Chapter 243 is an enemy or not a friend? An angel who enhances strength!


The violent explosion sounded again.

At the location of the twelve-winged angel zombies.

A blazing white light lit up.

The white light was completely different from the light produced by the destruction mushroom before.

It is not only bright, but also holy.

A pure and flawless holy light suddenly enveloped the earth.

Under the shroud of this holy light, the body of the twelve-winged angel zombies began to fester rapidly.

The flesh and blood on her body kept falling.

The black feathers are also falling off.

Every time those flesh and blood dropped, the white holy light became stronger.

The faster the black feathers fall off, the faster the brightness of the holy light will increase.

Lin Feng frowned as he watched this scene.

Is this angel resurrecting?

He stretched the distance and watched the angel’s change from a distance.

Soon, only a huge angel skeleton was left in the holy light.

The “Six Nine Three” skeletons with twelve huge bone wings float in the air, giving people an extremely terrifying pressure.

When all the flesh and the black feathers fell clean, the brightness of the holy light was the highest.

Soon, new changes occurred.

The brightness of the holy light in the sky is diminishing.

The bright light shrank toward the angel’s skeleton.

Lin Feng saw an incredible scene.

Will the light be shortened?

What is the principle?

He looked at the scene before him suspiciously.

[Twelve Winged Angels: The angels that have been released from the Necromancer’s control are now gathering energy and guarding their bodies!][Note: The body of an angel is made of holy light. The necromancer replaced the original light with flesh and blood, which instead limited the power of the angel. ”

Lin Feng frowned tightly.

What’s happening here?

Isn’t this angel dead?

She has become a zombie.

Even if she can repair herself with the Holy Light.

But she is already dead.

What’s the situation now?


Or is it true that creatures like angels can’t die.

Once they are out of trouble, can they use the Holy Light to continue to resurrect?

Lin Feng frowned and looked at the angel in front of him.

The angel’s momentum is rapidly becoming stronger.

The holy light on her body is harassing.

The intensity of the light gradually dimmed.

But in contrast, more and more flesh and feathers appeared on her body.

It’s different from the flesh and black feathers that Necromancer Mark got out before.

The flesh and blood appearing on the angels now are changed from light.

Lin Feng saw this change with his own eyes and frowned even more.

What skill is this?

A sense of crisis inexplicably enveloped Lin Feng’s heart.

He stretched his distance further.

He sensed the danger.

When the light in the sky dimmed again.

A huge angel with twelve wings appeared in the air.

A bumpy figure, slender legs, white brushwork, and holy face.

But when Lin Feng watched this scene, not only did he not feel happy, but he felt even more depressed.

He didn’t know what it was.

Maybe she is the resurrected angel?

But the huge breath and strange pressure of the other party kept suppressing Lin Feng’s body.

He felt the crisis.

The opponent is an enemy and not a friend!

Originally, Lin Feng thought that she had saved the other party, even if she did not release goodwill, she would not be hostile.

But unexpectedly, the angel released a strong hostility just after he was resurrected!

[Note: Necromantic magic maintained her vitality, and now the angel is resurrected by the power of the Holy Light. Now she is in a state of extreme anger. ]

(Note: This twelve-winged angel has a strong hostility to everything, and is powerful and full of desire for destruction. It is recommended that the host stay away.

Lin Feng felt this change.

That terrifying killing intent swept everything within a few kilometers.

Whether it is the raging tide of corpses or those terrifying monsters.

Or yourself.

Lin Feng did not hesitate, and fled the place at the fastest speed.


Before long, a powerful shock wave bombarded his back.

Lin Feng was surprised.

But what surprised him was that the shock wave didn’t have much lethality, it just pushed him out a distance of hundreds of meters.

Considering the defensive power of the endless suit, if there is no such armor, I am afraid that I am now injured.

Lin Feng recalled the comment just now, and instantly understood in his heart.

This angel has killing intent on everything around him.

She must have used a wide range of attack skills.

This led to a significant reduction in the power of the bombardment on one’s body.

Coupled with the weakening of the endless suit, it is very normal that you can be intact.

But this also shows one thing.

This angel is not easy to mess with 0…

Thinking of this, Lin Feng once again increased his speed.

Originally thought that the source of the angel and the necromancer was consumed, after liberating the angel, he was less troublesome.

At that time, just concentrate on dealing with the necromancer and changing the star of Azura.

I didn’t expect an angel to be so hostile to him now.

Now there is an accident instead.

This angel is not friendly to himself.

Thinking of this, he opened the [Task] panel.

“The task has been completed, and the current evaluation: S, do you return?

Looking at this prompt, Lin Feng shook his head unwillingly.

I can’t just leave it like that.

I have spent so much effort.

It’s not for a mere S-level evaluation.

At this moment, new changes appeared on the task panel.

“The mission has been completed, and the current evaluation: SS, do you return?”

This sudden change made Lin Feng very surprised.

What the hell?

I was just escaping from the angel’s attack range.

Why didn’t you move anything, the evaluation of this task improved?

With such doubts, Lin Feng stared at the task panel seriously.

[Note: Because the corpse mage: Necromancer Mark died, you can choose to try to upgrade. ”

Lin Feng was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, I completed an optional trial.

How did that necromancer die?

I haven’t even seen each other’s face.

He turned his head and looked at the angel whose aura was rising. 2.2 A clear realization flashed in his heart.

This necromancer, I am afraid that after the angel zombie got out of trouble, he was backlashed by the angel’s power and died.

Although the strength of the bone dragon sent by the opponent was also Tier 6.

But the strength is completely incomparable to the strength of this angel.

And that Necromancer’s own strength is unlikely to surpass this angel.

Once the angel got out of trouble, he would be the first to suffer severe damage.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, even if you go back, you can get an SS grade evaluation.

But he was not satisfied.

What I am pursuing, but SSS evaluation is the fastest improvement in strength!

not enough!

He glanced back at the angel again.

The opponent’s strength is still rising.

Has broken through to the seventh rank!

Abnormal change rises sharply!

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