Chapter 223 The Proving Ground of Master Ming Zhi?

Lin Feng looked at the second optional task that was realistic on the light curtain.

Transform the barren Azura Star.

The name of this task is very interesting.

According to the previous note, the Star of Azura should be an artifact.

According to the notes, this magical gem can suck people in.

Lin Feng roughly understood that the corpse mage was the monster inside the Azura Star.

This monster, is the devil’s subordinate?

Or his enemy?

If it is an ordinary person, how can he enter the interior of the Azura Star?

At the same time, another matter also puzzled Lin Feng.

What is called the transformation of the barren Azura star.

This sounds like where to go to pioneer.

Do you want to plant trees on Azura Star?

Thinking wildly inside, Lin Feng stared at the subtitles on the light curtain earnestly.

Since “Six-Five-Zero” more detailed information is needed.

[Reconstruct the barren Azura Star: This magical gem can absorb people. Inside is a barren land, with floating monsters everywhere, and countless terrifying zombies wandering here. 】

[Note: Kill the monsters inside the Azura Star, and at the same time purify the soul of the minor training inside, so that the artifact is restored to its magic, and the artifact is full of vitality!)

[Note: The skills of the Ming Planter will play a very important role in this trial!]

Seeing the last comment, Lin Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He finally understood the meaning of this optional trial.

Roughly going in to clean up all the monsters.

In this case, you don’t need to read the content of the killing trial above.

In addition, you need to plant trees for Azura Star.

It seems that this artifact is the same as its name.

Not only a gem, but also a planet.

I just don’t know how big its internal area is after I shrink and enter this planet.

If there is really a planet as wide as that, wouldn’t you need to be trapped in it for a long time?

But the comment specifically mentioned the skills of the Mingzhi teacher, which made Lin Feng breathe a sigh of relief.

He knows what the plants of Master Ming Plant are like.

Those plants that have both the magic of life and the magic of darkness have a common characteristic.

Strong expansion capability.

They can obtain energy through a variety of methods, not limited to photosynthesis.

When he was in the realm of the sky, the Demon Eater tree left a deep impression on him.

After he liberated the spirit trapped in the Devil Eater: Harold, the energy of the entire Devil Eater was activated.

The wildly expanding Demon Eater formed an oasis of hope, covering almost the entire continent.

Almost all the zombies were cleaned up.

Once you use the skills of the Haze Planter in the Star of Azura and plant many powerful dark things, then this trial is not impossible to complete.

Therefore, expanding the plant position may be the key to this trial.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng took out the two frozen watermelons in the pasturing space and replaced them with the Devil Eater.

Then he prepared several copies of Dark Crystal Orchid.

After finishing all these things, Lin Feng took a deep breath and started the trial.

Surrounded by a burst of red light, his figure disappeared in the preparation space.

When the line of sight in front of him gradually became clear and the red light dissipated, Lin Feng saw the situation in front of him clearly.

The ground is crystal clear crystals.

Like a gem, the ground here reflects brilliant light.

Looking a little far away, the mountains undulated along the way.

As far as I can see, all the mountains are made of crystal pillars.

There was no trace of green in the star of Azura.

Its ground seems to be composed of these strange crystals.

A lot of dust reflecting bright light was floating in the air.

The dust seems to be debris from certain gems?

Lin Feng’s heart shuddered.

Can plants be grown in such a place?

He lifted his foot and stepped heavily on the ground.


A puff of dust rose from the ground.

It’s the same as the dust floating in the air.

This seems to be some kind of crystalline debris.

However, there is no depression in the entire crystal ground.

With his current power, plus the bonus of the endless suit.

Lin Feng believes that he can use this foot to jump out of a big hole on ordinary bluestone.

But the ground of the Azura Star did not respond.

There is no way to bury seeds in the ground, can plants be grown?

Thinking of this, he threw two corn seeds directly onto the ground.

When the seeds fell on the ground, he tried to throw a ball of sunshine on the corn seeds….

Nothing happens.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng frowned.

Is it here that you need to keep planting plants in pots by yourself?

If this is the case, the speed at which oneself expands the plant position will definitely slow down greatly.

At the same time, in the early stages of the trial, it is definitely more difficult to expand the plant position.

My own time may be running out.

Must be fast.

Thinking of this, he started planting flowerpots of life as quickly as possible.

But when he just planted more than a dozen flower pots and planted more than a dozen frozen watermelons.

A faint light suddenly appeared on the ground.

The dust falling from the sky fell on the two corn seeds that had been sown on the ground.

There seems to be some kind of energy instilled in it.

Lin Feng saw that those corn seeds quickly collapsed.

The nutrients in its body began to be supplied to the embryo.

A tiny emerald green sprout appeared above the corn seed.

At the same moment, more shiny dust was scattered on the corn seeds.

Corn began to take root and sprout at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sunlight ball that had just fallen on the side also quickly entered the body of the corn seed.

Soon, a corn pitcher appeared in front of Lin Feng.

These dust can grow plants!

They can provide nutrients to plants!

Coupled with the birth of the Sunshine Ball, Lin Feng found out that the plants here grow faster than other places!

But it seems that you have to wait for the dust to fall on the seeds to be effective.

In other words, if you expand the plant position here, the initial start-up will be slow.

But it does not matter.

Lin Feng waved his hand.

In front of him, a large number of plant soldiers appeared.

Holding the Garden War again, three plant heroes came out.

Under their leadership, a commonly used plant battle formation appeared around Lin Feng.

With the protection of the plants, he didn’t delay anything, and started planting plants quickly.

Although it looks calm here now, I am trying.

I’m afraid that after a while, there will be a massive tide of corpses.

It is wise to be prepared for the battle!

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