Chapter 232 The Devil Eater Tree That Produces Spiritual Wisdom! A New Hero?

Lin Feng stared at the huge tree in front of him, feeling very shocked.

He never expected that the comment system would give such a magical prompt.

Can the plants you grow yourself produce intelligence?

Lin Feng had never imagined such a thing before.

If the Devil-Eater Tree produces spiritual wisdom, what will it become?

A plant hero like Colonel Corn?

Looking at the fast-growing Devil-Eating Tree, Lin Feng suddenly recalled the scene when he encountered the fallen elf Harold in the sky realm.

At that time, Harold and Bob the Devil Eater had been with each other for a long time.

At that time, Lin Feng felt that the tree seemed to be some kind of sapient plant.

It felt the special zombie virus in its owner, Harold.

In order to eliminate the virus, it chose to parasitize with Harold.

Although the final result is not very good.

But this shouldn’t be something a plant can do.

The Devil-Eater Tree seems to be a kind of spiritual plant in itself.

And now after absorbing the soul fire of the bone dragon, this magical tree gave birth to spiritual wisdom.

This is the only plant with such a change among the many plants that Lin Feng has planted.

Even the special plants in the trial space may be of higher rank than the Devil-Eater Tree, but they have not yet given birth to spiritual wisdom.

Silver apple trees or space saplings are extremely powerful species.

But they are just their own auxiliary plants now.

Among all the surrounding plants, only the three plant heroes, Colonel Corn, Mage Rose, and Archer of Lemon, possess the wisdom.

Is it possible that in the end this Demon Eater tree will become like them?

It’s a pity that such a plant with intelligence is so lost in the star of Azura.

Do you want to keep it with the animal husbandry space?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng glanced at Muzhi Space.

After several enhancements, there is already a very large space in this magical space.

But you also need to put in other plants.

The remaining space is not enough to squeeze into this huge Demon Devouring Tree.

what to do?

Lin Feng suddenly had a headache.

This Devil-Eater tree has already produced spiritual wisdom. If it were used as a disposable plant, it would be a pity.

Thinking of this, he looked at the plant heroes in the distance.

“Colon Corn, Master Rose, Archer Xiangmeng, come here.”

The heroes who were leading the plant soldiers to fight against the corpse tide heard the order and hurried over.

“Master, what’s your order?”

They looked at Lin Feng suspiciously, and did not understand why they called them at this time.

You know, now is the time when the fighting is fierce.

The endless tide of corpses is impacting the entire defensive position.

Lin Feng pointed to the fast-growing Devil-Eater tree, and said: “Look at this tree, his current situation is a little different.”

“It just swallowed the fire of the bone dragon’s soul, and now it seems to have undergone a change, giving birth to spiritual wisdom.

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, several plant heroes were shocked.

what’s the situation?

Can this plant give birth to spiritual wisdom?

They have already seen the power of these plants during this trial.

And the singular ability of the Devil-Eater Tree has attracted the attention of all of them.

As long as there are enough nutrients, this Demon Devouring Tree will be able to multiply quickly.

His attack power is also very strong.

If this devil-eaten tree is in place where it was not convenient to grow plants, such as the raccoon city, Lin Feng often does not need to retreat strategically.

Now the Lord actually told them that such a powerful Demon Devouring Tree not only has strong attack power, but also gave birth to spiritual wisdom!


This also keeps the plants alive!

Shocked in their hearts, they quickly walked to the front of the Demon Devouring Tree.

Colonel Corn and Xiang Meng Archer both moved their eyes to Mage Rose.

This move moved Lin Feng’s heart.

It seems that in terms of understanding of plants, the wizard rose mage is more knowledgeable.

The Rose Mage gently approached the Demon Devouring Tree, took out his wand and tapped it on its bark.

A light blue halo suddenly appeared on the body of the Demon Devouring Tree.

Mage Rose did not stop her movements.

She began to keep tapping the Devil-Eater Tree with her rod.

A blue halo spread across the Demon Devouring Tree like a sea.

When the blue halo continued to spread, covering the entire jungle formed by the Devourer Tree, the Rose Mage seemed to be frightened and took a step back suddenly.

Her body trembled slightly, as if seeing something incredible.

Lin Feng frowned and looked at her, but did not urge.

After calming down, the Rose Mage took a deep breath, turned his head and replied: “Master! This Demon Eater tree did give birth to spiritual wisdom.”

Through the comment just now, Lin Feng has actually confirmed this matter.

0………Look for flowers…

But he knew that things would definitely not be that simple. Judging from the appearance of Master Rose just now, there seems to be something hidden in this matter.

He quietly waited for the following from the Rose Mage.

“Lord, I just checked the situation of the Devil-Eater Tree with exploration magic, and I found that the soul in it is very powerful, but also very complicated!”

“Its soul seems to have extremely strong suction power. As soon as my magic power approaches its body, I feel that my soul seems to be sucked into the body by it.”

“It should indeed give birth to spiritual wisdom, but spiritual wisdom may not be too high.

Lin Feng turned his head to look at the devil-eater tree.

“What do you mean, it can absorb foreign souls and become its own nourishment?”

“That’s what I mean, Lord. But the soul absorbed is too complicated, and it’s not a good thing for the Demon Devouring Tree itself.”


Lin Feng thought about it.

I am a gardener and know plants well.

But for the soul realm, he is completely a layman.

“Is there any way I can help this Demon Devouring Tree?”

Master Rose hesitated.

“Master, you can try to use the War Garden to see if you can take it in.”

“The Garden of War is very powerful, and may be able to make him a new plant hero.”

Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

“How to do it?”

He asked immediately.

“Can the Lord control the Devil-Eater Tree? If the Lord can control it, he may be able to try to integrate it into the War Garden Pendant.

This is naturally something worth trying.

Lin Feng did not hesitate to take out his pendant directly.

When he squeezed the pendant, a yellow light emitted from the pendant and enveloped the main stem of the Demon Devouring Tree.


The Demon Devouring Tree began to tremble.

There seems to be a play?

Thinking about this, Lin Feng walked to the Devil-Eater Tree and stuck the pendant on the trunk.

“Devil Devouring Tree, go in!

At the same time, Lin Feng issued the order.

There was a more intense tremor.

Lin Feng clearly felt the emotions emanating from the Devil-Eater Tree.


It seems to like this pendant?

Before Lin Feng could react, this huge jungle disappeared directly in front of him!

Demon Eater Tree, entered the War Garden!

It has become a new plant hero! Knife,

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