Chapter 237 The struggling twelve-winged angel! New nourishment!


A sharp aura sounded on the star of Azura.

Lin Feng urged the endless suit on his body and flew fast.

The clouds formed by the peculiar crystal dust in the air were directly pushed away by the air waves brought up by his fast flight.

The sonic boom sounded continuously in the air.

The black armor reflected the crystalline luster on the Azura Star, and it looked very dazzling.

The faint green crystal wings spread out, emitting a hazy light.

That is the light emitted by the endless suit being urged to its limit.

The green wings swept across the sky, leaving green flames in the air.

Having maintained an extremely fast speed, Lin Feng didn’t mean to stop.

He could feel that there was a strong aura still approaching behind him.

That is the breath of a twelve-winged angel.

After the opponent fully spread their wings, they immediately began to pursue themselves.

In just a few minutes, it rushed in front of him.

Lin Feng had no idea that the other party would be so fast.

But soon he discovered that the twelve-winged angel zombies could not continue to fly.

He can only fly intermittently.

This is very similar to his own endless suit.

A chase soon began on this Azura star.

Lin Feng discovered that although the zombie’s fastest speed was faster that day.

But the duration of his flight is not as long as the endless suit.

Until now, this chase has been going on for a long time, but the other party still hasn’t caught up with him.

A plan was formed in Lin Feng’s mind.

Maybe he can keep away from the angel zombies, and when it’s safe, he will release the Demon Devouring Tree to kill the zombies.

When the angel zombies are chasing over, put away the Demon Devouring Tree again, and continue to distance.

This is the safest way now.

In addition, in the process of rushing, he also discovered many anomalies on this Azura Star.

Although the Necromancer had been controlling the angel zombies, he could not fully control it.

And his flying distance is also limited.

As he got farther and farther away from the huge mountain peak, the flight interval of the zombies also became longer that day.

Lin Feng speculated that this may be the limitation of remote control of angel zombies.

On the other hand, he also found more and more strange creatures on the ground of Azura Star.

It is a strange monster.

They may be curled up in the cave, living on top of the peak.

Where they are, there is no tide of corpses.

Lin Feng didn’t know what the reason was.

Time is urgent, there is still the angel zombie chasing him behind, Lin Feng did not have enough time to stop and check the detailed information of those monsters.

But the powerful aura of those monsters still left a deep impression on him.

A thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

If you use the Demon Devouring Tree to swallow those strange monsters in the next trial, wouldn’t it be much more nourishment than simply killing ordinary zombies?

This also allows the Devil Eater to evolve at a faster rate.

It’s not a good thing to be chased by this angel zombie all the time.

Lin Feng is waiting now.

When you leave the area controlled by the necromancer, it is time to accumulate your strength and implement your plan!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng looked down.

Countless scenery retreated at an extremely fast speed.

There is no water, no plants, and no animals on this Azura Star.

Except for the zombies, it is the crystal-like ground.

But the dust floating in the sky can provide energy to living things.

Lin Feng’s plants have been improved a lot by the blessing of those dust.

Now the corn cannon in the pasture space has become larger and larger, and its size has become more and more powerful.

Seeing these changes, Lin Feng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

His current strength is getting stronger and stronger.

As long as you have accumulated enough power, it is time to kill the zombies of the angel yourself.

Thinking of this, he once again increased his speed.

Passing a stream of light in the air, leaving behind afterimages, Lin Feng disappeared in this space.

Not long after, a huge figure exuding black energy appeared at his previous location.

It was the zombies of the twelve-winged angels.

Its size is so huge, its power is so strong.

The whole body exudes a strange black air, entwining its body, it looks very strange.

The face of this angel is very beautiful, and the face is white and flawless.

But there was no expression on the whole face, it seemed dead.

Most importantly, on her face, those eyes looked muddy.

This directly destroyed the beauty of her entire face.

“Damn it! What the hell does that gardener rely on to fly! Why is it so fast!”

0………Look for flowers…

In the angel’s mouth, there was an old voice, and the tone seemed anxious and irritable.

It is the voice of Necromancer Mark!

He originally thought he had sacrificed the biggest trump card: the twelve-winged angel zombies could directly kill Lin Feng!

When the zombies were just summoned, the gardener’s reaction was very similar to what he expected.

The other party directly took away the weird jungle, took away his strange plant cannons, turned around and ran.

When I controlled the twelve-winged angel zombies to chase it, I found that the other party’s flying speed was simply outrageous!

He actually escaped from the angel zombies’ hands many times.

Under the limit of Azura Star, a person who can enter this place with his body cannot have a rank higher than the seventh rank.


Since there is only Tier 6, Necromancer Mark has absolute confidence to defeat the opponent.

Because he knew very well that the original strength of this angel was at least tier 9.

And he restrained her before her strength was promoted to the seventh rank.

She has an attack power that absolutely exceeds the sixth-order peak.

The gardener who came in by himself is definitely not her opponent.

But what he didn’t expect was that the gardener’s escape ability was too strong.

Under the chase of the angel, he was still able to escape.

If it’s just that, then it’s a process of constant chasing at best.

But Mark found that the gardener’s plant was growing stronger at an incredible rate.

Every time he catches up, he will put away the moving jungle.

But every time I encounter the jungle atmosphere, it is even more terrifying!

Marco knows that if this situation continues, the gardener’s plant power will become stronger and stronger!

If you wait until the plant reaches the sixth-order peak, it can fight against the twelve-winged angel zombies…

Thinking of this, even though Mark was already a corpse mage and a dead man, he still felt that he couldn’t help but shiver.

This gardener is tricky!

Must come up with real skills!

Thinking of this, Mark controlled the twelve-winged zombies and chased them up at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, his body was on the mountain peak of Azura Star, and he took out several gems.

Those were all rewards he got from participating in the trial while he was alive!


Can enhance the magic of death!

It was his fight to the death! The knife,

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