Chapter 231: A Necromancer desperately fighting!

At the highest peak of the Azura Star.

Necromancer Mark now has questions all over his head.

It is the first time that I have encountered such a strange enemy since I obtained the sacred tool of Azura Star and integrated my soul into this sacred tool.

The Star of Azura is an artifact.

It allows people to enter the inner world after shrinking.

But there is a level upper limit for entering the world.

Once the level is too high, the entrant can only enter the Star of Azura in the state of soul.

As a Tier 6 Necromancer Mark, the entire Azura Star can tolerate the entry of the strongest entity.

Because the power of the soul wafts everywhere on the star of Azura, coupled with the skills of the Necromancer, he can achieve a theoretical immortality.

But Mark always knew that the original owner of the artifact, the demon god Azura, would definitely come to clear himself.

Because that demon is a rare demon who hates dead creatures.

In order to resist the cleaning of the devil, and to achieve immortality on the star of Azura.

For hundreds of years, Mark has been improving his power.

Until now, he has controlled all the zombies on this artifact.

And has been using necromancy spells to enhance the strength of these zombies.

In his opinion, he is invincible on Azura Star.

No one is trying to get him out of here.

667 The strong who enters the Star of Azura, either because the level is too low, can not pose a threat to him.

Either because the level is too high, you can directly enter the Star of Azura in the soul state and cannot cause actual damage to him.

Mark once thought that with his own strength, no one would be able to drive him out of the star of Azura unless the Demon God took the shot himself.

But at this time, he found the problem.

The tester who broke in suddenly.

When the other party first came to the Star of Azura, he was wearing a strange black armor.

Mark also thought that the opponent was a berserker or shaper knight.

As a result, the opponent’s way of fighting was planting plants.

And like zombies and undead creatures, the other side’s plants can actually swallow zombies and turn them into nutrients for viral multiplication.

An incredible feeling spread in Mark’s heart.

The other party’s profession seems to be a gardener!

The gardener is the only strong man who uses plants as a means of combat.

Never imagined that one day I would be an enemy of a gardener.

They are obviously supporting professions!

Why is a gardener’s plant so powerful?

Through the crystal ball, Mark (ahcc sees) his bone dragon is about to be swallowed by the opponent’s plant.

The powerful bone dragon is about to become the nutrient of those plants.

The largest tree is multiplying rapidly.

A powerful plant position is gradually taking shape in the tide of corpses!

Mark felt his withered face twitching.

I haven’t felt this way for many years.

Who is the Necromancer in the end!

How can a gardener who grow plants have such a viral spread and growth of his plants like undead creatures!

Thinking of this, Mark’s scalp started to numb.

What kind of monster did this demon god Azura send to clean up himself!


Suddenly a sharp pain came from his mind.

Ma could use his force to cover his head.

He knew that the roar was made by his own bone dragon through the soul fire!

It is dead!

Damn it!

Necromancer Mark slapped the table in front of him!

The table made of transparent crystal becomes a powder in an instant!


“I don’t care what special means you have!”

“But this is the star of Azura! It’s my territory! I won’t let you easily succeed!”

Muttering in his mouth, Mark walked out the door and walked down the mountain.

A few hundred meters in front of him, there is a huge cemetery!

He wants to use his most powerful undead creature to attack that invader!

Lin Feng, who just killed the bone dragon, didn’t know anything about it.

He just wants to complete the trial.

Seeing the bone dragon lying motionless in front of him, he shook his head.

The level of a bone dragon reached the sixth rank.

The strongest in the entire Azura Star, how high is the level of the corpse mage?

Will it reach Tier 7?

In Lin Feng’s mind, if the level of the corpse mage is level 6, then he is confident to get rid of the opponent.

But if the opponent’s level is seventh, then it has reached a high level.

Under normal circumstances, there is a huge gap between the sixth-tier strong and the seventh-tier strong.

The sixth-tier powerhouse cannot beat the seventh-tier powerhouse anyway.

This is a qualitative gap.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng raised his vigilance to the utmost in his mind.

Although knowing that in the third-tier trial, it is impossible for a seventh-tier powerhouse to appear.

But my goal is SSS-level evaluation.

In the previous death capital, in order to reach the SSS level evaluation, I even provoke the 14th-level powerhouse and the Devourer of Gods.

The trial level of the Death City is the second level.

The current level of the Azura Star Trial is the third level.

We must prepare for the worst.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng opened the task panel.

“The trial has been completed, and the task evaluation is currently reachable: A, do you want to send it back?”

Seeing this evaluation, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The basic trial has been completed.

Once the Necromancer’s rank really reaches the seventh rank, if he is really invincible, he still has a way to go.

But in any case, Lin Feng will not give up easily.

Kill the corpse mage, and then transform the entire Azura Star.

The powerful reproduction ability of the Demon Devouring Tree and the Dark Crystal Orchid made him full of confidence.

I am confident enough to transform this barren Azura Star into a planet full of vitality.

The endless tide of corpses that is attacking is not only the problem that one has to face, but the nutrients of the plants.

When Lin Feng was thinking about it, the bone dragon behind him was broken into many pieces of bone.

Countless dark violets parasitized on those bone fragments, blooming transparent flowers.

This hideous and powerful bone dragon, at this moment, was covered with various dark crystal petals, but it seemed very charming and without murderous intent.

There was a hanging sound?! The nutrient of that bone dragon has been completely absorbed by the dark crystal orchid.

The roots of the Demon Devouring Tree stretched out, and the pulsating soul fire was collected into the bag at an extremely fast speed.

Strange waves are spreading.

Lin Feng looked at the backbone of the huge Demon Devouring Tree, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

This Demon Devouring Tree seems to have undergone some strange changes?

In order to verify his ideas, Lin Feng stared at the Devil Eater tree in front of him with a serious expression, waiting for the comment to appear.

【Devil-Eater Tree: A special plant with a very powerful multiplying ability that can absorb the energy of undead creatures and become its own nourishment. 】

[Note: After absorbing the fire of the soul, spiritual wisdom is being born!)

Lin Feng was shocked when he saw this!


This is the first time this has happened to my own plants.

Could it become a plant hero like Colonel Corn?,

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