Chapter 215 Give the Scepter of Redemption for Free! Is Haskar a Traitor?

Longguo, Peiping.

Since the test of the Devil Fruit was completed.

After Huska’s surprise attack was stopped by the demon god Meritia.

Lin Feng suddenly found himself free.

Now that everything in the real world is finished, he starts to prepare for the rest of the trial.

The top priority is to upgrade the endless suit.

Lin Feng returned to the trial space and took out his trophy this time, the Scepter of Redemption.

The scepter of holy ransom is very powerful, and it is a treasure that all priests of rank 9 need.

Many top priests of the Dragon Kingdom have asked him for this scepter.

But Lin Feng refused.

For him now, what those strong men gave him is not important.

The precious material on the Scepter of Redemption is the most important.

[Scepter of Holy Redemption: A scepter containing divine power, which can increase divine power, and can help high-ranking power to comprehend the power of space. It is one of the best weapons for priests. ”

[Note: If it is split, you can get neutron state element ingot*10, endless bloom*5, crystal matrix ingot*5, it is strongly recommended that the host split!)

Looking at this scepter, Lin Feng smiled with satisfaction.

He needs a lot of high-end materials.

Being able to split so many high-level materials, this Scepter of Redemption really helped him a lot.

Thinking about it this way, maybe the demon god Mertia deliberately didn’t prevent his followers from coming?

But the devil’s thoughts are too complicated, Lin Feng does not intend to try to figure out the inner thoughts of the strong at this level too much.

He soon began to try to find a way to decompose the scepter of reading.

[Note: Decomposition method; it needs to be decomposed by a ninth-level blacksmith, using skills such as crystal decomposition and furnace fire analysis. The host has no specific skills and cannot be operated.

Before Lin Feng thought of a way to decompose the Scepter of Redemption, a new comment suddenly appeared before his eyes.

Seeing this comment, he immediately understood that it was impossible to disassemble this scepter on his own.

However, at this time, I no longer have to rely on myself for everything.

Many people are willing to help themselves in exchange for the Devil Fruit or other elixir.

Lin Feng thought for a while, walked out of the trial space, and began to contact the military personnel, hoping that they could find a forger to decompose materials for themselves.

When Major General Hong Peng learned that he was going to disassemble the Scepter of Redemption, he was so shocked that he couldn’t say a word.

In his opinion, this is an extremely powerful treasure.

He never expected that in Lin Feng’s eyes, this powerful Scepter of Redemption was not as useful as a bunch of materials.

“I suggest that you either sell this scepter of holy redemption, the price is the material it decomposes, so that you can get the material without destroying this powerful weapon.”

Hearing the advice of Major General Hong Peng, Lin Feng shook his head.

“Under the current situation, I really need high-level materials. Apart from Dragon Kingdom, it is impossible for anyone to bid for this scepter.

“In this case, I might as well break it down.

Hearing what he said, Major General Hong Peng was even more curious.

“Why do you need so many high-end materials? Is it possible that you know how to cultivate a certain kind of plant?”

Lin Feng thought for a while, there is nothing to conceal about the enhancement of the endless suit.

“My armor needs to be reinforced and requires high-end materials.

Major General Hong Peng suddenly remembered the dark armor he had seen many times.

The armor made him feel dangerous.

Now Lin Feng actually said that it can be improved, and the materials needed are such precious materials.

Thinking of the exaggerated power of the armor, and thinking of the ninth-tier powerhouse can use a small amount of high-level materials to strengthen their equipment.

Hong Peng couldn’t help being a little curious.

If Lin Feng’s armor is strengthened, how strong will it be?

But he didn’t ask more questions.

He just took a deep look at Lin Feng, and then conveyed his request.

With Lin Feng’s current importance, there is also the mysterious hole cards displayed on the test field.

The military has acquiesced that the Scepter of Redemption is his trophy.

Now he wants to break down the scepter into materials, and naturally no one will stop it.

Instead, they started looking for a ninth-tier blacksmith to help Lin Feng disassemble the scepter.

Because it is a military task, naturally many high-ranking blacksmiths of the Dragon Kingdom have accepted this task.

As more people knew, this matter slowly spread.

In addition, this incident was not a secret incident, and the sudden attack by Haskar gradually became deciphered.

There was a “hurricane” everywhere in Peiping.

His own base camp was sneaked in by the ninth-tier peak powerhouse.

No matter which country this incident happened in, it was an incredible event.

If someone suddenly killed an important person in the capital, the face of the entire Dragon Kingdom would be lost.

So soon, the entire Beiping was caught in a self-examination situation.

The senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom need to figure out how Haska sneaked into the Dragon Kingdom.

How to prevent such things in the future?

When Long Guo was investigating with great fanfare.

Lin Feng faced the assassination, and the fact that he obtained the Scepter of Redemption spread outside.

The news channels of many forces have received the news.

Everyone looked at Eagle Country.

The vast majority of people know it.

This item is an extremely powerful priest’s weapon.

Most importantly, this item has always been in the hands of the priesthood family, the John family.

This kind of powerful weapon is not in the hands of a powerful tester.

Or it is stored in the family treasure house.

As a result, this precious item has now come to Lin Feng’s hands.

The most vomiting blood is that he actually wants to disassemble this weapon!

In his opinion, such a powerful weapon is actually inferior to those materials!

Those who knew the news were shocked.

Those high priests can’t wait to beat their chests.

But their opinions are meaningless.

Lin Feng resolutely decided to disassemble the scepter.

Many people have cast their sights on the John family.

They want to see that the treasure of this family for their own family has been obtained by Lin Feng, and he has to disassemble this treasure.

This is tantamount to a slap in the face of the John family.

With people’s investigation, more and more news spread.

People slowly learned one thing.

A ninth-tier strong man went to kill Lin Feng, but he finally knelt in front of him!

When the news of Wang De came out, the first reaction of most people was suspicion.

Lin Feng is very strong now.

But to say that he could resist the assassination of the ninth-tier peak powerhouse would be too exaggerated.

More people believe that he survived the assassination because of the protection of Murong Xue.

It is different from these people who eat melons.

General Austin of the Eagle Country Hexagon Building was already out of anger.

Patriarch John, Patriarch Odell

In this way, the families who have hatred with Lin Feng, as well as those who presided over the assassination of Haskar, are even more excited!

Haska failed!

That ninth-tier peak powerhouse, holding so many powerful materials, went to kill Lin Feng, and he failed!

According to the exact information they obtained, Haska actually knelt in front of Lin Feng!

What’s happening here?

Is he actually a spy for the Dragon Kingdom?

Has everyone been swiped by Haskar?

When the Eagle Nation powerhouses received the exact news, they were all dumbfounded!

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