Chapter 230 Shocked Zombie Mage! Is this Tier 5?

Is it~!


The roaring bone dragon made an extremely loud sound and began to rampage among the plant positions.

Lin Feng could feel that this bone dragon seemed to feel threatened.

He can understand this reaction of the Bone Dragon.

The corpse mage manipulating the bone dragon must have never thought that these plants would be so weird.

Otherwise, he shouldn’t let this bone dragon appear directly in the enclosure of plants from the ground.

It’s a pity that one step is wrong, every step is wrong.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Feng’s mouth.

In mid-air, the giant net formed by countless devil-eater branches connected together shields the bone dragon from the jungle, otherwise it will rise into the air.

There are more branches entangled from the air, hoping to capture the bone dragon.

In order not to be caught by these branches, the bone dragon can only shoot bone spurs continuously.

I don’t know where the bone spurs came from.

Bone spurs that appeared out of thin air kept breaking those branches and leaves, blocking the approach of the branches of the Demon Devouring Tree.

But this still can’t stop the approach of the Devil-Eater Tree.

The soul fire of the bone dragon’s skull kept wafting.

When the branches and leaves were about to approach the Bone Dragon, about to wrap around its body, the Bone Dragon opened its mouth.

Lin Feng suddenly felt a sense of threat.

He immediately activated the flying ability of the endless suit.

The crystal wings on the back instantly glowed with a faint green light.


“call out!

There was a piercing and sharp sonic boom in the air.

Lin Feng disappeared from the spot in an instant.

And a faint green flame spurted out of the bone dragon’s mouth!

The flame looked turbid, but the temperature was very high.

All the plants that stood in front of it were burnt to coke.

All plants are directly killed by this flame.

On the ground, countless crystals were burned into transparent glass by high temperature.

A small pothole appeared on the completely smooth ground.

Lin Feng was surprised when he saw this scene!

Dragon’s breath!

The attack power of this bone dragon is so strong!

He looked cold.

After opening the inventory, he took out a bottle of plant essence.

Without any hesitation, Lin Feng ran these plant essences on top of the Devil Eater Tree and Dark Crystal Orchid.

Green energy flooded the Demon Devouring Tree.

The green magic circle in the air instantly grew bigger.

The capture net formed by the Demon Devouring Tree approached the Bone Dragon at an extremely fast speed.

The bone dragon flying at extremely fast speed was finally shrouded by the tree net.

The strength of the bone dragon was extremely huge, and it was struggling violently.

The sap was splashing and the leaves flew.

The branches were stirred and shattered.

A battle between a giant tree and a bone dragon unfolded instantly.

Outside, there is an endless tide of corpses hitting the jungle, hitting the plant defense line.

The devil-eater tree is fighting with the bone dragon, and the zombies below are also fighting with other plants.

Corn cannons, frozen watermelons, machine-gun peas, and various attacking plants kept bombarding the tide of corpses.

Countless zombies were killed on the ground.

The dead zombies instantly became the nourishment for the Demon Devouring Tree and the Dark Crystal Orchid.

When the Demon Devouring Tree Net and the Bone Dragon were fighting, the dead zombies continued to supply its providers.

Lin Feng can clearly see that the Devil-Eater Tree once again decomposed a seed, and a new branch appeared on the ground.

He saw this scene and had full confidence in defeating the dragon.

With a laugh, Lin Feng began to replenish the plants that were wiped out by the dragon’s breath at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, he was still using frozen mushrooms to restrict Ruogulong’s movements.

Countless piles of frozen mushrooms burst into strong chills.

The joints of the white bone dragon were instantly enveloped by layers of firm ice.

The Bone Dragon’s actions were immediately restricted.

The extent of its struggle began to diminish.

Lin Feng frowned.


Without any hesitation, he immediately used the tree world!

The figure disappeared from the jungle in an instant.

The Devil Devouring Tree, which was fighting the Bone Dragon by instinct, had an instant pause.

Before the bone dragon could catch this gap, all the branches covered it at an even faster speed.

At the same time, many branches are not tangled into a net, but raised high and beaten on the bone dragon.

The huge bone dragon was attacked, and it moved suddenly.

More and more branches hit the past.

The dust in the air was blown away by the violent shock wave.

Boom boom boom

Loud voices kept ringing in the forest.


With the assistance of countless plants, under the constraints of charm mushrooms, shrinking violets, and frozen mushrooms, the bone dragon was finally completely entangled by the Devil Eater tree.

At the same time, the bone dragon let out a loud roar.

A powerful green flame burst out suddenly on its body.

Dragon’s breath!

This dragon’s breath can be more than just spray from the mouth.

It can also burn on Gu Long’s body.

Suddenly, countless branches were burned to ashes.

The tree net entwining him was shattered in an instant.

Lin Feng did not give it a chance to escape.

Just when the bone dragon was about to leave the control of the Demon Devouring Tree, a cold air instantly enveloped it.

The burning green flame was instantly reduced.

At this moment, Lin Feng used all the frozen mushrooms accumulated in the pasture space.

The action of the bone dragon died instantly.

Lin Feng did not pause.

He controlled more corn cannons and bombarded the bone dragon.

Blue-violet flames enveloped it in an instant.

More and more branches hit it.

At the same time, Lin Feng seized this opportunity to let the spores of the dark crystal orchid envelop the bone dragon.


Ho Ho Ho~!

A huge roar sounded in the jungle.

The bone dragon struggled desperately.

But no matter how it struggles, after all, there is no way to escape the control of the Demon Devouring Tree!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng enhanced the plant’s attack even more.

He had seen those dark crystal orchids eroding the crevices of the bone dragon.

Those crevices bombarded by him!

The result of this bone dragon is doomed!

He didn’t have any worries, just waiting for the bone dragon to die.

The fire of the bone dragon’s soul shook quickly.

At this moment, Lin Feng felt that he was staring at him.

He suddenly glanced at the soul fire of Zhe (Wang Wang Zhao) Bone Dragon.

The fire of the bone dragon’s soul seemed to be someone’s eye.

When he raised his brow, Lin Feng knew whose gaze it was.

It must be that corpse mage!

He didn’t guess wrong.

At the highest point of the Azura Star.

A scrawny necromancer looked at the crystal ball in front of him motionless.

It shows the plant battlefield controlled by Lin Feng.

He is the corpse mage!

At this time, the corpse mage had only one thought in his head.

Who is this?

Through the perception of the bone dragon, the opponent seems to have only a fifth rank.

But this strange plant, this powerful combat ability, is he Tier 5?

At Tier 6, I am afraid that I don’t have the ability to defeat him!

This is the strongest Tier 5!

His own bone dragon is also a powerful creature of Tier VI!

What kind of monster does this live?

Why are his plants so powerful?

It actually resisted the tide of corpses!

Also resisted the bone dragon!.

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