Chapter 217 The Odell Family Giving Up Revenge!

Chapter 217 The Odell Family Giving Up Revenge!

Gaul, Odell Manor.

Living in the office, Odell Solomon frowned.

She received the latest news.

As the top family of the Gaul country, although they also have conflicts with Lin Feng, in order not to leak secrets, Ying Guo has not brought them in these several actions.

Although the Odell family has always been prepared for action against Lin Feng, they have never had time to do this.

Except for the initial ambush in Baisha City with the Eagle Nation, they did not participate in the rest of the matter.

At the beginning, a taboo method was prepared, and before any action, it was discovered that Eagle Country had already started it in advance.

Moreover, the action led by the Eagle Nation countries is far more prepared than their Odell family.

Four masters of the sixth-order peak.

Such a lineup actually failed to kill a Tier 4 gardener.

By now, the Odell family has no idea whether they should continue to attack Lin Feng.

And this information sent today may be able to help them make a decision.

This information is about the mysterious man’s unsuccessful attack on Lin Feng, and finally lost the right of Holy Redemption.

“Are there any more detailed information? I now want to know who the mysterious person who attacked was.

Odell Solomon turned to look at his secretary.

The female secretary looked serious and replied earnestly: “The family’s intelligence agency is acquiring information at the fastest speed.

“After experiencing the Baisha City incident last time, Longguo has begun to carefully investigate the domestic situation and stabilized the defense. It is more difficult for us to obtain intelligence than before.”

“What’s more, the place where the attack was launched was the capital of the Long Kingdom, Beiping, and it was also the test site of the Trial Space Research Institute.

“This is an extremely important place. Being infiltrated by a strong person makes Long Guo very angry.”

“They have strengthened various defenses, making it more difficult for us to obtain information.

Patriarch Odell’s brows frowned even more at the secretary’s words.

At this critical moment, intelligence determines the next direction of the family.

The efficiency of obtaining intelligence is so low, is this still the intelligence channel of the Odell family?

Her brow furrowed tighter.

The situation is wrong now, coupled with the lack of intelligence channels, makes her even more annoyed.

The owner’s secretary took a step back calmly.

The Patriarch’s temper is getting worse and worse, and he can’t control his breath.

With the rise of Lin Feng, the pressure on the owner of the family has also increased.

With this thought, she took a step back.

Solomon did not care about the secretary’s situation.

She is only thinking about how to solve Lin Feng’s problem.

What kind of attitude will the family use to treat this gardener in the future?

Now, intelligence is the most important.

She must find a way to obtain more detailed information.

At least you need to know the strength of the person who launched the attack.

The other party can get the Scepter of Redemption, it is definitely not an ordinary person.

And he can sneak into Peking, which is even more not something an ordinary strong person can do.

Wait, the Scepter of Redemption?

Solomon looked up sharply.

“It is necessary for the intelligence department to change its mindset and stop obtaining information from Longguo Beiping.”

“The person who launched the attack on the test site, since he holds the Scepter of Redemption, is definitely not from the Dragon Kingdom.

“The Scepter of Redemption has been in the hands of the John family before, and I have never heard of any priest in the John family using this secret treasure.”

“Such a powerful weapon will definitely be in the treasure house and be under strict supervision.

“Go, start with Ying Guo, find a way to check the news, at least know the strength of the mysterious attacker! Quick!”

After Solomon thought of a solution, he didn’t want to wait for a moment.

She desperately needs information.

After receiving the order, the secretary did not dare to delay any time and left the office at a very fast speed.

Solomon was still thinking, leaving only his brows frowned.

In charge of all the power of the family, she keenly discovered one thing.

Recently, because of a series of things that Lin Feng has done, more and more family members have realized that the status of the gardener is completely different.

Whether it is the fruit of the devil, or a special plant.

These things all illustrate one point.

Lin Feng’s role is rising rapidly.

His status is also rising rapidly.

Under the current circumstances, can the family retaliate against him?

An idea emerged in Solomon’s mind.

Perhaps, it has long been difficult for the family to retaliate alone.

The mighty Odell family, perhaps at this stage, there is really no way to take this gardener.

Thinking of this, Solomon was a little confused.

Is this still the powerful Odell family?

Actually really want to give in to a little gardener?

She frowned.

Boom boom boom.

Just as she was thinking, there was a knock on the door.

Solomon felt his anger suddenly rise.

At this time, who is going to disturb one’s own thinking?


She asked indifferently.

“Patriarch, it’s me.”

What Solomon didn’t expect was that the secretary’s voice came from outside the door.

Didn’t it just go out and order the intelligence channel to act?

Come back so soon?

“Come in.”

The door of the office was opened. The owner’s secretary walked in with a piece of information.

“Patriarch, intelligence channels have collected intelligence on the attackers through some family forces in the Eagle Nation.”

So fast?

Solomon was surprised.

It’s been less than ten minutes?

Compared with the solid solution golden soup of the Dragon Kingdom, the intelligence of those eagle nations is too easy to obtain.

With this thought, Solomon took over the information.


“A fallen priest of the ninth-tier pinnacle.”

“Nickname, depraved”

Sweeping his eyes, Patriarch Solomon saw a lot of messages.

But as soon as she saw the second one, she stared.

“A fallen priest of Tier Nine Peak?”

She couldn’t help speaking out.

Are you kidding me?

The Eagle Nation sent to the Dragon Nation to attack Lin Feng was actually a Tier 9 peak powerhouse?

Or a fallen priest?


Isn’t this the genius priest of the Eagle Country before, the ninth-tier powerhouse?

He has fallen?

Ninth-tier pinnacle?

How dare the Eagle Nation send such a powerful man to the capital of the Dragon Nation?

What does it mean?

Declare war?

Suddenly, all kinds of thoughts flooded in uncontrollably.

0……Look for flowers

The secretary was shocked when he heard this term!

Ninth-tier pinnacle?

What is this concept?

Eagle Country, is this sending out the country’s heritage?

Just for the gardener?

She raised her head suddenly and saw Patriarch Solomon who was equally shocked.

Not daring to look at the host’s gaffe, the secretary lowered his head again.

Odell Solomon didn’t care about the other side’s expression at all.

She just kept looking at the intelligence in her hand.

As the head of the Odell family, he naturally has an impression of Haskar, a man of ten years ago.

But she only knew that the other party was a strong man a long time ago, but disappeared later.

But now he jumped out again!

And it has reached the ninth peak!

What a powerful strong man is this?

Solomon took a deep breath.

She did not know the details of the assassination plan.

I don’t know that Haskar finally failed because of the influence of the demon god Meredia.

But she knows one thing.

The Odell family does not have such a strong powerhouse.


Even the once strongest master of Odell, the Beacon of Wisdom: Odell Ka’Sa cannot be compared with Haskar.

Such a strong man actually did it himself!

The Eagle Country actually gave the other party the Scepter of Sacred Reading!

As a priest, Haskar, holding the Scepter of Redemption, must be extremely powerful.

Such a strong man actually failed the assassination?

What is the reason for this?

Odell Solomon was puzzled.

If you let her know, Huska not only failed the assassination, but also knelt in front of Lin Feng, not knowing what he would think.

But one thing is quite clear.

That is, the Haskar at the ninth-tier peak can’t kill Lin Feng.

Then the Odell family should stop thinking about what to do with the gardener, it is impossible to succeed.

Taking a deep breath, Solomon calmed down.

“Set it aside.”

When she said this, she sat on the chair without saying a word.

The secretary suddenly raised his head and looked at the owner of the house.

This shocked her too much!

What does the Patriarch mean, do you want to put aside the conflict and hatred with Lin Feng?

Family, is it possible to give in?


Can make the powerful Odell family make concessions, or it is the same power of the top family.

Either those powerful countries.

Even an ordinary small country may not be as powerful as a family.

Under such circumstances, the family actually gave in to a gardener!

Thinking of this, the secretary trembled.


After taking the order, she dared not stay in the office anymore and left here directly.

Only Patriarch Solomon was left thinking in the office.

Also from this day.

The taboo methods prepared by the Odell family, as well as various actions against Lin Feng, stopped.

Those big forces with strong intelligence capabilities soon discovered some changes in the Odell family.

But no one laughed at them.

More and more people have discovered that Lin Feng’s current energy cannot be underestimated.

Not to mention ordinary forces, even if it is a big force, they dare not easily act on him.

Lin Feng’s status and influence are still different!

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