Chapter 239 Destroy Mushroom! It’s Destroy Station again!

With bursts of breaking air, Lin Feng began to gallop in the air.

He felt a sense of crisis.

Even through the defensive endless suit, Lin Feng still felt a wave of cold air attacking his back.

Something is chasing itself!

It is several times stronger than the sense of crisis of the twelve-winged angel zombies!

Lin Feng was surprised.

Turning his head and looking back, the situation in his eyes shocked him.

A dozen huge black mist galloped behind him.

It was like a typhoon in transit, swept through countless bodies of sand and gravel and zombies.

That terrifying cyclone stood up to the ground, carrying countless black air.

A cold murderous aura is constantly forcing Lin Feng!

What shocked him most was.

In every black cyclone, there is a twelve-winged angel zombie.

How is this going?

Isn’t there only one?

Why do these angel zombies suddenly appear so many?

A sixth-order pinnacle 07 person has to deal with the enemy non-stop.

If there are more than a dozen sixth-order peak powers, or such twelve-winged angel zombies, how can I be an enemy of them?

I can’t beat it at all!

At this moment, Lin Feng even wanted to directly send back to the trial space through the task panel.

Give up the SSS evaluation directly.

At this moment, several notes appeared in front of him.

[Twelve-winged angel zombie clone: ​​The special clone released by the power of the spirit stone combined with the skills of the necromancer has all the skills of the twelve-wing angel zombie. ”

[Note: The consumption is very large, and the duration will not exceed 1 hour.

[Note: This skill will consume a lot of the origins of necromancers and angels, it is recommended that the host drag it down!)

Lin Feng saw these notes and turned around resolutely, speeding up the flight.


What I fear most is not understanding the reality of the enemy.

Now that I have figured out the weakness of these zombie clones and know how to deal with it, everything is easy to say.

Isn’t it just procrastination?

I have been procrastinating for so long, so I don’t care if I procrastinate for some more time.

Moreover, a twelve-winged angel zombie relies on head-to-head to win, it needs to pay a lot of price.

Now that there are so many zombies clones, we must find a way to deal with them.

Lin Feng carefully checked the status of the endless suit.

He found that the duration of his flight was too short.

Must think of a way to delay the speed of the twelve-winged angel zombies.

what to do?

Lin Feng once again looked at Muzhi Space.

The dozen or so silent Doomsday soldiers squatting inside attracted his attention.

Just now he bombed the twelve-winged angel zombie with two destruction mushrooms.

The opponent launched this hole card attack only after being hurt in this way.

The note is clear, the use of this skill will consume the roots of angels and necromancers.

If it hadn’t sensed the threat, and was truly injured by the destruction station, why would that necromancer use such a costly skill?

After thinking about this, Lin Feng’s confidence suddenly increased.

He had enough ways to hold the zombies of the twelve-winged angels.

Isn’t it a clone?

Isn’t it more than people?

There are a lot of own plants too!

And his current strength is very strong.

With the enhancement, the power of Destruction Aunt will also be improved!

As long as there are plant pots and sunshine points, there are as many as these destroying mushrooms!

Ruthless in his heart, Lin Feng began to plant Destroy Mushrooms in the grazing space.

At the same time, the four existing doom mushroom warriors were summoned.

Four destruction mushrooms fell straight from the air to the ground.

Lin Feng did not dare to have any delay, and flew forward at the fastest speed.

If you can’t get out of the explosion range of the Destroying Mushroom when it is activated, it will be a very serious injury to yourself.


In the air, a black figure was accompanied by this piercing and sharp sound, and it instantly disappeared in place.

Mark controlled the twelve-winged angel zombies and clones and chased him. When he was about to encircle Lin Feng, he suddenly speeded up and rushed out of the encirclement.

Without any hesitation 687, he immediately ordered the angel zombies to chase after him!

Want to run?

I took out my old books!

If you let you run away so easily, how can you mess with it?

This gardener must die!

While Mark was fierce in his heart, he chased away at the fastest speed.

At this moment, he found the two black mushrooms falling from the air to the bottom.

Because of remote control, his perception has declined.

There was no immediate reaction.

When he saw clearly which mushrooms looked like, he was surprised.

Isn’t this the mushroom that produced the strange explosion before?

This mushroom blasted out the magical weapon of Azura Star.

Although the artifact can certainly heal itself.

But his own angel zombies don’t have this ability!

Before he could react and take action, several rounds of brilliant light had enveloped the twelve-winged zombies!

A violent explosion, a huge mushroom cloud, and turbulent radiation attacked in an instant!

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