Chapter 221 The Star of Azura!

Chapter 221 The Star of Azura!

“Trial level: Tier 3.

“The content of the trial is sent to Azura Star to complete the trial.

The kill list is as follows:

Kill the ghost zombies: 1700.

Kill flying zombies: 1700.

Kill bone giant zombies: 240.

Kill crazy zombies: 40.


Optional trial goals:

Optional goal 1: Kill special zombies: Corpse Mage: 18.

Optional objective 2: Transform the barren Azura Star.

“The limit on the number of trials: 4.

“Whether to invite teammates: yes/no.”

It is still the old rules, and the information of this trial is displayed on the light curtain.

Unlike before, two optional trials appeared on the light curtain this time.

In the previous second-tier trials, there has always been only one optional trial.

Lin Feng frowned.

He didn’t know that the difference this time was because of the special location of the trial.

It’s because of getting promoted from one’s own level, this is the characteristic of Tier 3 Trial.

In the previous sky realm, there were not multiple optional trials.

But that time was also a special trial.

It was through Meritia’s guidance that he entered that world.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed.

So far, it seems that every trial that I have participated in has been extraordinary.

Is this a 640 decay of morality, or is it…

He laughed at himself, and Lin Feng began to observe the light curtain himself.

He needs the annotation system to provide himself with more information.

The powerful offensive abilities of plants, the various singular abilities of auxiliary plants, and the information intelligence of the annotation system, combined into one, are Lin Feng’s greatest confidence to participate in the trial alone.

After participating in so many trials, Lin Feng has become accustomed to getting information from the light curtain.

And the most important of these information is not those trial goals, nor those optional trials.

It’s the place of trial.

Through annotations, you can obtain information that is really beneficial to you from the annotation system.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng calmly looked at the light curtain.

The location of the trial, the star of Azura.

It’s this demon again.

She seems to have been predestined with her all the time.

Whether it’s getting rewards or participating in trials.

Lin Feng also investigated the demon’s information when he was outside.

Only a small part of the information about her.

It is said that in the trial space, there are other trialists who have encountered her avatar, or her followers.

Most people don’t even know the existence of this demon god.

Or (ahcc) people say that before Lin Feng awakens the Devourer of Gods, many people don’t even know that there are real strong Gods in the world.

From the bits and pieces found, Lin Feng learned a lot about Azula.

This demon god seems to be a kind god among the demon gods.

She hates evil and hates the power to disrupt order.

The statue of the demon god is also very interesting.

Her idol is the image of a girl holding the sun and the moon in both hands.

This represents the power of Azura.

She is the demon god of dawn and dusk.

After collecting these materials, Lin Feng has a deeper understanding of this demon god.

Whether it is the brilliance of the morning light that she cultivated, or the rose she cultivated, they all helped me a lot.

The former strengthened one’s physical strength.

The latter directly promoted two professional ranks by himself.

And because of this, he can survive the ambush in Baisha City.

So, when he tried this time, he saw the name Azula again, and Lin Feng immediately left a thought.

He stared scorchingly at the text on the light curtain.

[Star of Azura: The artifact of the demon god Azura. It can be used as a soul container. The accepted soul can replenish magic power. ”

[Note: The soul of Azura Star will not break no matter how many times it is loaded and released. It can only hold white souls, that is, the souls of non-intelligent non-human creatures. ”

[Note: Under the influence of the demon god Azura, the gem of this artifact can shrink people and absorb them. ”

[Note: The current Azura Star has very powerful monsters. The Demon God hopes that someone can purify this gem and return him a pure Azura Star. 】

Seeing this comment, Lin Feng frowned.

These notes gave him a lot of information.

First of all, Azula, the demon god, seems to be biased towards the good camp.

He remembered the annotations given to him by the annotation system when he got Azura Rose before.

Azura is a demon who favors kindness.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng was a little bit dumbfounded.

A demon god who is biased towards kindness?

He felt a little funny.

But in fact, this may even explain the chaotic and disorderly character of the Demon God.

Judging from the powerhouses at the level of the gods that I have come into contact with.

The Devourers of Gods are pure demonic zombies.

He is totally evil.

That kind of formidable feeling still remains in my memory.

The higher Lin Feng’s rank is, the more he can understand how powerful the God Devourer was.

In addition to the devourer of the gods, he has also come into contact with four demon gods.

Among them, Meritia hates undead creatures, and Azula’s acting style is also biased towards kindness.

This can be seen from the artifacts of the two demon gods.

After killing the spirit creatures, the divine sword of dawn will burst out with brilliant flames, burning the rest of the undead.

The star of Azura can only accept white souls, that is, gods of non-intelligent creatures.

Lin Feng felt that he was lucky.

The things that these two demon gods gave themselves helped them a lot.

But the other two demon gods are not so easy to deal with.

Although the Demon God Angles gave himself Demon Fruit.

However, the annotation system reminds yourself that you should not arbitrarily answer the transaction and requirements of the responding party.

Moreover, the other party’s acting style is chaotic, so it’s better to stay away from him.

As for the last demon god, Mephala.

Lin Feng thought of the demon god, his brows jumped.

When Meritia fought with Mefara, she took part in it and helped Meritia to win.

He still remembered that Mephala had threatened him.

It’s not a good thing to be hated by a demon god.

In order to deal with the problems that may arise in the future, one must strengthen one’s own strength.

In the future, if Mephala comes out of the abyss, or her followers come to attack her, she must have enough power to fight back.

And the most powerful place is the trial space.

The best way to improve your strength is to complete the trial.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng did not hesitate anymore and moved his gaze to the light curtain again.

The Azura Star is obviously a gem, but it can attract people in.

Look at the description, it is very effective.

And the system reminded itself that there are extremely powerful monsters in Azura Star.

For this, we must get more trial information.

After making up his mind, Lin Feng carefully observed the light curtain again.

He hopes to get more information!

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