Chapter 213 The Fruit of Changing the Pattern! The Austin Looking Forward To!

Hexagon Building, Office of Admiral Austin.

Admiral Austin and Emma stared at the intelligence agent with scorching eyes.

To be more precise, they were staring at the documents in the hands of the intelligence officer.

For the sake of security and confidentiality, in the hexagonal building, the most important information is transmitted in files.

The staff member who came to deliver the information felt his body tremble.

Whether it is the mighty general Austin.

Also the president’s capable man, Emma.

They are all characters he can’t afford to offend.

At this moment, the eyes of the two people shot straight at him.

He felt his hands trembling.

Taking a deep breath, he said nothing, and passed the information in his hand to Admiral Austin.

But the other party did not take it.

Admiral Austin pointed directly at Emma.

After hesitating, the intelligence personnel handed the information to Emma.

After receiving the information, the president’s capable staff was very surprised.

He did not expect that after obtaining this information, Admiral Austin did not open it the first time, but gave it to himself.

She said to look at it from a different place.

The other party looked weak but serious.

Looking at his expression, Emma suddenly realized that the other party was “Sixty Three” and had strong confidence in Lin Feng.

Although he himself may not want to have such a strong confidence.

A thought of not admitting defeat rose in Emma’s heart.

I don’t believe it!

An intermediate gardener!

What demon fruit can be produced!

If he can do this, how will the other testers survive?

With self-confidence and the thought of not admitting defeat, Emma opened the file in her hand.

There is no judgment above, only the information collected.

As the confidential information of the hexagonal building, they will not add inferences to such important information, only the collected information will be presented.

This is done to prevent the thinking of the intelligence personnel below from misleading the judgment of the analysts.

Emma can only look at the data and information patiently.

No exact information is recorded on the intelligence.

But there are a lot of side information.

“A live blogger named Wang Sheng observed the test from a distance.

“According to the video information, there was a skyrocketing flame at the test site and the temperature was extremely high.

According to “analysis by intelligence analysts, the temperature of that flame is very high, at least over 2000°C.”

Seeing this data, Emma’s expression stagnated.

She raised her head in shock and looked at Admiral Austin.

The other party has never read this information.

But the look on his face was calm and composed, as if everything was under control.

In other words, he is very sure that the Devil Fruit cultivated by Lin Feng can successfully pass the test.

Emma lowered her head again and examined the file carefully.

“Because it was observed from a distance, we could not get more evidence through the video, but many people tried to view the test that day.”

“There are also many people like Wang Sheng. We collected this video information and conducted some analysis.

“In the video of a video owner named “Yuyou Yutang Bureau”, some information he observed from a distance was uploaded. ”

“At that time, something seemed to happen to the test site, which caused huge vibrations on the ground.

“Since then, an extremely bright golden light has appeared in the test site.”

“Under the extremely high temperature heating, a huge amount of hot air rises and hits the clouds above the sky.”

“The video shows that half of the sky is covered by blue-violet flames.”

“Through technical means, we calculated the area of ​​flame burning. 500 square meters.

“This has exceeded the skill limit released by a Tier 5 powerhouse.

“Furthermore, the blue-violet flame was extremely hot, but no meteorites or other burning objects were seen.”

“Basically, it can be ruled out that it is the lava wrath of the Ash Mage, or the skills of other wizards.”

“The corresponding video material has been uploaded to the database, labelled SE-12-U.”

“Finally, based on the information we collected, the Dragon Kingdom originally planned to test three Demon Fruits at the same time.”

“But in the end it seems that only the burning fruit was tested. The other two fruits have been sealed. This is the news we obtained through the spies lurking in the Dragon Kingdom. Channel number: PE-25-A.

The file is gone here.

Emma felt her fingers trembling.

Although this information does not give any judgment.

But all these signs can almost explain one thing.

The effect of the Demon God Fruit is real!

It can really make people gain powerful strength!

According to the analysis of this document, the temperature of the flames that appeared on the Longguo test site exceeded 2000°C.

This temperature has reached the temperature of fire magic released by a sixth-order mage.

But the known skill characteristics of the sixth-order mage are very obvious.

The flames summoned by Lava Fury have lava as the core of the flame.

The flames summoned by the fire elves frenzy are wave-like, wave after wave.

Blaze impact, Void Volcano, those skills are not like this kind of soaring purple flames.

It’s not the fire skill used by the mage, where did the flame come from?

It can’t always be the tail flame from the mechanic’s car.

There is only one possibility!

That burning fruit!

Emma’s face became paler.

Through these side information, it has been possible to determine the strength of the Devil Fruit.

As a capable cadre of the president, Emma is not a real stupid after all, relying on herself to get where she is today.

She knew very clearly what this demon fruit meant.

It means that the future Dragon Kingdom is likely to get more high-level auxiliary professionals.

High-level auxiliary professionals may not be very strong themselves.

But there are so many things they can do!

Dragon Kingdom is the best country in the world for infrastructure construction!

It is also the country with the most complete public facilities and group facilities in the world!

They can maximize the ability of supporting professionals.

If Lin Feng is in Eagle Country, he is likely to become a member of a large consortium or a large family.

In the end, the special plants he cultivated will be given priority to those big chaebols.

But Dragon Kingdom is not distributed like this.

Emma can be sure that because of the appearance of the Devil Fruit, there will be a lot more high-level support professionals in the Dragon Kingdom.

There are more high-level auxiliary occupations, and other combat professionals will also benefit!

At that time…

This demon fruit can change the balance of power between nations!

Can change the world pattern!

Thinking of this, Emma’s face became paler 0…

She suddenly raised her head to look at Admiral Austin.

“This, this, this,

She felt that she couldn’t say a word.

Admiral Austin had anticipated all this.

He came over and snatched the information.

Opening the document, he looked at it at a glance.

He looked calmer because he had predicted it before.

No matter how powerful Lin Feng is, no matter what great things he has done!

As long as the fallen priest, Huskar can kill him, don’t care about everything!

He kept flipping through the files, reading all the information about the Demon Fruit Test.

When he saw two fruits were sealed, his expression condensed.

If Lin Feng dies, these two fruits will be the only fruits of the Devil God in the world.

Is it possible to get it through some means?

After thinking about it carefully, Admiral Austin began to check the information again.

Soon, his attention was attracted by a sentence.

“Since then, an extremely bright golden light has appeared in the test site.”

Golden light?

What golden light?

The flame from burning fruit is blue-purple.

The light of the skill is golden, and there are three kinds of guesses in General Austin’s heart.

One is the skill used by Murongxue, the guardian of Tier 9 of the Dragon Kingdom.

There is another kind, the ninth-order priest, after being enhanced, the light of certain skills is white and gold.

The last one is the skill used by the ninth-order fallen priest, Haskar.

According to him, it was because the demon god he believed in was in charge of the power of noon and sunlight.

Haska, have you shot it yet?

For fear of revealing the news, when he entered the Dragon Kingdom, Admiral Austin never contacted him again.

He is very confident of the opponent’s strength.

Now, he is looking forward to it!

Looking forward to Haskar’s actions!

Thinking of this, he didn’t look at Em 2.2 again.

Walking to the intelligence personnel, he said: “Continue to pay close attention to the movements of Longguo Beiping.

“In addition, check to see if anyone has fought against each other in Beiping recently. There have been golden and blue-violet lights on the scene.”

After receiving the order, the intelligence personnel walked out respectfully.

Admiral Austin didn’t look at Emma again, his expression clearly revealed a message.

see a visitor out.

Emma was pale and walked out of the office without a word.

At this time, instead, she was very worried about Lin Feng’s influence on Eagle Country.

After all, the propaganda effect of the Demon God Fruit is very strong!

If they were all true, wouldn’t it change the international landscape?

Since Admiral Austin cares about Lin Feng so much, why didn’t he see him in a hurry after learning about the result?

Seeing Admiral Austin whose expression hadn’t changed much, Emma walked out of the office with doubts and anxiety.

At this time, she has no initial arrogance!

Admiral Austin didn’t even look at her again.

Now, in his heart, he only cares about one thing!

Has Haska made any shots?

And, how did it turn out!

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