Chapter 229 The Fearful Bone Dragon!

Star of Azura.

Lin Feng’s figure moved quickly in the plant position.

The basic attributes are extremely high, coupled with the enhancement of the endless suit, his action speed is very fast.

Even without the flying ability of the endless suit, his speed of action is still very amazing.

A series of black afterimages appeared in the plant position.

With his actions, countless plant seeds fell on the ground.

Blossoms of pink charms appeared on the ground.

They have a very strange luster on their pink and tender cells.

The pink color reveals a strange feeling.

It seems very dangerous.

With Lin Feng’s current ability, the plants he cultivated have been greatly enhanced.

These charm mushrooms can charm many special zombies.

In Lin Feng’s assessment, although the bone dragon now appearing on the ground is astonishing, it seems that it is not an easy one.

But that was just because his rank was one rank higher than his current level.

Once you reach the sixth rank, you don’t even need to make a shot yourself, you can turn it into your own puppet just by relying on the charm mushroom.

At that time, your abilities will get a qualitative improvement.

Although the current strength is already very strong in 07, after so many trials, Lin Feng’s vision has been completely opened.

It can be said that he is the person who has seen the most advanced powerhouses in the entire Blue Star.

No one has ever dealt with the demons who drink so much like him.

It is impossible for him to have awakened a powerhouse over the 14th level personally like him.

Therefore, Lin Feng has a very clear understanding of his own strength.

He knows very clearly that he is naturally very strong among his peers now.

But in the whole world, it’s nothing.



Accompanied by a piercing loud noise

The huge bone dragon finally emerged from the ground.

The huge claws tore a big hole in the ground.

Hundreds of plants were directly torn into pieces.

Suddenly a strange smell filled the air.

The huge bone dragon finally fully revealed its size.

It is more than 40 meters in size, and the white bones are connected to form a giant dragon.

Two huge bone claws support its huge body.

Even though there is no trace of flesh and blood on its body, the two bone claws still appear strong and powerful.

Behind it, two huge bone wings stretched out, longer than the length of the bone dragon.

The two bone wings slammed down, and the huge bone dragon flew up.

A stench filled the air.

There are countless black lines on the pale white body of the Bone Dragon.

Lin Feng understands that that is where the bones are glued.

This bone dragon is not a complete dragon.

It is formed by countless bone ranks together.

Green magic patterns wandered around it.

Lin Feng is not a mage and can’t understand those green waste patterns.

But through the annotation system, he knew exactly what it was.

The Necromancer used those magic patterns to control this huge bone dragon.


The Bone Dragon spread its wings, and at the same time it grew a huge mouth and let out a huge roar.

Obviously there is no flesh and blood, and I don’t know where it used to make the sound.

In its mouth are extremely sharp teeth, which look very sharp.

There are no eyes on the huge head. Through the hollow eye sockets, Lin Feng can see the green light shining in the skull of the bone dragon.

【Soul Fire: The soul flame of the dead creatures possesses extremely strong power and is the core of the dead creatures. ”

(Note: Only a certain level of necromantic creatures can have soul fire, and ordinary low-level necromantic creatures are not qualified to have such a powerful core.”

[Note: Soul Fire can use magic power, which is not only the strongest point of the undead creature, but also its weakness. Once the soul fire is extinguished, the undead creatures will die. ”

Lin Feng looked at the prompt in front of him, frowning.

It seems that the target of my attack is this soul fire.

In an instant, he seemed to understand the specific means of attack.

First use auxiliary plants to control the bone dragon.

Then use the corn cannon to bombard a gap in its body.

Finally control it, attack it completely with the dark crystal orchid, knowing to extinguish the fire of its soul.

Knowing the weakness, in his opinion, this bone dragon will undoubtedly die.

This is just an appetizer brought by the corpse mage.

Lin Feng does not intend to entangle it too much.


A loud roar sounded from among the plant positions.

Many bone spurs suddenly appeared on the ground.

The sharp bone spurs quickly spread all over the ground under the bone dragon’s body.

All the plants that Lin Feng planted were torn apart by bone spurs.

Except for the iron-skinned high-nut wall, all plants can’t stop the attacks from the bone spurs from the ground.

But Lin Feng just glanced at the bone spurs over there calmly, and didn’t care about them.

With a big wave of his hand, the auxiliary plants that he had previously planted launched their own attacks.


With a soft noise, bursts of red dust appeared in the air.

Those red mists are caused by the change of Charm Mushroom.

They can confuse zombies.

But at this time, they can only interfere with the actions of the Bone Dragon.

They are stronger because of the opponent’s rank.

But the enchanting mushroom is only the first attack launched by the plant.

Then there are more plants to activate their own special skills.

A hazy yellow light enveloped the bone dragon.

That is the light that shrinks the violet.

They can reduce the size of bone dragons.

Like the enchanting mushroom, the bone dragon has not been reduced much because of the same level difference.

But its size has changed to 667 after all.

This sudden change makes it very uneasy.

After a huge roar, the bone dragon struggled to fly in the air, avoiding the attacks of the charm mushroom and the shrinking violet.

Its power is very huge, once he made up his mind to avoid it, he avoided the pink mist and orange light.

But this is not over yet.

It just broke away from the attack range of the two plants.

Just as the bone dragon was about to leave the plant position and soar into the sky, a huge green magic circle suddenly appeared in the sky.

Dozens of huge branches and leaves that grew out of the Devil-Eater Tree shrouded toward it, forming a huge branch cage.

Countless branches are connected together, covering the sky and the sun.

There is no way for the bone dragon to escape!

The fire of the soul in its head jumped quickly.

Lin Feng’s heart moved.

This bone dragon seems to be afraid?

With this kind of speculation, more and more plants launched an attack.

After only a few brief confrontations, the bone dragon seemed to have developed a sense of fear.

On the one hand, it shows the power of auxiliary plants.

On the other hand, this Devil-Eater Tree seems to have a special purpose for the undead creatures.

In other words, it is the special plants planted by the horticultural master that can restrain the undead creatures?

With such doubts, Lin Feng turned his attention to the Devil Eater and those dark violets!

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