Chapter 238 Destroy Mushrooms! Use Laodi’s Necromancer!

Come on~

A soft chewing sound echoed in the jungle.

Lin Feng was next to the Demon Devouring Tree, watching it devour a monster zombie.

That is a monster unique to Azura’s Star.

The monster in front of him had three heads, four hooves, and its body was like a unicorn, covered with scales.

It can test the magic using the three elements of water, fire, and thunder.

Fortunately, when we first met, the annotation system gave me a reminder and made myself more vigilant.

Otherwise, this monster can still cause a lot of trouble to himself.

After using various auxiliary plants and the Devil-Eater Tree to forcibly kill this monster, the Devil-Eater Tree is devouring him.

Lin Feng looked at the monster in front of him, and then began to look into the distance.

Over there, a black air current was approaching the jungle.

Even after such a long distance, the black air stream entangled on a twelve-wing figure, still giving people a terrifying breath.

But Lin Feng can clearly perceive that that breath does not constitute a fatal threat to himself.

With the cooperation of various plants now, he can be completely killed.

But the loss will be great.

And with the trial experience of Death City and Dawn Icefield, he knew one thing very well.

These trials cannot be underestimated.

In case a strong man suddenly appeared from somewhere and gave him a fatal blow, it would be troublesome.

If it’s not accidental, don’t fight to the death.

Just when Lin Feng was observing the twelve-winged angel in the distance.

The Demon Devouring Tree stretched out a branch and shook it in front of him.

He turned his head and saw that the monster zombie that fell on the ground was dead.

Only a layer of gray powder was left on the ground.

The rest of the nutrients are turned into the nourishment of the Devil-Eater Tree.

Seeing this scene, he was secretly surprised.

The speed at which the Demon Devouring Tree swallowed the zombies became faster and faster.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Feng put the Devil-Eater Tree into the War Garden Pendant.

Looking up at the twelve-winged angel in the distance, he smiled coldly.

Silently cast a plant soldier, and the plants lurking on the ground were turned into plant soldiers by him.

Among them, there are two soldiers of destruction mushrooms buried in the ground!

This is the killer copper he hasn’t used for a long time!

It can’t be better used here.

The zombie chased him for a long time.

Lin Feng has long been chased out of his anger.

It should be a lesson for the angel zombie and the necromancer who controlled her.

Without hesitation, he activated the flying skills of the endless suit.

Under the faint light, his figure paused in mid-air and slowly disappeared.

When the afterimage completely disappeared, his real figure had already appeared thousands of meters away.

This speed is only a little bit worse than the flying speed of the twelve-winged angel.

And this angel’s rank is as high as the sixth peak!

The rank in front of her is even more difficult to estimate.

It was such a powerful zombie, but under the blessing of the necromancer’s spell, he could not catch Lin Feng’s figure.

This made Necromancer Mark feel extremely annoyed and resentful.

He mobilized magic power through the crystal ball, and his heart became more and more anxious.

That gardener’s strange plant is getting stronger and stronger!

If this continues, maybe he will be able to reach the strength of his twelve-winged angel zombie sooner or later.

At that time, how can one fight the opponent?

His foresight looked at the few Mingling Stones in front of him.

This is the treasure at the bottom of his own box.

Do you want to use it?

Mark felt his heart dripping with blood.

Just when he was hesitant.

However, something happened on the side of the twelve-winged angel zombies.

He just manipulated the angel zombie to chase the gardener, passing by the place where the opponent just stood.

A strong sense of crisis suddenly appeared in his mind.

Haven’t waited for him to act.

The ground where the angel zombies were located suddenly cracked.

Two huge black diving stations appeared in his field of vision.

The mushroom body is black iron color, reflecting the metal luster.

Both eyes are long and narrow, and they are blood-red.

When they first appeared, there was a strong warning sign in Mark’s heart.

He immediately controlled the twelve-winged zombies to leave the opponent’s position.

But it was too late.

Just when the twelve-winged zombies engulfed in the sky of black air just flashed her pairs of wings.

Two powerful explosions suddenly appeared from the mushroom’s body!

The dim earth illuminated by the dazzling rays of light instantly illuminates that place extremely brightly.

Even through the crystal ball, the light still passed to Mark’s eyes.

The whole crystal ball is bright and bright.

His dark castle room was as bright as daylight in an instant.

The crystal ball in front of you is like a high-intensity searchlight, illuminating the entire room!

His festering body and the endless bones in the room were illuminated.

Had it not been for Mark to look at objects without relying on his eyes, he would have been blinded by the light now.

Before the light in the room dissipated, he felt a strong tingling in his mind.

Through the contact with the twelve-winged angel zombies, Mark sensed what had happened.

The explosion from the two unknown mushrooms enveloped a radius of five to six kilometers.

Under the blazing light, all the zombies melted quickly like ice and snow under the blazing sun.

Not death, but melting.

The rays of light collided quickly in the air, and then disappeared quickly 0…

A huge mushroom cloud was left in place.

The mushroom cloud enveloped the entire sky in a very short time.

The powerful explosion not only swallowed all the zombies and monsters within a range of several thousand meters, but also swallowed white clouds, heaven and earth.

There was even a big pit on the flat Azura Star ground.

This is something that has never happened before!

Mark felt the big hole on the star of Azura, and he was taken aback.

How can this be!

What kind of attack is this!

This Azura Star is an artifact of the Demon God Azura!

How could someone blast a big pit on it!

What special plant did that gardener just display?

Mark felt frightened.

Even though he has actually been dead for many years.

But he still remembered a little bit of cold sweat from behind his back.


The twelve-winged angel zombies instinctively let out a cry.

Her body was destroyed by the rapid explosion, and many wounds appeared on her body.

Dense black spots appeared on the white skin, which seemed very disgusting.

Many big burning holes appeared in her twelve wings.

Feathers were burned out in many places, leaking the bones underneath.

Mark feels his heart is bleeding!

This is his strongest trump card!

He was seriously injured like this!

That gardener, unforgivable!

At the same time, deep in his heart, there was a panic that could not be suppressed.

If it continues, this terrifying explosion is matched with that gardener’s strange plant, and his fate will definitely not be good!

Countermeasures must be taken!

Thinking of this, he didn’t hesitate any more than 2.2, and picked up the Underworld Stone on the table!

The black-green stone melted at an extremely fast speed, turning into a stream of light and entering Mark’s body.

The fiery light of the crystal ball dissipated instantly.

The devilish energy of the twelve-winged angel zombies has skyrocketed!

A powerful breath rose to the sky!

The wings that had been burnt were instantly enveloped by black air, the flesh and blood on those holes grew rapidly, and the black feathers grew back.

The figure of the twelve-winged angel zombie suddenly became blurred.

Before long, one after another, exactly the same angel zombies appeared around her.

Twelve clones!

Angel clone!

Mark’s strongest trick!

It is also a move that he can use only after he has worked hard!

Through the eyes of the angel zombie, he glanced at the direction Lin Feng was escaping from, his expression angry!

Let yourself pay such a big price, that gardener must die!

Without wasting time, the twelve angel clones disappeared directly on the spot.

They pursued Lin Feng!

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