Chapter 205 The highly anticipated test! Haskar sneaks in!

The news of the Devil Fruit spreads more and more widely.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is someone behind the scenes.

The people who spread the news hide it well.

The vast majority of people did not realize that they were being led away.

More and more people are paying attention to this matter.

The Devil Fruit, the miraculous fruit cultivated by Lin Feng.

Can provide consumers with powerful capabilities.

I heard that its effect is extremely powerful.

The abilities conferred are comparable to the powerful skills of many professions.

Said to provide people with an opportunity to change their destiny.

In the beginning, this incident only spread in Beiping.

Soon, more and more people knew about this miraculous fruit.

They are all looking forward to it.

It’s different from the people who tried the Space Research Institute.

Most of the people who eat melon support Lin Feng.

This young man was promoted to the fifth rank as a gardener in just a few months.

He broke so many records and created so many miracles.

In addition, he healed the guardian giant tree.

Many people believe that Lin Feng’s ability is extremely powerful.

According to the news that came out, the cultivation of this Demon God’s fruit cost a lot of rewards for SSS-level trial evaluation.

This makes ordinary people look forward to the Demon God Fruit even more.

Many people have begun to support Lin Feng on major websites.

In other words, they hope the things about the Devil’s Fruit are true.

This means that they have one more way to change their destiny.

Especially those supporting professionals with good talents.

They saw a new hope.

Many people are looking forward to the test.

More people began to pray.

They hope that the Devil Fruit is exactly what Lin Feng said.

Such fishing boats not only affect ordinary people.

Those high-ranking households were also affected.

Peking, Chen family.

Chen Huanian was sitting in the huge living room, frowning.

He still doesn’t understand what the clever girl Murong Xue is making.

They are all big families, and the Chen family and Murong family have always been closely related.

Coupled with Chen Huanian’s status, all the juniors of Murong’s family have been hugged by him.

And Murong Xue is the most talented among the Murong family’s generations.

After adulthood, Murongxue came to the Trial Space Institute very early to work.

It can be said that Chen Huanian grew up looking at it.

In his opinion, it is definitely impossible for the other party to make low-level mistakes.

Then why didn’t she test the Demon God Fruit so she believed in its efficacy?

What did she deliberately come to the lecture hall for?

With Chen Huanian’s IQ, he can easily deduce who is pushing this increasingly fierce fishing boat outside.

What is Murong Xue doing all this for?

Chen Huanian began to think carefully.

“If the devil fruit will definitely shine as a reference point to speculate…

He muttered to himself.

“Murongxue is going to build a bigger stage for Lin Feng and let him perform well?”

“Is she just to make that little guy more influential?”

“Or, she knows exactly why Lin Feng wants neutron morphology. In order to achieve that goal, she has to help Lin Feng?”

Chen Huanian frowned.

If the Demon God Fruit is really what Murong Xue said.

It must be extremely precious.

It can even greatly enhance the strength of the next generation of Dragon Kingdom.

Especially now Long Guo is vigorously training auxiliary professionals.

The biggest weakness of the auxiliary profession is the early strength is too weak.

The Devil Fruit can make up for this shortcoming.

If the Demon God Fruit can really be mass-produced and can really gain extremely powerful abilities, then it will be able to affect the entire Dragon Kingdom’s next generation.

This will definitely enhance the national fortune of the Dragon Kingdom!

Thinking of this, Chen Huanian looked solemn.

He began to look forward to it.

He hoped that what Murong Xue said was true.

Everything will come to the test day, and it will be clear.

“Miss, I have something to tell you.

He raised his head and called out.

Lin Feng once saw Chen Xu in Baisha City and immediately walked in.

He lowered his head and looked at Chen Huanian who was sitting, with a very respectful attitude.

“Miss, go to mobilize the power of the family and prepare some neutron state element ingots, endless blooms, and crystal matrix ingots.”

“Be prepared or not, maybe it will be of great use in the future.

With the status of Chen Huanian and the influence of the Chen family, those high-end materials are precious, but they still have some inventory.

Chen Xu looked at the old man in front of him in surprise.

What happened?

Actually want to use such strategic materials?

But he didn’t think much.


He answered Chen Huanian’s order briefly and forcefully, and immediately turned around and went to prepare materials.

Chen Huanian looked at Chen Xu’s back, but his mind drifted to other places.

I hope “What Lin Feng and Murong Xue said are true, and this Devil Fruit can enhance the foundation and strength of the next generation of our Dragon Kingdom.”

He muttered to himself.

By the time the old man has reached the stage, most of his pursuits have already been completed.

His only wish now is that the Dragon Kingdom is strong and the family is safe.

“I don’t know what the little guy wants these materials for, but if he can prove his ability again with the Devil Fruit, I will help him.”

With such thoughts in mind, Chen Huanian began to issue a series of orders.

The entire Chen family began to act.

The undercurrent of Peking is surging, and the forces are staggered.

The Chen family is just one of many forces in Peking.

With the help of Murong Xue, the matter of Demon God Fruit spread farther and farther.

Many forces knew about this.

Many forces hope that the test of the Devil Fruit will fail.

Even if they can’t intervene in anything, they still express their opinions on a large scale.

This is done to affect the distribution of materials for the Dragon Kingdom this year.

The output of high-end materials such as neutron ingots is limited.

If it extracts part of the high-end materials and provides it to Lin Feng.

Certainly there will be some forces’ quotas being swallowed.

This is something they cannot tolerate.

They hope to try the Space Research Institute to exchange other things for the Demon Fruit.

Outskirts of Beiping, Shenzhen Nuclear University Research Institute.

School is just starting now, and there are busy graduate students everywhere.

In an office, an old man wearing glasses is looking at a wipe of materials with a serious expression.

The old man is a professor at Deep Nuclear University.

He is also a rank 9 powerhouse, reaching this level half a year ago.

At this time, he was carefully checking the information about the Demon God’s fruit collected by the people.

“Teacher Zheng, will the Devil Fruit cultivated by Lin Feng really have such a powerful effect?

Beside the old man, a girl student in an extremely simple dress asked seriously.

She is Professor Zheng’s graduate student Li Wenwen and is considered his disciple.

Hearing what she said, Professor Zheng looked up at her and replied: “I think it is fake.”

Li Wenwen looked startled.

“How can there be such a powerful plant in the world? It can give people new skills? Doesn’t this break professional restrictions?

When he said this, he raised the information in his hands.

“According to the information we know now, these three Devil Fruits can turn people into dinosaurs and rubber men. It’s ridiculous.”

“Can the structure of a person be easily changed? According to the current record, only the occupation level reaches the sixth rank. When you are promoted to the seventh rank, the structure of the human body will slowly change.”

“Can this demon fruit break this definition and violate the rules of the trial space?”

Professor Zheng ignored the increasingly dim expressions of his students.

“The most ridiculous thing is that there is a demon fruit that can turn people into flames. What does this mean?”

“Making humans elemental? This is not as simple as changing the structure of the human body, it is simply a direct material transformation!”

“A single fruit has such an effect? ​​It’s ridiculous.”

His student Li Wenwen’s expression is even more bleak.

As a blessed priest, her talent is not very good.

She has been frustrated repeatedly in the trial space, and has not participated in the trial for some time.

If the Demon God Fruit can really enable people to acquire powerful skills, she wants to get one.

Unfortunately, according to the teacher, everything is just a delusion.

Professor Zheng did not look at his students again, and refocused his attention on the materials in his hands.

“You go out first, I will write a comment later, you remember to pick it up tomorrow, and then post it on the Peking Research Forum.”

The forum he said refers to a forum dedicated to researchers.

There are various scientific researchers communicating.

Li Wenwen glanced at the gray-haired teacher and nodded respectfully.

After that, she picked up a stack of papers and turned and left here.

Only Professor Zheng was left to continue staring at the data in his hands.

After a long time, he turned on the computer and began to write a research review.

The content of the comment is the fruit of Lin Feng’s devil.

In his opinion, the Devil Fruit is an unrealistic fantasy.

Things that can give humans special abilities simply cannot exist.

What’s more, the abilities promoted by the Demon God Fruit are too magical.

So what burning fruit can turn people into flames?

How could this happen!

The most advanced elemental wizards cannot turn into flames, even if they are the people who know flames best.

Why does the fruit cultivated by this gardener do such a thing?And the material of the Demon God Fruit is too mysterious.

Said it was the power of the demon god.

He also persuaded that using the Devil’s Fruit would be disgusted by natural elements.

Disgusted by the ocean, will you lose your strength in the ocean?

This is simply nonsense!

Does the ocean have its own will!

It is just a natural environment!

But this kind of thing has won Murong Xue’s approval.

As a high-level researcher at the Trial Space Research Institute, she believed Lin Feng so easily.

This makes Professor Zheng, who is also a researcher, unable to understand.

The Devil Fruit has not even undergone any verification and testing.

How can such a thing be used by the young people of Long Kingdom?

Professor Zheng turned on the computer and began to tap the keyboard fiercely.

He needs to write his opinion.

He wants to make a formal comment.

The young people must now understand that the Devil Fruit is like a fairy tale.

But more importantly, such a thing can never be exchanged for neutron state blooms!

Professor Zheng opened the calendar on the computer anxiously and checked the schedule.

After a while, it will be the day when the high-level materials for the second half of the year will be distributed.

I, someone who had just been promoted to a Tier 9 powerhouse, just caught up with the last train!

If this time, Lin Feng’s Devil Fruit is proved to be effective.

He will definitely jump in the line!

(Good good) Will be in front of myself!

Then it is very likely that you will be squeezed out of the distribution list!

Professor Zheng sweats on his forehead when he thinks about it.

He felt an anger in his heart.

As a dignified top researcher, how could Murong Xue do such a thing?

Skip animal experiments and go directly to human experiments!

Actually, we have to make such strange fruits a key material in exchange for high-end materials such as neutron ingots!

Thinking of this, Professor Zheng became even more angry and anxious.

The dignified shield of thorns.

Shouldn’t make such a mistake!

With this kind of thinking, Professor Zheng can tap the keyboard faster.

He wants to integrate all the information he can find now, and attack the Demon God Fruit!

This kind of thing cannot be true and effective!

The entire Beiping was surging because of the Devil Fruit.

A large number of people posted and discussed in various forums and gathering places of netizens.

More and more people are participating in the big discussion of Devil Fruit.

Beiping also became more lively because of this.

Many people have begun to rush to Beiping, hoping to know for the first time whether the effect of the Devil Fruit is really as powerful as Lin Feng said.

It’s very interesting.

It is often young people who have expectations of the Devil Fruit.

And those middle-aged and old strong people do not believe that the Devil Fruit is as powerful as Lin Feng said.

In such an atmosphere, Peiping seemed to become more enthusiastic and noisy.

Among the people who rushed to Peiping, there was a fallen priest who changed his appearance and moved forward with the crowd, Haska!

He started his journey with a lot of powerful equipment and potions!

This trip is bound to kill that young gardener! Ya,

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