Chapter 214: The recognized family! The dastardly Austin!

The Eagle Country Hexagon Building can confirm the test results of the Devil Fruit.

?? The intelligence agencies of other countries have their own means.

?? They also learned the test results of the Demon God Fruit through various side information.

?? Gaul country.

?? The Odell family.

?? Contemporary Patriarch, Odell Solomon looked at the computer in front of him in shock.

?? On the screen, a live broadcast of Wang Sheng is playing.

?? In the picture, the blue-violet flames rising into the sky, and the white clouds scattered by the hot air, all illustrate one thing.

?? After taking Burning Fruit, that person’s strength is very strong.

?? This ninth-order strong man named after Solomon’s 72-pillar demon god was shocked by the information he saw.

?? In front of her, Odell’s family secretary was telling the analysis report.

?? “After several days, a lot of news about the test has spread.”

?? “Almost everyone now knows the results of the test.”

?? “The Devil Fruit has a powerful effect, which can greatly enhance the strength of the eater.”

?? “After testing, the ability to burn fruits has been verified.

07?? Murong Patriarch Murong Mingjie’s son, Murong Qi ate the burning fruit and gained great strength. ”

?? “Through the video data, the intelligence agencies of various countries quickly analyzed it.

?? “Through the color of the flame, the dissipating speed of the white clouds, the narration of the audience, the narration of the live blogger Wang Sheng…

?? “All kinds of intelligence provide evidence for analysis.

?? “Now, the Gaul country’s intelligence personnel have confirmed one thing.”

?? “After taking Burning Fruit, Murong Qi’s attack power reached Tier 6.

??” But his professional level is only Tier 5, and he is not a magician.

?? Hearing the secretary’s analysis, Odell Solomon was even more shocked.

?? As the big world of the Dragon Kingdom, she knows the information of Murong’s family very well.

?? Murong Qi, as the son of the Murong Patriarch, naturally attracts much attention.

?? Solomon is very clear about Murong Qi’s strength.

?? Such an intermediate tester with ordinary talent and ordinary strength, after taking Burning Fruit, his offensive power actually passed the sixth-level strong.

?? What magical effect is this?

?? The power of the Demon Fruit is too strong, so Odell Solomon feels breathless.

?? Their family has a big feud with Lin Feng!

?? Eagle Nation failed several consecutive killing operations, and Solomon felt a pressure.

??Can they still get revenge?

?? “Patriarch, the current intelligence is this, what is certain is that with the Demon God Fruit, the strength of the Dragon Kingdom will be even greater.

?? “In addition, according to the report of the intelligence personnel, the guardian Murongxue, the ninth-tier strongman of the Dragon Kingdom, has been following Lin Feng’s vicinity, seeming to be protecting him.

?? Odell Solomon wrapped his forehead, thinking.

?? The secretary closed his mouth and dared not make any sound.

?? Recently, because of the loss of the strongest member of the family, Odell Kai’Sa, the pressure on the family has suddenly increased.

?? Although those who dared to offend the Odell family were punished.

?? But as long as you don’t get back from Lin Feng, someone will definitely come to trouble the family continuously.

?? After all, even a student or a Tier 5 gardener can slap the Odell family in the face.

?? What do other forces think about the Odell family?

?? The secretary knows that the current owner of the family is under great pressure.

?? It’s not a pressure on strength.

?? But the face can not make it through.

?? For Odell, a family full of honor, losing to a child is a shame.

?? Odell Solomon took a deep breath.

?? Same as the secretary thought.

?? She also feels overwhelmed.

?? The attack in Baisha City failed.

?? The Eagle Nation has also failed in adopting taboo methods.

?? They don’t seem to have enough ways to kill Lin Feng.

?? How can the family find face again?

?? Looking at the fierce burning flames on the video, Odell Solomon knew that the family might have difficulty finding a place in him.

?? What about the face of the family?

?? She kept staring at the screen in front of her.

?? An idea that had never appeared before, suddenly appeared in Solomon’s heart.

?? According to Lin Feng’s current momentum, unless there is an accident, he must grow into the top helper of the Dragon Kingdom.

?? Under such circumstances, there is another way to prove that the strength of the Odell family is still there.

?? That is to make Lin Feng truly famous and become a top master.

?? The moment when he really proved his strength.

?? No one would think that the Odell family had no choice but to take a child.

?? Instead, the Odell family was defeated in the hands of high-level gardeners.

?? And this high-level gardener, not only defeated the Odell family, but also defeated various other families, even the Eagle Nation could not help him.

?? After that, let all those who despise the Odell family pay the price and be punished.

?? By that day, no one will despise the family and offend Odell because the Odell family has suffered from Lin Feng.

?? But, in this way, let Lin Feng step on the glorious surname Odell.

?? When he was the head of the Patriarch, the Odell family lost such a big face, which is also a shame to himself.

?? This makes it difficult for the proud Solomon to accept it anyway.

??But, the Odell family, is there really a way to target Lin Feng?

?? She looked at the flames that kept burning on the computer screen and fell into distress.

?? Under the strict protection of the Dragon Kingdom, it is impossible for the family to kill him directly.

?? The Eagle Country has failed by adopting taboo methods.

?? It’s impossible for the Odell family to find the four powerhouses of Tier 6 peak to trouble Lin Feng.

??What to do?

?? Is it possible to give up the idea of ​​trouble with Lin Feng?

?? This shame, Solomon could not swallow.

?? But after careful thinking, she found that she didn’t seem to have a good way to target Lin Feng.

?? Their Odell family, it seems that they can only admit defeat!

?? Thinking of this, a powerful demonic air appeared in front of her, spinning.

?? This makes Solomon, who is arrogant by nature, unbearable!

607?? The Odell family is even more difficult to accept!

?? But is there any way?

?? No matter how she thinks, she can’t think of a way.

?? Looking at the imposing aura, the patron who seemed to be trying his best to endure, the secretary quietly retreated to the door.

?? The Patriarch is strong.

?? If she can’t control herself, it won’t be good if she hurts herself!

?? Patriarch Odell is distressed because of this matter.

?? Others are also worrying about Lin Feng.

?? The Elizabeth family held a meeting again.

?? They planned to recruit Lin Feng.

?? When the other party rejected their request, the Elizabeth family originally planned to abduct Lin Feng by coercive means.

?? But now, the young gardener has proved his ability with facts.

?? Under such circumstances, it is impossible for someone to kidnap Lin Feng under Long Guo’s nose.

?? Especially when they receive news.

?? The ninth-tier powerhouse of the Dragon Kingdom, Murong Xue, the shield of thorns, has been protecting Lin Feng.

?? Upon hearing this news, the senior officials of the Elizabeth family found that they were not surprised.

??If John Bull had such a gardener, they would definitely protect him tightly and agree to any request from him!

?? As long as he can improve the strength of the family!

?? Through the Devil Fruit, Lin Feng once again proved his ability.

?? But soon, another thing made everyone realize that the strength of this gardener is not only that!

?? More forces quickly raised Lin Feng’s attention level!

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