Chapter 240 Destroy Mushroom Plowing! Crazy Lin Feng!



The roar of explosions spread in all directions.

The dust accumulated on the ground and the corpses of the zombies were torn apart by the shock wave.

The ground is like a continuous drop, forming a circle of ripples.

The crystal clear surface of Azura Star began to crack!

This hard anomalous artifact was destroyed again in this way.

This is something that hasn’t happened in tens of thousands of years.

Countless dust and corpses stirred in the air, spreading in all directions.

One after another blast pits, as bumpy as mosquito coils, appeared on the ground.

The blazing heat swallowed everything nearby.

A huge mushroom cloud suddenly appeared in the air and soared rapidly into the air.

Four consecutive powerful explosions wrapped all the twelve-winged angel zombies and her clones inside.

The fire produced by the explosion was too bright. Within a thousandth of a second, the blue-violet changed to orange-red, and finally turned to white.

The bright white light has a very high intensity, and the entire sky is illuminated like daylight.

Anyone who sees this scene will be shocked.

A huge white light suddenly appeared on the surface of the originally dark Azura Star, like the sun falling into the world.

But its temperature is too hot and the brightness is too strong.

Any person or thing close to it is like a moth to a fire, and it turns into nothingness in just a few chews.

This magnificent scene broke out in the sky above the star of Azura.

The clouds in the air were pushed far away by the violent shock wave.

Before these clouds were blown away, the intense heat had swallowed them.

The whole world shows a scene of doomsday!

It seems that any creature here has only one end.


But angels are not ordinary creatures after all.

They are the spokespersons of God.

In the bright flames, countless black wings stretched out among the mushroom clouds.

There are no feathers on these wings, only trails of white wing bones are left.

The black magic envelops those bones, blocking the damage of high temperature and high pressure.

It also blocks the attacks of those radioactive substances.

All wings slammed in the air.

More than a dozen black figures disappeared from the place.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen huge figures standing upright appeared outside the explosion range of Destroying Mushroom.

These are the twelve-winged zombie angels and her clones.

These avatars all seemed very embarrassed at the moment.

The black mist that originally covered the whole body has become thinner, and many places have been exposed.

The wings, which were originally covered with feathers and full of sacred beauty, are already like pieces of rags with bumps on them.

Not only was it not covered by feathers, but the flesh and blood of the angels were also burned and melted.

Pieces of white bones were exposed.

All the twelve-winged angel zombies looked miserable.

But in contrast, the surging killing intent is even more profound.

“Damn gardener!

“You wait for me!”

“I don’t believe it, you can keep putting such mushrooms!”

“I don’t believe that you can continue to cause such damage! Keep releasing such powerful skills!”

Necromancer Mark looked furious.

The twelve-winged angel zombies he controlled also exudes a terrifying murderous intent.

The black mist became thick again.

The bones of the angel zombies were gradually covered by feathers and flesh and blood that grew back.

The twelve-winged angel zombies and many clones once again returned to their previous powerful appearances.

With an angry roar, Mark manipulated them to chase Lin Feng once again.

Although the appearance of the angel zombies recovered.

But Mark’s mood did not improve at all.

He knows one thing very clearly.

His own strength is not enough to truly control the angel zombies!

I used this forbidden power to cast the twelve-winged angel zombie clone originally to dance on the tip of the knife.

If it hadn’t been for the gardener to put too much pressure on himself, Mark would never want to use such skills.

The explosion caused by the huge mushroom twice in a row caused huge damage to the twelve-winged angel zombies.

In order to heal such damage, one must consume the source!

This is reducing his own potential and the fighting potential of the angel zombies at the same time!

The number of origins is limited!

If this goes on, I will die sooner or later!

Looking angrily in the direction where Lin Feng was, Mark controlled the angel zombies to continue chasing.

This time he learned well.

He divided the zombies into three batches.

All the zombies clones approached the gardener from different directions.

Keep this enough distance between the back (Wang Qianzhao) zombie clone and the gardener.

Only in this way, in the event of an accident, these clones will have enough distance to escape.

I also have enough time to react to manipulate them.

As long as the gardener can no longer use those special mushrooms, he has a chance to win!

Thinking of this, Mark rushed to catch up.

But on the one hand he underestimated the strength of the gardener. He didn’t expect a gardener to cause such a big trouble to him.

On the other hand, Mark, who was in a state of anger, did not carefully check the situation of the twelve-winged angel zombies.

He didn’t know that after continuously consuming the origin of the twelve-winged angel zombies, his control over the opponent had already dropped!.

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