Chapter 218 Lin Feng, Long Guo Fuxing!

Chapter 218 Lin Feng, Long Guo Fuxing!

Long Guo has been very upset recently.

Demon God Fruit, assassinated by the ninth-tier pinnacle powerhouse…

All kinds of events have made the situation in Beiping tense.

On the one hand, as the capital of the Dragon Kingdom, Peking was actually invaded.

So they must strengthen protection.

Everywhere in Beiping, people with unknown origins are being investigated.

Even many fugitives and spies have been caught.

Suddenly, Beiping was full of wind and noise.

And because Lin Feng cultivated the fruit of the devil, countless people pay attention to this plant that can change fate.

Many strong men began to come to Peking.

They hope to obtain the other two Demon Fruits.

Even rubber fruits and dinosaur fruits are not as capable as burning fruits.

But the benefits they can bring have been proven.

The powerhouses in Peking have become more and more “6, 2 and 3”.

Fortunately, these strong men are all Longguo people, and they all obey the rules.

Otherwise, if so many people have a conflict, it will be a disaster for ordinary people in Peking.

Trial Space Research Institute, Lecture Hall.

A report meeting on the fruits of the devil is now underway.

Murong Xue stood on the presiding stage, doing the final report summary.

After “our test at the test site, we have collected the following data.

“The maximum temperature of the flame that burning fruit can emit is 2307°C.

“This temperature has reached the temperature of the fire magic of the sixth-order element mage: Lava Fury.”

“The Burning Fruit Eater, Murong Qi, is a Tier 5 professional himself.

Seeing Murongxue with a serious face talking on stage, other researchers were full of shock.

Tier 6 professionals are completely different from Tier 5 professionals.

This level, after all, is the last level of Intermediate.

Once you reach the sixth rank, your body will change and prepare for the promotion to the seventh rank.

Therefore, Tier 5 cannot challenge Tier 6, and Tier 6 and Tier 7 are worlds apart.

But Murong Qi, who took Burning Fruit, had an attack power that was comparable to a Tier 6 powerhouse!

And it is a sixth-order element mage!

This improvement is not trivial!

Murong Qi can complete the trial more easily and will receive more rewards.

“The burning of fruits can make people elemental. The specific reason is unknown. Whether it changes or not is controlled by the eater.

“This can become a new topic for us. I suggest forming a research team to study this characteristic of the Devil Fruit.”

Murong Xue’s summary report continued.

Below, Chen Huanian, a senior researcher of Longguo, kept shaking his head.

There is such a thing unexpectedly.

If it is, the ultra-high temperature flames emitted by the burning fruit have already made Murong Qi comparable to the Tier 6 in attack power.

Coupled with this elemental ability, Murong Qi’s strength is just as powerful.

He truly gained the ability to leapfrog challenges!


“This, this combination is a bit scary.”

When Chen Huanian was calculating this matter, many people in the hall also thought of this.

Suddenly, the whole lecture hall was filled with air-conditioning sounds.

This incident was too shocking.

Murong Qi actually gained the ability to leapfrog the challenge!

And it’s not a Tier 1 challenge to a Tier 2, not a Tier 3 challenge to a Tier 4!

It is Tier 5 challenging Tier 6 and 6!

No one has ever done this before!

Thinking of this, the sound of air-conditioning in the lecture hall became even louder!

Murong Xue stopped to report, waiting for the people below to calm down.

The corners of her mouth cocked slightly.

This group of people now have a clearer understanding of the power of the Demon God Fruit.

The status of Lin Feng will also get higher and higher.

In this case, his trade with the Dragon Kingdom military and the Trial Institute can be improved.

If this continues, he will be able to obtain exchange channels for neutron ingots.

Although Murongxue did not know why Lin Feng had to use these materials.

But after so many things, she already trusted the gardener very much.

It’s certainly not aimless.

With such thoughts, she quietly looked down at the people discussing.

It seems that “Murongxue is in a good mood recently.”

Chen Huanian smiled and said to Li Yiguang, Wan Xin and others next to him.

High-level researchers who belong to the Longguo Research Institute, they naturally know the colleague Murongxue very well.

Strong strength.

At the same time, the personality is cold and unsmiling.

Now I was on the stage with a faint smile, and I was not angry even if I was interrupted to report.

This is an unusual situation.

“It can be seen that she wants to come to their Murong family’s guardian giant tree to be promoted to the ancient war tree, she is naturally happy.”

Wanxin, a senior researcher of materials, sighed with emotion 0…

He has seen the guardian giant tree.

In his opinion, that giant tree of merit is likely to die.

No one can save him.

After all, Long Kingdom does not have such a high-level gardener.

But Lin Feng did it. ?

A Tier 5 gardener actually did this, healed the guardian giant tree of Tier 9, and allowed him to evolve.

No matter what he is healed by the guardian giant tree.

Whether it is his knowledge of plants, or the skills of a gardener, or the rewards obtained by SSS evaluation.

Anyway, Lin Feng successfully cured the guardian giant tree.

Such a thing is shocking anyway.

“I think it’s more than that. Lin Feng’s Demon God Fruit is so powerful. Their Murong family’s Murong Qi obtained that fruit. Naturally, it is also to be happy.”

“The most important thing is that the Murong family and Lin Feng have such a good relationship, and this Demon God’s fruit can continue to be cultivated. That’s the case.”

Senior researcher Li Yiguang shook his head in admiration.

“Murong’s family made a good move.

Hearing the discussion around him, Chen Huanian smiled and said, “It’s not that Murong’s family played a good game, but it was Lin Feng that Murongxue went to find.”

“They should be thankful that Murongxue has come out of their own family.”

Li Yiguang and Wanxin naturally nodded and said yes.

Chen Lao’s status, his experience, and his judgments must be more accurate than those of them who are immersed in research.

At the same time, they looked at Murong Xue and an idea came to their minds.

“If Murong Xue is the lucky star of Murong’s family, then, Lin Feng2.2, whose lucky star is it?”

“The lucky star of the Dragon Kingdom?”

Once this idea appeared, it was difficult to dissipate for a long time.

If Lin Feng can really mass produce the Devil Fruit.

He doesn’t need to cultivate a lot, only needs to produce a fixed amount every year.

How many high-level auxiliary professionals can be cultivated for the Dragon Kingdom every year?

With so many high-level auxiliary professionals, how much will the strength of the other testers increase?

They can get more good equipment, get more potions, better runes…

The trainees of the Dragon Kingdom have become happier than ever before.

It will be easier for them to complete the trial, and they will have more strength to improve.


Thinking of this, Li Yiguang and Wanxin two high-level researchers, like the others, took a sigh of relief!

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