Chapter 236 The Twelve Winged Angels? The Angel of Death!

Star of Azura.

Lin Feng is replanting plants.

At this moment, there was a sudden violent tremor on the ground.

It’s different from the previous tremor.

This time the tremor was very violent.

Lin Feng can clearly feel the direction of the tremor.


A sudden sense of crisis suddenly enveloped Lin Feng’s heart.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the tremor.

There is a mountain of crystals.

It is also the tallest mountain that can be seen near here.

A black mist appeared on the originally calm mountain peak.

The holy and peaceful aura of the entire mountain range was instantly broken!

The mountain now reveals a strange breath.

Lin Feng instinctively felt cold behind his back.

That is not because of fear, but a kind of stress response triggered by biological instinctive vigilance.

“What it is?”

Lin Feng was not the only one who noticed this anomaly.

Colonel Corn also noticed this change.

He has been controlling the corn cannon force in his observation of the outside world most carefully, and he is also the most able to spot anomalies in various places.

Hearing his voice, both the Rose Mage and the Xiang Meng Archer looked at the tall mountain.

“Look! What is that?”

An exclamation came from Master Rose.

677 Lin Feng also felt a sense of surprise in his heart.

On the mist-shrouded mountain peak in the distance, a huge special creature appeared.

Twelve black wings rose to the sky, slowly spreading out.

Because of the distance and the obscuration of the fog, they still couldn’t see exactly what it was.

But the opponent’s body is undoubtedly very huge!

Even after such a long distance, Lin Feng can clearly see the outline of the wings.

Looking at the mountain, the distance between the mountain peak and the plant position is very far away.

The feathers on those wings can be clearly seen from such a distance, which also shows how huge the main body shape of the twelve wings is!

【Twelve Winged Angels (Necromancers): The dead Twelve Winged Angels were infected with the zombie virus. When they were about to become a zombie, they were controlled by the Necromancer and became the puppet of the Necromancer. 】

[Note: The body has both death energy and light magic power at the same time, which is very unstable. Relying solely on the powerful physical balance magic power of the angels enhanced by the zombie virus, once the balance is broken, the magic power is about to cause a violent explosion. )

[Note: Because of the influence of the Necromancer and other ranks, the strength of the twelve-winged angel zombie has been blocked, and it stays at the peak of the sixth rank. The strength displayed at this stage is not his limit. )

[Note: The zombie’s strength is extremely strong, but the angel’s remaining will is still fighting the necromantic magic, and the host may be able to take advantage of this.

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He knew that it was not so easy to get an SSS-level evaluation in this Tier 3 trial.

Now, the ultimate enemy has begun to make moves.

Lin Feng quickly sorted out the current situation.

He has already gained an advantage in local battles.

By this time, the Devil-Eater Tree had gained a firm foothold and began to expand steadily.

If it keeps getting stronger, even if the angel kills it, Lin Feng believes that the Devil-Eater Tree can stop it.

But now the Necromancer clearly discovered this.

He has already started to act early.

The opponent does not want to accumulate strength continuously.

He hopes to win the decisive battle early.

And now I have two choices.

One is to find a way to back off first.

As long as the Demon Devouring Tree absorbs enough nutrients and grows to a large enough volume, it can completely resist the angel zombie.

After all, the comments just now have been very clear.

The power level of this angel zombie is only the sixth peak.

He just killed the bone dragon not long ago.

Even if the strength of this angel zombie is stronger than that of the bone dragon, he can still cope with it.

And with the passage of time, he can build a more perfect defensive position.

Once you have a sufficient number of corn cannons, you can launch a full fire attack on the angel.

With only the strength of the sixth (ahcc) peak, he can completely kill him.

In addition to strategic retreat and waiting for opportunities to grow, there is another way to make the zombies fight hard.

According to the comment just now, this zombie is still working hard to resist the control of the Necromancer.

As long as he has enough ability to awaken his will, presumably this battle will be easy.

What’s more, maybe he can strengthen the angel’s will and let him control his body.

If this is the case, it might be possible to instigate this enemy.

Is it to fight him directly, or to retreat strategically?

Lin Feng frowned and began to think about it.

He opened the plant illustration book and wanted to find a plant that could resist or restrict angel zombies.

If I can increase some confidence

That directly confronted the angel, and then waited for the opportunity to intervene in the confrontation between the angel’s will and the necromancer.

If you can’t find a plant that can directly restrict the zombies of the day, then it is better to go back first and accumulate strength.

Anyway, the Devil-Eater Tree has become a new plant hero.

As long as you put it away with the War Garden Pendant, you can take it away.

The corn cannons on the ground can be placed directly in the grazing space.

Coupled with the enhanced endless suit on his body, he can completely distance himself from the chase of the angel zombie.

Once you have accumulated enough strength, you can fight a tough battle with him.

Regardless of the choice, it seems to be feasible.

The difference is only in time.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng didn’t hesitate, he carefully checked the plant illustration book.



Just when he was trying to intervene in the battle between the angel zombies and the will of the necromancer.

There was a tremor that was far more violent than before.

The originally extremely hard ground had cracked one after another.

Many plants were directly torn apart by this violent tremor.

Lin Feng almost didn’t stand firm.

He quickly urged the power of the endless suit and flew up.

The faint green vigilant wings exuded a strange aura, supporting Lin Feng steadily in the air.

The surroundings were shaking non-stop.

On this Azura star, an earthquake is happening!

Lin Feng frowned and looked at the huge mountain.

The twelve wings of the angel zombie have been fully expanded!

A terrifying power enveloped the entire mountain!

Even after such a long distance, Lin Feng can feel a strong pressure!

The other party is about to make an official move!

Lin Feng waved his hand, and included the Devil Eater Tree and the other three plant heroes in the pendant!

He used his skills again, and all the corn cannons were collected by him into the grazing space.

Without any delay, Lin Feng shot away from a distance!

Withdraw first!

The decisive battle is still to come!

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