Chapter 222 Zombie Mage: Transform the artifact!

In order to obtain more information and to pass the next trial, Lin Feng must carefully check all the information.

With the help of the annotation system, he may be able to know the weaknesses of various monsters.

After going through so many trials, he already knew very clearly what the weaknesses of various zombies were.

Sweeping across the light curtain, no useful information could be found in ordinary killing trials.

The vast majority of zombies have appeared in previous trials.

It can be seen that the previous sky realm was a very difficult trial.

Many monsters in the third-order trial have already seen many of them.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng continued to check the next information.

Since there is nothing in the kill list worthy of your attention, move your attention to the optional trial and take a look.

Sure enough, a new note appeared here.

[Zombie Mage: A mage who has been infected by a zombie virus. Retained the spell-casting instinct before him. Under the dual effects of magic and zombie viruses, they have extremely strong combat capabilities. ”

[Note: Some corpse mages are likely to retain consciousness and wisdom under the action of magic power. Although they cannot have died, they still retain wisdom and special action logic. ”

(Note: There was once a magician who studied this phenomenon and created a new genre of magic: the genre of necromancers, but ultimately caused extremely serious consequences. Now this genre has disappeared.]

Looking at the information that appeared suddenly, Lin Feng’s heart was shocked.

Retain the wisdom of life?

Normal zombies have no intelligence.

Under the powerful firepower they possess, most zombies cannot get close to their bodies.

As long as you successfully set up the defense line, those zombies will have only one end, that is, they will turn into a pool of minced meat.

But wise zombies are different.

What impressed Lin Feng most were the zombies of god servants and god sacrifice zombies on the ice field at dawn.

Both of these two kinds of zombies possess wisdom.

Coupled with their special skills, they once became very difficult enemies.

If it weren’t for trying to unlock new plants by yourself, and developing the use of auxiliary plants, let the shrinking violet and the charm mushroom attack the god servant zombies together, and finally solve the god servant zombies.

The sacrifice to the zombies is even more tricky.

In the brief confrontation between himself and him, he did not take advantage.

The opponent’s weird figure, teleportation and powerful offensive ability all surprised me.

If it weren’t for the four sixth-order peak magicians sent by Eagle Nation suddenly broke into their own trials, perhaps the god sacrifice zombies would cause even greater problems.

Fortunately, those sixth-order peak magicians despise themselves too much.

They attacked the ice field unscrupulously at dawn, causing the zombies of the god sacrifice to hate them.

In the end, they attacked the four mages in a self-destructive way.

This also shows from the side that the god sacrifice zombies possess extremely strong wisdom.

She is a very difficult enemy.

And looking at this comment system, there are other monsters with wisdom in the star of Azura.

This is a rival.

And he is also the target of optional trials.

Lin Feng took a deep breath, reminding himself in his heart.

Can’t be careless.

No enemy of wisdom can be regarded as an ordinary monster.

In order to meet this enemy, Lin Feng opened up his grazing space and adjusted the number of plants.

More support to shrink violets, more charm mushrooms.

There are also a lot of seaweed and frozen mushrooms.

Although these plants do not have strong attack power.

But under special circumstances, it has a more powerful effect.

Seeing the number of plants in the pasturing space, Lin Feng frowned again.

After this adjustment, the first time he entered the trial site, his combat effectiveness was significantly weakened.

If you encounter that special zombie at the same time at the beginning, and encounter a large number of corpse tide attacks at the same time, this kind of plant configuration may not be able to resist.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng took out a few bottles of plant essences and put them in his hands.

0………Look for flowers…

The giant tree guarding Murong’s house has healed.

Now I have a lot of plant essences.

During the battle, a sufficient amount of plant essence can cultivate very powerful plants in an instant.

Using them to cultivate corn cannons, you can create extremely powerful positions in the moment of battle.

Continue to view the notes, Lin Feng hopes to get more information.

Soon, a word caught his attention.


Why have never heard of this profession before.

Didn’t anyone encounter such an enemy in other trials?

In addition, in the trial space, it seems that this kind of career choice is not provided.

Perhaps this is not an ordinary career, but a career change.

Can the Necromancer not be able to change his job without fulfilling sufficient conditions?

With this question, Lin Feng continued to observe the light curtain.

The annotation system did not disappoint him.

The new comment appeared in front of him.

[Necromancer: A magician who uses death energy, can control corpses and skeletons. The Necromancer at the highest level possesses the ability to live toward death. ”

[Note: Special occupations cannot be selected and must be transferred. And the conditions are harsh. A mage who has sufficient physical and magical power and has been exposed to death energy can be transferred. It’s too painful to be exposed to the energy of death…)

Seeing these notes, Lin Feng’s heart moved.

Are living people exposed to death energy?

Among the professions he is currently changing, there is the profession of Ming Planter.

In some ways, this necromancer may be very similar to the master Mingzhi.

And the comment system suddenly gave such detailed comments to the Necromancer.

It is very possible that among the enemies that are about to face, there is a Necromancer!

You must be vigilant, and you can’t relax!

After thinking clearly about the enemies he might face and getting ready, Lin Feng looked at another optional trial in the light curtain.

It had never appeared before, and the second optional trial aroused his intense curiosity!

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