Chapter 216 Many Eagles smashed the table angrily!

Ying Guo.

Hexagon building.

Admiral Austin sat in the office seat.

He widened his eyes and stared at the information he had obtained.

This is the tenth time I have checked this information.

“According to those present at the time, a powerful ninth-tier peak expert sneaked into the test site and attacked Lin Feng!”

“But something seemed to stop him, and he finally knelt in front of Lin Feng!

“After that, mysterious power took away the ninth-order strongman.

“Long Kingdom is now investigating the protection of Peking, and now the entire Peking is under martial law!”

“According to some people present at the time, the Scepter of Redemption was left there by the attacker and became Lin Feng’s spoils.”

Admiral Austin kept chanting the words on the document.

Pieces of information were opened on his computer.

The more he looked, the more angry he became.

“How is this possible? How is this possible?”

“What are you kidding?”

Admiral Austin’s aura boiled uncontrollably.

Everything in the entire office began to tremble.

Many documents on the table were blown up and flying in the air.

His eyes were red, and he couldn’t figure out what happened!

Huskar, is the ninth-tier peak powerhouse!

His combat effectiveness is already the strongest in the world!

Plus so many high-level potions, plus the precious scepter of reading!

There are so many precious materials from Eagle Country!

With the blessing of so many treasures, Haskar even successfully infiltrated the Dragon Kingdom and infiltrated the tightly defended Peking!

According to the report, he has already taken action to kill Lin Feng!

How can this fail?

Isn’t this a matter of 617 love?

But why did he suddenly stop?

He actually kneeled in front of Lin Feng?

A ninth-tier peak powerhouse, so without dignity?

Kneeling in front of a junior!

Kneel down!

Admiral Austin checked the documents before him over and over again.

In any case, he couldn’t understand why someone like Haska would kneel for a child like Lin Feng!

What is this kidding?

Huskar is a ninth-tier peak priest!

Except for the god he believes in, who can make him kneel down?

Admiral Austin was puzzled.

He was out of anger.

Huska is dying!

He teased everyone!

But why does he want to do this?

Countless thoughts hovered in Admiral Austin’s mind.

His eyes are getting redder and red.

He couldn’t understand how the dignified ninth-tier peak powerhouse would kneel down in front of a middle-level gardener!

What angered him most was that Haskaming had already approached Lin Feng’s side and could easily kill him, but still let him go!

And still knelt in front of him!

Also gone the Scepter of Redemption!

Become Lin Feng’s trophy!

He obviously sent him to kill people!

What does it mean?

Is this for delivery?

Or to train Lin Feng?

What is the Scepter of Redemption?

That is an extremely powerful treasure!

It is the most high-end treasure among the treasure trove of the entire John family!

In order to persuade Patriarch John to take out this thing, I promised a lot of benefits.

Thinking of this, Admiral Austin felt his heart dripping again!

When was the last time you felt this way?

It seems to be because of Lin Feng!

Because of the failure of Baisha’s ambush plan!

Thinking of this, Admiral Austin is even more angry!

At this moment, an email was sent to his computer.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing his anger, he opened the email.

“The sharp knife team has confirmed that the ninth-order fallen priest disappeared from the statue on the top of the snow mountain.

“He should have been back there. The little stone house there is empty. People can go in. No one is stuck and no one stops him.”

“The huge statue has disappeared, leaving only a base in place.

“It is confirmed that Haskar has disappeared, and the current location is unknown.”


It must have escaped!

Admiral Austin’s first reaction when he saw the content of this email was this.

A feeling of being played and deceived rose in his heart.

He was out of anger!

A powerful flame emerged from him.


With a loud noise, his flames were out of control again.

It’s the same as before in the meeting room of the hexagonal building.

There was a violent explosion in General Austin’s office.

Fortunately, there were no casualties.

Data and files actually have data backups.

But the table inside was burnt down!

This caused the entire hexagonal building to fall into a heavy atmosphere for several days!

This kind of thing does not just happen in the hexagonal building.

In the Temple of Van Bost.

One of the oldest buildings in this eagle country, this ancient building full of cultural atmosphere is the home base of the priest family and the head of John’s family.

At this time, in the main hall of this temple, powerful electric arcs and holy lights appeared from time to time.

This makes the Temple of Van Bost appear more sacred and powerful.

So that people outside the main hall dare not approach the main hall.

Everyone lowered their voices and slowed down their pace, for fear that they would noisy the people in the main hall.

And in the main hall of Van Boste Temple, it is the Patriarch of the John family.

Dangerous arcs were constantly braving around his body.

Bright lights appeared around his body.

Patriarch John’s expression is getting colder and colder.

Like General Austin, he also received the news.

He felt like he was fooled by ahcc.

That Huska actually knelt down!

What does it mean?

As a ninth-level peak powerhouse, the other party, one of the strongest people in the entire world, actually kneeled down for a child?

What the hell is this!

Patriarch John thought more and more angry.

Haska knelt to Lin Feng.

However, their group of people had to be nice, took out a large amount of supplies, and asked Haska to help them kill Lin Feng.

How ironic!

Patriarch John’s chest kept undulating.

A strong aura came from his body.


Da Da Da~!

Countless small arcs appeared around his body.

There was a white holy light on his skin.

He couldn’t control his strength anymore.

The main hall of the entire temple was illuminated by these arcs and holy lights.


The aura on Patriarch John’s body is getting stronger and stronger.

His expression became more and more indifferent.

After taking a few deep breaths, he hoped he could calm down.

He thought of many things.

It seems that every action against Lin Feng will fail inexplicably.

For the first time, Lin Feng killed many attackers with one enemy and one hundred.

He also killed the youngest powerful man in the John family, John Crowder!

A gardener can actually defeat one hundred!

The great jealousy of sliding the world!

And now, finally sent a top ninth-level peak powerhouse to kill him.

I took out the scepter of Metropolitan Reading by myself!

In the end, there was an accident!

What is going on with Lin Feng?

At this moment, Patriarch John felt a sense of malice from the world inexplicably.

The gardener seemed to be protected by a mysterious force.

Otherwise, why should Huska, a powerful ninth-tier peak expert, kneel to him?

This is unreasonable!

People like myself had to show good to Haskar.

But he knelt in front of Lin Feng!

This is unreasonable!

Just when he kept thinking.

A gem suddenly appeared in the main hall.

Patriarch John took hold of the gem.

This is the means by which the family transmits secret information.

That gem is not an ordinary gem, it’s a messenger stone only found in the trial space.

When Patriarch John held the gem tightly, a piece of information appeared in his heart.

“Lin Feng still disassembled the Scepter of Redemption.”

Damn it!

Patriarch John slammed forward!

The Scepter of Holy Redemption, but the treasure of the family!

Giving it to Haskar and letting him kill Lin Feng is already the blood of the family!

How did you know that the Sacred Reading Scepter actually fell into Lin Feng’s hands!

What are you doing?

Give Lin Feng treasures?

What irritated him most was that the Scepter of Redemption was actually broken down!

There is no way to get back the treasures of your own family!

“Lin Long!

Patriarch John gritted his teeth.


A huge arc appeared around his body accompanied by the holy light, and it quickly spread to the entire main hall!

The main hall of Van Boste Temple was strengthened by the rune array, so it was naturally unscathed.

But the furniture in the main hall suffered.

The table of Patriarch John, the antique furniture that has been 700 years old after ten generations of Patriarchs, has just been scrapped!

Not only was Patriarch John unable to withstand such irritation, he destroyed his desk.

During this period of time, the high-levels of the major forces in the Eagle Nation had a temper for this reason!

During this period of time, many precious tables in Yingguo were destroyed!

The major high-end furniture manufacturers found that they suddenly received a lot of high-end orders!

The customized goods are surprisingly the same!

Big desk!

According to statistics from later generations, nearly a hundred pieces of antique furniture from Yingguo were destroyed on this day.

According to history: SGD ruined the table month!

Lin Feng didn’t know all of this, and he was not interested in knowing.

He has only one thought on his mind now!

Where else can I get high-order materials such as neutron ingots?


Or Dragon Country?,

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