must plan ahead.

After understanding this, he put away the Devourer Tree that turned into a huge jungle in front of him.

He glanced at more than a dozen huge black mists that were chasing again from behind, he smiled slightly and flew towards the distance.

After repeated bombings of the destruction station, that necromancer no longer dared to approach him at will.

Especially when he released the Devil-Eater Tree, the opponent couldn’t climb even more and was cautious.

Under such circumstances, only two clones were blown up in the previous destruction mushrooms.

Although it still caused a lot of damage to the origin of the angel and the necromancer, it was not enough.

Lin Feng now hopes that he can lower the vigilance of the Necromancer, and then (ahcc) use more destruction mushrooms to blow up the twelve-winged angel zombies.

Pushing the green crystal wings behind him, his body rushed out like an arrow from the string.

The howling of terror echoed in his ears.

At the same time, he raised his hand and threw a dozen destruction mushrooms.

But instead of ordering the mushrooms to blew up, he told them to hide.

He believed that the twelve-winged angel zombies who had eaten many losses would not get close to these mushrooms easily.

You can hide them first.

Everything is the same as he thought.

Seeing several mushrooms in his hand falling from the air to the ground, all the clones of the twelve-wing angel zombies stopped.

Within a few tenths of a second, the angel zombies and clones were divided into two groups, one group flew to the right and the other group flew to the left.

No zombie clone dared to fly directly above the mushroom.

After eating so many times, the Necromancer also mastered some tricks.

Although this kind of flight strategy will delay a certain amount of time, it will also reduce the damage suffered.

Even if those mushroom eggs explode in the air, the closest clone can immediately use magic to resist.

Because the distance is pulled apart, the remaining clones can evade.

Such a strategy can minimize damage. It is the tactic that Necromancer Mark summed up after so many bombings.

Although superficial, it is still effective.

“You wait for me, come a few more times, I’m going to chase you!”

When the necromancer saw Lin Feng repeat the old trick, his heart sneered coldly.

But to his surprise, although the mushrooms fell in the air, they did not explode.

The terrifying shock wave, the hot high temperature, and the bright light are all invisible.

How is this going?

Seeing this scene, Necromancer Mark’s heart was full of doubts.

The explosion that was expected to come was nowhere to be seen, which aroused his suspicion instead.

Is that gardener’s special mushrooms not enough?

Or does he know that I have summed up some coping methods, hoping to deceive me, stop me, and save special explosive mushrooms?

Or is there a limit to his skills, those special mushrooms are not unlimited?

Countless kinds of conjecture hovered in the mind of Necromancer Mark.

He didn’t realize that Lin Feng was putting more and more pressure on him.

At the beginning, he was just a little curious about this strange person who came to Azura Star.

Later, the infinitely expanding plants of the other party made him feel dangerous.

After that, he used the bone dragon to test the opponent, but he didn’t hold on for long, and the bone dragon became the opponent’s nourishment.

One thing after another made him understand that the gardener is not easy to mess with.

As a last resort, Necromancer Mark had to summon his trump card, the twelve-winged angel zombie.

Just when he thought he could kill the gardener like a ruin.

The powerful mushroom egg gave him a slam dunk, and caused huge damage to the angel zombies.

By now, his mood has completely changed.

Before, Lin Feng was regarded as a dangerous enemy.

Now I directly regard it as the biggest crisis I have encountered over the years.

So much so that Necromancer Mark’s nerves are tense and he only wants to kill Lin Feng.

He didn’t notice that his control over the angel zombies was gradually weakening.

The flying speed of the angel zombies is also gradually decreasing.

All his attention was on the fast-flying figure.

Necromancer Mark did not notice the change in the flying speed of the angel zombies, but Lin Feng, who had been chased by her, could clearly perceive this.

He found that his pressure was diminishing.

With doubts, he looked back at the zombies who were chasing after him.

The new comment appeared before his eyes.

[Note: Because the will of the angel is fighting fiercely with the will of the necromancer, the will of the angel body begins to resist, and the flying speed of the angel zombies slows down. ”

Lin Feng knew it clearly.

Even if there is no official force, the damage caused by the own angel to the zombies is still reducing the control of the Necromancer.

“My layout is just beginning.”

With a soft whisper, he once again cultivated a dozen destruction mushrooms and threw them to the ground.

Similarly, he didn’t let those destruction mushrooms explode, but let them lurk to the ground.

Because the pursuit speed of angel zombies was slowing down, Lin Feng laid out more calmly.

He also changed the flying speed so that his flight path was no longer a straight line, but a small arc.

This subtle change did not attract Mark’s attention at all.

He manipulated the zombie clone to avoid the mushrooms, but found that they still did not explode.

This evasive action once again caused Lin Feng to pull away.

Mark was anxious.

Must find a way!

He used the power of the origin again!

The flying speed of angel zombies has increased again!

But he didn’t notice, the more impatient he was, the weaker his control over the angel zombies!

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